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Mr. Darkjustice

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Everything posted by Mr. Darkjustice

  1. knobs also break all the time, aometimes without even knowinive had far more problems using one than not. my amps have lasted alot longer without it than with it. and before someone says it it has nothing to do with my gain or bass boost given i never turned either up no my previous amps
  2. i tried to search for you, but i came with extremely limited results. i say just go into a tire shop and ask them to do the work for you, and you take what they tell you and continue your search online. cause from what i saw youll have to know exactly what will and wont fit in order to shop it
  3. from what little i could actually understand, you're no better than the people you're trying to insult. you're so closed-minded your brain cant even form legible sentences. to my current knowledge ive yet to destroy any form of nature. yep i spend 0 time with my family....oh wait thats right i have no family. i spent my whole life raising myself so i have noone to spend my holidays with. oh yea and since i work my ass off for a living i can spend w.e the fuck i want on myself. finally the point you were tryin to get across about how 'us americans are' you just proved how much you were like us with your lack of knowledge and your little jumping to conclusions. i guess were bad, and youre an idiot. oh well ill get over it
  4. whats the bolt pattern. youll probably have to search for a list of cars with the bolt pattern. chances are any car close to yours will share it, and youll just have to compare them. or go into a tires shop and have them do the leg work for you hehe now that i think about it, i recall this guy that lived across from this milf i was..... setting up playdates with had your exact car, just in a dark green and he had 22s tucked under his with decent amount of rubber
  5. i stopped using bass knobs a long time ago. adds one more factor to be able to overdo things. it also helps my amp doesnt come with and has a clipping light PLUS you may know what youre doin, but what about the person in the passenger seat? the first thing any person will do is touch the button(or knob in this case)
  6. lol my badd i misread because of the caps. my statement is retracted HT was right i thought the TNTs were the amps hehe. sometimes speed reading is bad
  7. his gains would only be set properly if they amp does rated and not over or under, and its overrated
  8. if it wasnt for any country that would want our nukes would also use them on us, wed be selling them too. but then again whos to say were not selling them anyway and i say let their ass rot, so long as their not executed. last thing we need is another reason to walk into another country to start another war that threatens our 'freedom'
  9. if im not mistaken TNT isnt that great of a brand, so i would assume hes referrin to his gain. so you know OP. theres no way to set your amp 'half way' or any way to limit power just by turning the knobs. kicker warhorse excluded lol
  10. so are you planning to seal as much of the box off thats possible from the trunk lol. or keeping it as is
  11. deleted all but 3 most recent and still same problem
  12. everytime i get a new pm in my inbox if i try to view it i get this message Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 7654006 bytes) in /home/loudast/public_html/board/admin/sources/base/core.php on line 4928 i tried to pm some peoples that could help, but i dont know if im havin problems with people receiving them too so i thought id make a post for help. anyone else havin this problem?
  13. hey the last pm you sent me wont open up so youll have to resend it as a new message

  14. true story^^^^. and i thought what was destroyin youth involved gun violence . oh and im a youth, black one at that, and i only listen to rap and dont have a spec on my criminal or traffic record. so rap hasnt destroyed me.
  15. maybe she thinks all you do or focus on is audio? or that you mightve told her youre broke or havin money problems, but you might buy the amp? both of those could be possible reasons for her reaction. but we dont know the whole story so its hard to give good advice. if shes like that all the time, and youre not at the 'omg i cant live without her' stage than i would advise movin on from her, cause shell only get worse and your patience for it will dwindle. trust me on that
  16. some of those comments are dumb lol. pretty sure its about HIS white friends, not all white people
  17. when i had my 2010 i ran it at .5 ohm daily and it never got warm
  18. i used to work at a tire shop, never seen a 204 or 240. it goes from 195-355 in intervals of 10
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