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Everything posted by 99vic

  1. im not worried, its not in detail. google cant do much about it. yea its rough, but hey cant dwell on the past. gotta live and lean. the sad part is some never do.
  2. moms died when i was 11, it all went down hill from there.. pops booted me at 14, been on my own every sense, i have never had anything handed to me. i paid for all of my stuff, including my first car at 14. 1977 buick regal lmao.. my income wasnt always legal, but im glad i went through it and lived. it helped me to be a better person now.
  3. well i have been talking to knowledge, he said he is going to make things right with our deal. i posted the dirt, to be fair im posting the good as well. ill post more and change my feedback when its 100%complete.
  4. over the last couple months. i got a double din and a flipout from him(1 package). the double din had blown internals.(no sound) had it checked and they said it had been that way for a while because the burn smell was gone. the wire harness was hot glued, he told me that the double din was perfect. the only thing it did was power up, the flipout only played music wouldnt read dvd or cds. and was missing the harness he said it had. and not to mention the packaging was horrible( a double din and flipout ziptied together in a usps flatrate box with what looked like a little bit of styrofoam ran through a blender. when i told him i was intercepting the package i sent him. i told him to cover shipping and the fes to have them checked and i would give them back he was on top of trying to get something worked out. after i found out the package couldnt be intercepted and it was delivered, i never heard back from him.. until i sent him a message asking what he wanted me to do with the decks. he said he didnt know where i was. but before i got suspended i sent him a message giving him my email and cell number, i have 99% of our conversation saved in my messages. i also had a few members talking with him while i was banned. i have sold to him in the past and he paid quick with no issues, why this happened blows my mind. i hope you other guys have better luck with him. because as of now im out on 2 decks my bnib deck and some deadener which i had to buy from a friend. im not coming back to cause trouble. i probably wont past much more on here, but i felt that people need to see how my deal was with him. after trying to work stuff out for months, if mod or admin want to see what happened, to show im not BSing feel free to ask i have everything saved.
  5. this is less http://easttexas.craigslist.org/cto/1503555303.html or blow through http://easttexas.craigslist.org/cto/1502635542.html
  6. i guess the sotm win got to your head. to bad you had all your friends vote for you and paid mine to do the same oops i told you i wouldnt tell :shot:
  7. now im wondering why is mrs, HOEONSIXEZ hating on us? im sorry that you TRY to be exactly like steve. and i called you out on it? im sorry that you spent THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS on your jank ass install? but your redneck hill billy soundin ass is hard. mr marky mark god i wish i would of saved the pics of you trying to pose with your airsoft gun :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: hate our team all you want but your still begging to fly kasey out to take vids for you. PLEASE DO!! its all good little fella keep trying to be someone you could never be keep posting your gay ass youtube videos 30mins explaining why you did something for someone. with uummmm every other word : anyway thatnk for being jealous and putting our team pic in your sig. at least one of our haters rep the pic. T.N.C.B HATED BY MANY CONFRONTED BY NONE!
  8. that thing is fucknugly!!! its gonna take a real t3 fan to buy that lol
  9. lol i take it you dont eat at the table, and is that 2 tv's side by side in the background ?
  10. hope bill dont get jealous because he didnt get a pic with him
  11. 55 is probably the lowest your gonna get. i was talking to a guy at fedex store he was shopping 3 sets lol. didnt see the size but im gonna guess they were from 15s to maybe 18s he was paying 790 shipped from here to iirc iowa.
  12. iirc it was 3/4" at the 1st drop, because the wood lays perfect. then that 2nd one, and the 3rd is where i had the batteries and amps. i dont have anymore pics, someone else took them. it was very simple. i dont have the system anymore or id take some pics for you. i had the system about a month lol
  13. this is what was under the floor, the batteries were held in by L brackets. the floor was supported by 2x4 legs on each corner and one in the center. i took the whole seat out. we used a 3/4 piece of wood. it fits perfect where the lip is in the back( you will see what im talking about if you remove the 3rd seat) we measured 2x4s from floor to bottom of wood it all fit pretty easy.
  14. i had a duranghoe.. if you remove the back seat you can put batteries in that drop down area on the bottom .and build a dummy floor over them to make it flat and line it up with the 2nd row seats. you can kind of see here here is what was under the false floor as you can see there is plenty more room or you can do it like this with the amp on the other side i could fit 2 batteries there we later built a caver bit cant find the finished pic here is the other side where i had the amps
  15. now now dont talk about your friend like that. those 15s were bangin... if you stick your head in the port.you should dig into your ar pics and get teh one of him and david
  16. to an smd legend...AND kingsuv and davids nephew....s and loganberrys BFF XtremeSPL-SCAMMER(28), db_dragger_nv(28) :rofl: sorryyyy please dont ban me
  17. got bored after 1 min. however i do love me some old Bruce lee
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