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Everything posted by NotoriouslyLoud

  1. ways i have heard of stopping skip would be a disc changer... expanding form in the dash(this normal does not work out well).... ipod connection.... other then that maybe a better cd player, other then that skipping can be a bish.
  2. ooo yeah, you know we are behind you on this one pimp'n! Cant wait to see her done up and in the lanes. Those amps are the sexy
  3. werd bro, i live in iowa... in 93 we had to leave our house on a boat, when the levees broke we had about 12 feet of water in our area... man did that year suck... spent most of the summer in a dahls parking lot because our houses were considered too dangerous to go back too... flooding sux :mad:
  4. i have ran my btl 18 hard for over a year now and have not had any problems. I run it with a gx 3000 hifonics goliath ($750) at .25 ohms puts out about 3200. I have gone to many shows and beat the piss out of it, and the setup is in my daily driver so it gets beat on daily @ .25, and its still running strong with no signs of wear so far. I have not even at to recone yet. Along with my ho alt ($325) my batterys ($400) my mid channel amp a crunch pzi.175 ($125) t3 6.5 mids ($250) my hu avh-p5700DVD ($900) my current set up is running a total cost of a little over $3300 that does not include labor, parts, wood, all the shows, gas, food, wear and tear on the van, hotels, and entry fee's... it adds up quick.
  5. i work for a large non profit that deals with college debt and student debt. I talk to alot of students like yourself that had not really been prepared for college... and let me tell ya, there are lots of people like that. College is a huge deal, and most high schools really do not prepare you for what college is all about. What i would suggest would be to really just give it sometime. Maybe leave the college sense for now, and when you are ready, and can handle actually going to class and bettering your academic performance, then go back. If you are not ready, you will burn bridges and just get yourself in lots of debt. I personally have not went to college, i recently turned 21 and knew that if i would have went into college right out of high school, i would have failed.... hard... i like to party way to much right now, to have to worry about school, and bettering myself. Its just a choice that i knew i had to make... and i plan on attending class in the future when i have settled down. College is not for everybody, but if you give yourself the proper mind frame, and are really ready to push forward with your future go for it. Just kind of my .02 on the deal
  6. --> QUOTE(Eric B @ Jan 9 2008, 10:04 AM) 226527[/snapback] ....hopefully this is the end of winter... shit bro you are from iowa... you know this is only the beginning... don't kid yourself lol
  7. --> QUOTE(Eric B @ Jan 3 2008, 06:06 PM) 223084[/snapback] Well yea theres a few good established shops here in Iowa, AutoToyz in Coralville is nice, but its going to be hard just to jump in the game and compete with the other ones. But anout the rich bastards, In Iowa if there rich most of them are going to careless about systems and all that lol. Anyway good luck... x2 on that bro, i live in central Iowa, and right around the corner from elite. I think right now in central you could not open a show and have it do well. True ice and elite are doing well but what about music on wheels, car tunes, audio king (Huge store when it was around) go in those shops on a Wednesday and see how hopping there business is.... I would say that since you already have the mower bro go out there and bust your ass, with the money you make from mowing get yourself a truck and plow and plow in the winter and keep the money rolling in and keep the car auido a passion/hobbie .As far as car audio in central Iowa right now, i think if you were to open a shop it would be domed... not saying this to get ya down, cause i myself have wanted to open a shop out here for a long time, but as it stands right now, i just dont think your shop would last long. Good luck with whatever you deside bro
  8. i have one as well... pm if interested
  9. i run a single FI btl 18 and love it, i used to be a 10 guy for the longest and thought that and 18 would just be sloppy. Well FI proved me wrong lol. My 18 is fast deep and low and i love it. As far as drawbacks as it was stated they are big, for some that's a problem but for myself i have an astro van and plenty of room to play. SPL numbers are always hard to tell for any car because there is lots of different things that depend on that, but with the right 18 and power you could more then likely be able to get those numbers if you try test and tune, but again sometimes that's not always so easy. Good luck keep us posted!
  10. street b world record is currently 157.8. Don't let the name fool you street on a national level is just as expensive as most of the other db drag classes. There is a big debate going on right now in drag about what to do about street classes, because the price has gotten out of hand. But if you are just looking for fun and local competition you should be able to do well... but on a national level its a different story
  11. i would say first step would be figure out what kind of money you have to put into this sport. Then take your money buy the best equipment that your money can buy, then pick a organization and a class that you want to run. Build your setup take it to a show and have fun, once you have gone to enough shows you will see what it takes to win. Once you have your equipment you can always better your setup by testing and tuning and getting the most out of your setup. Try and find a local team in your area, most teams are more then willing to lend a hand. Most important this is to have fun, cause that's what this is all about
  12. you cant do big things in your whip if you are scared to get jacked..... if its going to happen its going to happen. All you can do is have a good alarm and a 45 under the pillow, and i think Memphis is got that covered Memphis bro you got big balls pimp'n that tv is massive, cant wait to see the install, are you at all worried about flex on the tv with your setup? Or is this mostly a show vehicle? Either way bro it is going to be sick!
  13. hell ya bro, i figured shit why not, have nothing better to do tomorrow lol. So a cheap bottle of soco later were doing pretty good
  14. what nobody drunk on Christmas eve!!!??? slackers just about done with the bottle of soco, should be a good night
  15. ^lol bro you need a dual 1 ohm speaker to run at dual 2... if you have already bought the dual 2 you will need a recone, if not then just get the dual 1.
  16. chicks love these things, and whats really nice is that you can load pic of you together with them and then give it to them.... they dig that kind of shit
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