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Status Updates posted by AlpineNut

  1. BF4 pwns BF1 & BF5 by a long shot!

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    2. meade916


      well that is your problem then haha! I love me some Bf4 but that shit looks and plays like shit compared to Bf1 or Bf5.  On a PS4 i guess it don't matter.  I ain't a Bf4 hater at all i got more hours on it than anyone on this forum i bet :D  


    3. blarg456


      BF4 was the shit back in the day but the same could be said for BF2. People didn't want to let go of that one either. You should try shooters on a pc, consoles do fps games a disservice. You gain so much control and accuracy. Once you go keyboard and mouse, you'll never go back.

    4. AlpineNut


      Only 354 hrs on the PS4 version, but I mainly only play on weekends.

  2. I miss my L712in Kicker & lanzar Vibrant 266!

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    2. n8ball2013


      My wife is a social worker. You'd be amazed at how many people on caseloads are on there lol.

    3. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Shit, more than half the females I grew up with is on there. I'm glad my wife was from the burbs. The crazy thing is, you could fuck my baby mom for a blunt and a shot of patron. Why spend 100 dollars or whatever she's charging for that and I know I reemed that mothafucka out when I was hitting it.

    4. Karkov
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