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Everything posted by ISO

  1. My brother pays $600 a month for 1 child. When the weekends come and he wants to spend time with his kid, he gets one night and if my nephew wants to stay longer the mom starts cuaseing probblems or calls and tries to make my nephew feel bad for not wanting to come home or starts to bribe him, like if he comes home she will take him to the water park or something else. She pulls the guilt trip thing on the kid and this has gone on for about 9 or 10 years. Oh ya she litteraly is a slut. Not bullshitting. Ny nephew is going to end up fucked up and its going to be her fault. Word of advice: When you break up with your girl don't keep fuckin cause you never know what might happen.
  2. I don't watch this stuff but it was on when I got home. All I know is there was this giant buildup for the race that took awhile, then they started the race and it only lasted acouple minutes and it was over. Then they talked about the horse witch was a couple minutes. Then the vet came on and said they had already youthanized the horse. I swear it couldn't have been more than 20 minutes from the start of the race, till the death of the horse. I thought what kinda shit is this. I didn't care for the whole thing a bit.
  3. That was funny as hell. I loved it when the guy said (Man you got to many goddamn altenators) Man that made me laugh my ass off. LOL LOL LOL
  4. Man Metallica and justice for all was one of the very first loud system I ever heard when I was a kid. Anyone that will pound that album I've got to give a lot of respect to. It brings back sooooooo many memories. I highly reccommend Megadeth the world needs a heroe. The bass on that album is so tight and very well recorded. Youd be impressed. Start with track 8 losing my senses.
  5. If you want a bass control instead of a dash mounted gain control I would suggest a phoenix gold basscube. You just need to keep checking ebay, they pop up on there all the time. New usually. That thing has some secrets. If you are interested in one PM me your Email address and I will send you the manual and the white paper. I would give you links but for some reason my links do not work anymore but I have everything downloaded.
  6. I lived in Ohio for 20 years. I know for a fact I had 2 run ins with deer and I think a 3rd but don't remember. In Tennesse for 6 years and so far no problems. Country deer and city deer are 2 different things. Country deer run from cars and loud noises. City deer run towards cars and loud noises.
  7. Man when I was 14 I was nocking off pearlings off the trusses so we could sheet the roof and I missed and caught myself right under my eye with the waffle and to this day I still got a nice little scar under my eye. The funny thing is no one believed me that I hit myself with the head. They stood around trying to figure if I could have done it with the claw. Nope it was the head and that one hurt like a b!tch. LOL LOL LOL.
  8. RCA outs are common on 80% of amps produced. Come in real handy if your head unit only has one preamp output. None the less Let me know how those things do. I read they are only 67% efficient at 1 ohm around 80% at 2 and 4 ohm. Enjoy man.
  9. I haven't got to play with the new slim line yet but I think they might be useing CAT 5 terminations now. I know they use them on the T10001,T20001,T40001 BDs so it wouldn't be possible to use the RFC3215 Bass coupler if the slim line Uses CAT 5 ends. To big to fit into the holes.
  10. Ya I'm sorry to be the baer of bad news but I had strong intentions on buying 2 of them. I talked to RF 3 or 4 months ago and from what I gathered from the conversation is that the slim line BD mono amps are stand alone units. I love thier bass knob its nothing like a wired level control. I would love it if someone call tech support again and asked the same question. What bugs me is I don't understand why RF feels people are't going to run multiple amps when they design certain models. Really how much more would it cost to add the feature of being able to use one bass knob on thier amps? If anyone calls them and gets a different response than what I got, I would appreciate it if someone would let me know? Thanks but I'm 99.999999999% sure its not possible without buying an after market item like a Poenix Gold Bass Cube.
  11. Dude I can't afford one right now,but if Jacob offers a preorder deal on them I will pull the money out of my a$$ one way or another. I really need 2000 watts at 1 ohm and the RF T20001BD is way to big for me. Already got 4 L7 10s and 2 RF 1501BDs. but hey man with 4 10s do I really need 3000 watts not to mention I don't have the capacity to run 3000 watts right now.
  12. NOPE! I have already talked to them a few months ago.
  13. Its not possible with those. You will need to buy an after market piece. I can't even get a wireing diagram from them to build a device. At least with the old BDs you could buy the RFC3215
  14. Ya I just lost one behind a retianing wall 3 weeks ago, so I bought a new one. On the second day I was pounding something into the ground and missed and hit myself between my thumb and first finger and it hurt like a son of a b!tch and left the brand new wafle imprint on the side of my hand.LOL LOL LOL
  15. Don't you just love the 22 ounce Eastwing with the wafle head. Never had to use one in a fight but as long as it doesn't get taken away from you, you should be safe from anyone as long as they don't have a gun. Hell I would take that hammer to a knife fight. WAFLE HEAD ooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh them bastards hurt buddy.
  16. Jacob, If the SAZ-5000D goes through how big of a set back will there be on the SAZ-2000D? And is there any chance you could fit a 2000 watt amp in a heatsink close to the same size as the SAZ-1500D?
  17. I was afraid thats what that meant too. I don't like the thought of anykind of meth. I've seen coke destroy enough lives already. Sorry to hear about your sisters situation. unfortunetly hes probbly going to have to hide out for awhile and if there is a warrant then maybe it might be possible to go to another state when things cool down and try to get nationalized and thats still a big maybe. Sorry man.
  18. I use Stinger Power2 batteries, I like them. After this law suite deal, I guess I would try the Powermaster brand.
  19. Man I want to go really really bad but I have too many responsibilites that I have to deal with. Hell, I got one of Jacob's Sundown SAX-100.2s one or two weekends ago and been dyeing to install it, but I just don't have time to do that. Hope you guys keep us informed on whats going on in North Carolina cuase I gotta start going to shows and at some point I'll be able to break away.
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