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i live in a house full of lazy ass ppl

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dude, im 19, married, and a father(wife went back to cali). everytime my mom drops something and sees me around close by (4-5 ft away), she tells me to pick it up. do i complain? no. im still living under their roof rent free while im saving up to move out. and with those 4 jobs your gramps had, he was feeding your mom/dad, and without that support, you wouldnt exist. be thankful you aint on the streets cuz anything can happen in st.louis. come on, rent free while working? thats something i can live with.

How do the Japanese feel about bass?

You know that since 03/11/11

Progene? I just saw that stuff on CNN. They said it makes your junk shrink all up. lol.

im pretty sure the op wont even notice if it gets even smaller.

Refs - Pstone11, porksoda, coleman

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i get it...move the fuck out and whatever. I know all about what can happen in St Louis I grew up there. Chances are I'd be dead by now. One thing I should mention, I have a bad heart. All this stress and shit I have to put up with is not good for it. When I was younger I would be tired all the time, never any energy. At age 19 I had open heart surgurey and things started looking up for me. I had energy, could do the things I couldn't do as a kid. Now here it is 10 years later and I'm feeling the way I did when I was younger. No energy, course that could be cause I'm an insomicac and get up at 6:30 am. But I just feel myself getting more and more drained each day. Now for me to have to always be moving around doin shit for other people, makes it difficult for me to find the energy to do what I like. What makes me feel good, instead I spend my day trying to please others.

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oh and another thing, I know ya'll are suggeting that I save and move out. Well when 99% of my check goes to gas and insurance. I have nothing to save. Hell I help put food on the table thanks to food stamps. I do a lot to get what I have. Only way I can get out of here is if I sell my car, really don't want to do that cause it took me a long ass time to get my license problem worked out. On top of that, it would only get me the money for a deposit and first months rent. What good is a place of my own when I cant afford rent plus utillities?

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here is my thought on this, i understand things are hard out there in benton ky i know the area very well, i know you feel like you got alot on your shoulders but at the same time they helped you out, they are old, i think doing there little chores is no big deal considering when you are out on your own you still have to do the same shit plus pay all the bills get groceries and gas and everything else. by the way benton ky sucks ass, so does paris, tn lol i had to through that in there im ranting too lol :drinks:

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I'm not trying to be a dick so please don't take it that way. Maybe it was just how I was raised but 1. If you are living somewhere rent free then you do all the chores out of respect and as a way to "pay rent". 2. If my grandparents need anything, anything at all. I would drop what I was doing to help them. They're elderly, they're the reason you are alive, and you never know how much time you have to spend with them.

I'm 20, a full time student, and make about 100 bucks a week. I scrape change every every week to pay for gas and food and then I have to find some way to pay for my tuition. If I didn't still live with my parents there would be no way to do it. They let me stay here because they want me to finish school so I can make a name for myself. So any time they need something done, I do it. It doesn't matter how stupid I think it is. A lot of parents kick their kids out at 18 to defend for themselves so I appreciate everything they do for me.

Obviously I don't know your whole circumstance, just what you have told us. But be thankful that you have a roof over your head. I beleive you posted something about going back to school. Look at these times as a motivation to go back and come out with a degree so you can make a better life for yourself and your family so they don't have to deal with the bullshit you've been through. Once again, I mean this all in a positive way. Keep your head up.

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My friend your livin rent free stop complaining over little thing I guess you never actually had a tough job in your life. Some of the young teens this days complain about everything How I wish u guys had my life, you guys would kill yourselfs I bet

nevertheless there you grandparents respect them no matter what .

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i really should find those papers so i can get out of here, i rather be on my own. there i dont have to worry bout what people think or say. i can choose to do what i want, when i want. sure i have to cook my own meals and pay my own bills and that stuff. but really, i dont care.

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i know where your comming from with this, my girlfriend is going through the same thing just 10 times worse, she does every single thing you can think of from, cooking her family dinner, washing up , washing there clothes, to scrubbing the bath, toilet etc feeding all the animals they have 8+ animals all up and to even getting her mum nd dad drinks when they are in the room right nxt to the kitchen, while everyone in her house just makes mess and walks away expecting her to clean up after them and when she doesnt she gets introuble or yelled at. so i know how hard it is on you to have to do everything around your house,

my only advice for you is to stand up for yourself and ask them if they could help out a bit more around the house, or to just deal with it and just wait until you have enough money to move out

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