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i was just arigned that has nothing to do with any of it once u get charged with something you go see a judge and they decide what to do weather to send u to jail with bail or without or to realease u on ur on or under the supervision of probation

I picked up an MTX Sw1212 powered subwoofer today. This thing sounds amazing. 130 watts, 12" woofer with a passive 12" woofer tuned to 27 hz. Moving the pictures on the walls and my girl got wet from the bass when i showed her haha. Tonight should be good haha.

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Man, thismwhole thing is just fucked. Everything logical that I could say is just tossed out of the window because the system is making this so hard for you. Damn, Its crazy how hard this is for you. I know this post isn't helpful, but I'm prayin for you man, this is bs and eventually the dust will clear amd the truth will shine through.

I hate long signatures....

...what the fuck is wrong wiht you you fucking fuckity fuck fuck head...

Mtnbikecrazy55 Feedback

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well idk everythings all done now im just trying to think of my defence my thing is if i told her to text me and make up shit making it look like she stole my phone and such. why wouldnt she tell me no and go to the cops? why would she just wright a statment when shes the one that could be getting into trouble?

idk i filled out my public defender aplication gona mail that in tomorrow i just really dont want probation to violate me over this shit then end up going to prison anyway even though i feel like i can beat this. im just scared that now that shes saying i told her to send me those texts my evidence is useless but she also talked to my cousin and ik this girl is gona run her mouth to him and i cant wait cause ima print that shit out stupid fast. im just trying to figure out what i need to beat this in court all i have is those texts that shes now saying i asked her to send me so i wouldnt get in trouble? as well as the conversations over aim where she talked to my cousin but idk if those would be admicible in court becouse there just a print out of the conversation they had. my cousin already said he would wright a statment saying that she has told me that. maybe i can use that as my defence if i asked her to tell me that then why did she also admit it to my cousin.? althought she admitted to me from her cell to mine and she admited to my cousin over aim.

thanks so much guys for all ur help thoughts opinions prayers everything you guys have said means alot to me

I picked up an MTX Sw1212 powered subwoofer today. This thing sounds amazing. 130 watts, 12" woofer with a passive 12" woofer tuned to 27 hz. Moving the pictures on the walls and my girl got wet from the bass when i showed her haha. Tonight should be good haha.

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Your best bet is for a pointed attorney research and figure out your best route to go. You will get much further along this way. Let the attorney fight the battle and you mind your p's and q's and stay FAR FAR away from the ex. Also, get your witnesses information lined up. This will help things go faster and smoother for the attorney. You might end up in jail initially, but once proven not guilty, you will be free and charges dropped. I would also ask the attorney if you should file a restraining order against the ex and maybe ask the PO...I'm curious as to why the PO hasn't responded and if he/she did, what he/she said.

Keep your head up man. System may seem to be against you, especially as a prior conviction, but if you are innocent and you can prove it, charges will be dropped. Patience is key! AND DO NOT DO ANYTHING DUMB! Shit just hide out at home until all clears.



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my po called me today. basicly asking me how i was holding up telling me not to do anything stupid. asking what happend i told her my ex was charged. she told me she does have to tell the court that i was charged with another crime and that shes gona ask that instead of violate me they wait and see what happends with these charges. i told her that i fully intent to take this to court. she was telling me if i do take it to court its going to go to grand jurry and they they will decide if they have enough evididence to take it to trial or if they wana drop it. my ex has against me is words as well as her grama and all her family is prolly gona run there mouth and say a bunch of shit but all they have against me is here say i have writtin within text messages her admitting to what she did. my ex has no evicence against me aside from her statement and just words. my question is what would be enough evidence on my part that this case would get thrown out instead of potentially going to trial. becouse like ive said this girl is crazy so ik shes gona try and contact me and run her mouth and the same to my cousin and possibly girlfriend. so im just gona wait for that to happen then just keep getting shit up against her. if i do get violated from probation becouse of catching these no charges how should i go about fighting the violation. in my probation it says im no soposed to be charged with any new crimes so becouse i was charged does that automaticly make me guility? ive always done everything ive been asked on probation ive been violated before but that was cause of prior charges ivolving this same girl. i wish i would have just stoped talking to her after that but hine sight is always 20 20. but with in the violation shes gona inclued basicly what ive said above that ive always done everything i was asked on probation.

when the da or who ever looks at the evidence to see if they wana prosicute and if its worth going to a trial or not what exactly do they look at will this be after my laywer sees all the evidence i have against her or do they go solely on the police reports. becouse with the police reports i have the texts she sent me along with my statement and she has her one statement saying i was harrassing her then another one saying she didnt want me to get in trouble so she is now saying i told her to send me those texts. if that was the case why would she wait till she was brought in on a charge to tell them that? idk im just trying to figure out what i can pick apart as far as her testimony goes

I picked up an MTX Sw1212 powered subwoofer today. This thing sounds amazing. 130 watts, 12" woofer with a passive 12" woofer tuned to 27 hz. Moving the pictures on the walls and my girl got wet from the bass when i showed her haha. Tonight should be good haha.

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find out if the county judge wants to violate my probation on tuesday. im trying to think of how i can fight a probation violation for the new charges. if thats what happends idk though. it could cause part of my probation says i cant get any new charges but if im found not guilty idk if i could still be violated or not. if so thats kinda fucked up the way that works is they have a hering to determin if i violated my probation so idk if just showing that judge the evidence i have against my ex idk grrr :(

I picked up an MTX Sw1212 powered subwoofer today. This thing sounds amazing. 130 watts, 12" woofer with a passive 12" woofer tuned to 27 hz. Moving the pictures on the walls and my girl got wet from the bass when i showed her haha. Tonight should be good haha.

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im trying biggest thing right now is waiting to see if im gona get violated if not them its just waiting to take this to trial she has no evidence against me though she doesnt have texts of any conversations where as i do. so idk being its a felony doesnt it have to go infront of the da office for them to decide if its worth taking it to a trial or not?

I picked up an MTX Sw1212 powered subwoofer today. This thing sounds amazing. 130 watts, 12" woofer with a passive 12" woofer tuned to 27 hz. Moving the pictures on the walls and my girl got wet from the bass when i showed her haha. Tonight should be good haha.

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