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So last night, one of my good friends and i are riding around town bumping some tunes and we decide to go to walmart and walk around. Well we pull around back to the automotive section to park and another one of our friends is sitting in his truck with some buds smoking some..., well anyway, we go inside and come out and theyre still there. So we go talk to them and they are GONE! Theyre having a good time laughing. My friend i was riding with just broke up with his girlfriend of 2 years and just wants to be single. She keeps calling him and worrying him to death. She thinks our friend is trouble, which he may be, and keeps threating to call the police on us for hanging out with him. So we leave and go to McDonalds for some food at like 11 and she calls and he answers. She asks a random question and then says where u at? He tell her mcdonalds and she hangs up. Well we leave and pull around the drive thru and right when we hit the corner 2 police officers were standing there waiting for us, telling us to park. They tell us to get out and search us and take our I.Ds. Searched the car and everything looking for something. They must think were drug dealers cause my friend has 12 grand in his system, a black car with black wheels, 5%tint all he way around, and no job as of now. Anyway they give him a ticket for his music, and tell us to go straght home. So on the way back to his house, i call the guy we met in the truck and see what hes doing and tell him what happened. He said he was coming back from Willys house, who was a dealer and he was dropping him off. So we get back to Barrys house and his girlfriend calls and they argue over this whole thing since she has been making threats and the cops were waiting for us around the corner. She says she didnt say anything and there is a narc riding around. She finally tells us who it is and she says its that Willy character. And he was in the truck when we were at walmart!.So then we start to think. Alot of people have been getting busted lately and all have been hanging out with thta guy. Including my friends and i. I dont smoke cause i think its dumb, but alot of my friends do. and to get searched like that with no suspicion(sp?) is crazy. Ive got pulled over in the hood before and not been searched like that...Fucking police and snitches!!!!!

Sorry had to ramble, if u read this good job, if not thats cools to. It just sucks to have friends, well think u have friends, that are deceiving and will snitch in a second! And we had the windows down and they told us to roll them up, and when he did he said well thats a ticket to. i saw your tint! I hate some police

And why would the k-9 be waiting at mcdonalds? they thought they had something..suckers

Sorry, the end!

Edited by pink_floyd

Lets Go Ski

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snitches get stitches <- Damn it feels good to be a gangsta

And end up in ditches......who is the gangsta now??? haha j/k...seriously tho, narcs are EVERYWHERE bro, there was this old nasty smelling homeless guy that rides up to sonics on his bike, we thought he was cool ya know, old timer, found out that bitch was a narc for the cops.......some f*cked up shit aint it....haha

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i know how oyu feel. my own brother did the same thing to me a few years ago. i did 2 years because of that crap. itll really teach you who loves you and who doesnt

More like it teaches you what you should & shouldn't be doing...

4 15" FI Q D2's in 12 cubes tuned to 32hz

1- T1000.1bd's

3 Maxx 29 deep cycles

4 runs of 1/0 gauge

-Big 3

-Trunk sealed off from the cabin

Custom 15.8 dual-volt switching MLA module

All in a CAR.

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Dude lemme say this

At times you get whats "suspicion by association". You hang with gansta's you get assumed to be one too. Hang with dealers and get associated as one too. As such you got pinned by that point.

You gotta calculate the risk of being around them, like you do everything else in life.



"No poor dumb bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He did it by making the other poor dumb bastard for his country."

George Patton

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