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Please... Convince me my future isn't dead..

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As an American I can't help but feeling completely pessimistic about our future...

Police brutality, lack of freedom of press, lack of free speech, the dismantling of the right to assemble, and now the "e parasite bill".

Oh yeah, corporate tax loopholes, false political promises, self sabotaging republicans, insider trading, failed budget cuts, imminent depression, corporate personhood, lack of infrastructure investment, continuously ncreasing unemployment rate, a congress that clearly only makes decisions based on corporate influences (and nothing else)... Decrease in veteran health care, failed social security, shit for nothing health insurance, I could go all day...

What the hell do we have to be proud of anymore?

I'm in college... Why? To get a good job. Why? To make more money. Why? To pay off my college loans.

What do any of us have to look forward to?

Pioneer x930 bt

Rockford t2500 bdcp

18" nightshade v1

DC audio 175.4

RF power T162s up front, infinity 3 way 6x9's in the back (removing rear stage and re-doing doors soon)

3x XS power D2700's

Knukonceptz 0awg all around

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when the future looks bleak, consider the past


2005 Dodge Magnum RT

2 PPI S580.2

Obsidian Audio ST1 Horn Tweeters

PRV 8MB450s

Audio Legion 3500.1D

2 RE MT 18s

360 ah LiFePO4 Battery
SHCA 2/0

155.2 @ 29 hz

Kicker CVR 15's build
DD 3512e build
Mini T-Line Build
(6) 8s Build
Nightshade 15s Wall Build
Magnum AB XFL 12s Build
Newest Magnum Build

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The mistakes of the past are being made again... What is there to think about?

What our country was SUPPOSED to be?

Don't get me wrong, a year ago I would say despite everything the USA was still the best place to live... Not anymore.

Don't even get me started on the e parasite act. Say you need to figure out what is wrong with your car, or why your amp won't kick on, or who songs a certain song... Google, dead. Forums, dead. Facebook, dead. Wikipedia, dead. All that information you used to be able to get for free with a little bit of help online, gone.

Pioneer x930 bt

Rockford t2500 bdcp

18" nightshade v1

DC audio 175.4

RF power T162s up front, infinity 3 way 6x9's in the back (removing rear stage and re-doing doors soon)

3x XS power D2700's

Knukonceptz 0awg all around

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And I'm not saying were the worst off country in the world, FAR from it... But our core values are disappearing.

I have voted, I have contributed financially to causes I support, I have educated myself, I have written letters to politicians, I have called and given my opinion to secretaries (who promise to relay my message, ha). Millions of others have done much more than I ever could, and I still feel like every single effort is worthless. The voice of the people will not be heard without mass amounts of money.

I'm disgusted, scared, and depressed about the future...

Pioneer x930 bt

Rockford t2500 bdcp

18" nightshade v1

DC audio 175.4

RF power T162s up front, infinity 3 way 6x9's in the back (removing rear stage and re-doing doors soon)

3x XS power D2700's

Knukonceptz 0awg all around

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The mistakes of the past are being made again... What is there to think about?

i want you to look at this very carefully. at some point in the past there was a good time. then we made mistakes. then a good time. then mistakes.

everything in life is based on cycles. feast->famine and repeat.


2005 Dodge Magnum RT

2 PPI S580.2

Obsidian Audio ST1 Horn Tweeters

PRV 8MB450s

Audio Legion 3500.1D

2 RE MT 18s

360 ah LiFePO4 Battery
SHCA 2/0

155.2 @ 29 hz

Kicker CVR 15's build
DD 3512e build
Mini T-Line Build
(6) 8s Build
Nightshade 15s Wall Build
Magnum AB XFL 12s Build
Newest Magnum Build

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Its not necessarily what your doing it for! Its more how you choose to live the life that was given to you.

Greed is what got our country and many other countries where they are today. Its not a new thing its happened over and over throughout history its just the first time in our history that so many people have access to the idea (TV, Movies, Books, Internet, ect...) that if you work hard it will pay off (for some people it does but if you thought about how many people who try for the same goal who didn't get where they wanted and compared it to the people who did the odds wouldn't be that good I'm sure). Somebody has to be at the bottom nobody wants to be the mouse that gets eaten by the snake, or the snake that gets eaten by the mongoose, or the mongoose that gets eaten by the cougar and so on. Its just the way it is. There is always going to be someone at the top of the food chain. In our country its the 2% of the population that has all of the money (and make all of the decisions). Take it back a five hundred or more years your average run of the mill farmer or peasant didn't make any decisions. It was the king and queen and the aristocrats (that damn 2% again) who had all the wealth and made all of the decisions.

To me its just another day in history.

You take it for what it is. Do what you can. Live your life, and fuck the bullshit!

Thats just my opinion

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I have my opinions, but choose not to share them due to the fear of sounding ignorant...moar research! (before Google gets shut down)

2004 Ford Mustang GTPioneer DEH-P7200HD head unitMach 460 Factory System

Cadence FXA1600.2

Cadence S2W10

Cadence 4 AWG wiring

Ported box, 2 cubes, 32 hertz

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