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How much lower will this make my tuning?


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I have a home theater system enclosure with a 10 and a 12 in it and I want to invert the subs to try and lower the tuning. They're small subs, like 150-300w rms each so they don't take up loads of airspace but lets say the enclosure is tuned to 43hz and I inverted these subs, would the tuning drop to like 38hz? Or not even.

E34 540iT/6

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10 and 12 in the same airspace?

How big is the enclosure now?

Tuning of current enclosure?

Displacement of speakers?

I'll answer those in the same order.

I don't know, got it from a friend and haven't looked inside

Don't know airspace, but dimensions are probably 2.9 ft x 1.5 ft x 1.9 ft sorry..

From playing it for the past two weeks I'd say 40-45

Don't know displacement, the 10 is a sony xplode (got it for freee.........) and the 12 is the home theater 12 I don't remember the brand...It's okay if you can't help, I was just wondering if it'd be a waste of my time to invert them to get nearly no tuning change. I think itll drop a few hz..

E34 540iT/6

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