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has anyone ever wanted to fight you for your system being to loud?

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Never threatened for a stereo but I had a guy threaten to kill me because I burned out in-front of his house and his kids play in that street. Lol I was like your kids shouldn't play in the street. And another guy yelled at me for driving fast past his house so when i drive by now i crank the stereo and fly by doing 55 in a 25. its one of my sisters friends dads

real mature

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Never threatened for a stereo but I had a guy threaten to kill me because I burned out in-front of his house and his kids play in that street. Lol I was like your kids shouldn't play in the street. And another guy yelled at me for driving fast past his house so when i drive by now i crank the stereo and fly by doing 55 in a 25. its one of my sisters friends dads

Dude it's not cool when theirs lil kids if it's a redential area then who cares if they play on the street

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I bashed up an eagle talon with a baseball bat because of some kid trying to drift around the corner and he got stuck in my yard. He was being a bitch and wouldn't get out of the car, had his gf with him. Way to impress her lol.

Edit: what I'm saying is don't do stupid things around kids. If he would have hit one of my siblings I would have blown his head off.

And the fact more than one person agrees does not make it a circle jerk, it makes it a bukkake scene and you're in the middle ;)

Chick took 3 shots of Jager, and then, pissed in my mouth..

B5 Passat Build Log


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Never threatened for a stereo but I had a guy threaten to kill me because I burned out in-front of his house and his kids play in that street. Lol I was like your kids shouldn't play in the street. And another guy yelled at me for driving fast past his house so when i drive by now i crank the stereo and fly by doing 55 in a 25. its one of my sisters friends dads

Dude it's not cool when theirs lil kids if it's a redential area then who cares if they play on the street

First time driving a stick on the streets and had to learn on the fly it happens. And I don't even go by there any more because this guy hates me. And the kids he is talking about were classmates of mine that are now 20 this was 2 years ago

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Never threatened for a stereo but I had a guy threaten to kill me because I burned out in-front of his house and his kids play in that street. Lol I was like your kids shouldn't play in the street. And another guy yelled at me for driving fast past his house so when i drive by now i crank the stereo and fly by doing 55 in a 25. its one of my sisters friends dads

real mature

This guy decided to call my parents to tell them what i was doing. He decided to fly by me when i was doing 35 in a 25 and he was doing 70 I don't listen to hypocrites. And I have no respect for the guy anyways. If you give your kids pot, beer and pills you lose all my respect and I'm gonna try to piss you off

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One time i was sitting at a red light and my driver side window was maybe 1/2 way down and all i had on was my stock speakers and such. And some dude to the left of me started yelling at me. So i turned it down. And he cussed at me and continued to bitch. So then i decided to turn up my gain and bump. I couldnt hear him, so he flipped me off and drove off ahah

Sorry if it puts a bad name to us, but i turned it down and he still disrespected me. So i decided to piss him off further.

The spot with least resistance LOL.

I would ground to a rubber dildo if it had less resistance than a run of 4/0 wiring.

how many poeple work there 3 or 4 lol

At crescendo HQ? probably 2-3

At the sweatshop in china? 30,000 children

No Engine

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I've probably had some people yell at me but all the dynamat, bass, and highs/mids especially, I haven't heard them. I bump full tilt at red lights and everywhere that people are because I want them to hear it, with my front windows down. The looks after sound deadening and a 4-channel are mostly people in aww. Plus I don't play shitty radio music. Before that I had 2 12"s instead of just 1 and all this rattle and people just mean mugged. When people do mean mug, I just roll up my windows so they can see how drastically quiet it sounds sealed up.

My theory is it's the all-bass, rattling cars that pisses the majority of people off -- I even was annoyed to shit by my own previous build. If the bass and mids/highs are balanced with good sound quality, I think people are more likely to smile and listen to the song. Quality systems are really rare in my neighborhood and there aren't many people with systems anyways. I do love to show up people at gas stations with their stock system on blast, though :D

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I've probably had some people yell at me but all the dynamat, bass, and highs/mids especially, I haven't heard them. I bump full tilt at red lights and everywhere that people are because I want them to hear it, with my front windows down. The looks after sound deadening and a 4-channel are mostly people in aww. Plus I don't play shitty radio music. Before that I had 2 12"s instead of just 1 and all this rattle and people just mean mugged. When people do mean mug, I just roll up my windows so they can see how drastically quiet it sounds sealed up.

My theory is it's the all-bass, rattling cars that pisses the majority of people off -- I even was annoyed to shit by my own previous build. If the bass and mids/highs are balanced with good sound quality, I think people are more likely to smile and listen to the song. Quality systems are really rare in my neighborhood and there aren't many people with systems anyways. I do love to show up people at gas stations with their stock system on blast, though :D


The spot with least resistance LOL.

I would ground to a rubber dildo if it had less resistance than a run of 4/0 wiring.

how many poeple work there 3 or 4 lol

At crescendo HQ? probably 2-3

At the sweatshop in china? 30,000 children

No Engine

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