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Got this in my Mailbox.. What would you do?

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Put a hidden camera on your vehicle and play your music again, then go in the house and see what happens. I dont like weirdos putting notes on my car, if he had a problem he should have called the cops.

one of the dumbest post in this thread. So piss off the other neighbors as well which is why he received the letter in the first place. Smart move! I swear kidz these days


Im not a kid genius, but unlike you I would want to know who was stalking my home. Some of us would take threats seriously. So far every one of your posts in this thread missed the point.

The dude also said if he kept it up.... If he wouldn't blast his music at his house he never would have got the letter.. He wonthave any problems, threatening the guy will cause more trouble than good, if he stops, no issues... What's so hard to see about that concept

Because he was threatened at his own home, thats the big deal. He was wrong sure, but for a neighbor to actually threaten you at your own home is a separate issue all together. Maybe you wouldnt have a problem being threatened or maybe you are used to it, but some people dont put up with that sort of thing.

so, if you continue to pursue it, it will cause more problems.. and you might end up having to hurt or kill some one, or let it go and no one gets hurt..

and saying he would break a window is not threatening some one, thats destruction of private property, but if he did it, he wouldnt be charged with attempted manslaughter which most of you guys seem like the guy is out to kill the OP or something..

so, who ever takes it as a personal threat when hes threatening objects, is a tard...

and no, HE was not threatened, his OBJECTS that he OWNS was... ALSO.. thats only if he continues to do what hes doing... if he stops, problem is SOLVED... some people must love to make shit complicated for no fucking reason

The DC Integra 3 18s to 6 15 build log

Team_DC-Derrick's Youtube

Team DC Audio

where theres a will theres a wall.......

I just realized Steve has reach Voldemort status, over on JP's site he is the one who will not be named....."We dont speak his name over here, fearing it will destroy us" LOL not even in hush tones

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While I wouldn't be in this position because I respect thy neighbor, you being a douche bag doesn't justify him making threats to break into your house. I already said what I would do.

wow reading > than you

he said break a house window not break in.. are people really this stupid? your gonna overreact to a overreaction

Grammar > You

Yeah, I read. Got my thoughts mixed up. I wouldn't call someone stupid and then use the wrong form of "your".

oh nos grammer police ATTACK!!!!.. at least i can read :P

Have you ever had your woofers blown?

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This is stupid!!!!

dude was mad made a letter yes he over reacted in his letter.. but then people like bigsix are overreacting to the overreaction just plain stupid come to my house ill shoot you.. cause you left a stupid letter in my mail box (mad face) the OP was a moron for playing his shit at his house end of story he diserved that letter

oh ya


I'm not overreacting to shit homeslice.. especially if the author of this letter was the same dude the wrote the one saying he was going to poison dudes dogs.. those are serious threats, regardless on any circumstances, telling someone you are going to beat them up, steal their shit, poison their pets etc. are some serious ass things to say, so I'd be on high alert about that shit. You might be cool with someone threatening your well being, pets lives, and personal property, but I'm not. You wanna tell me you're going to kill my dogs or fuck my stuff up because of something trivial like a little loud music as opposed to being civil and just asking to turn it off and not do it anymore...... then thats your problem and after making those threats, you'd best not step onto my property, as you have already announced your intentions are to do harm to me or my shit.. My whole point is the author of said letters is a douche, and if you wanna make serious threats to someones well being or property, then you had best be ready to deal with equally serious repercussions when you decide to act on those letters. If its loud and disturbing during hours that it shouldn't be, call the police, file a report, cool, you did it right. Dont threaten someone with things that can be a felony, only asking to get fucked up. If you knew someone that said If I see you again I'm going to fuck you up, you probably wouldn't walk up to them and give them a hug if you saw them at the store, correct? you'd probably be on gaurd and be ready to throw down...Same line of thinking (but based on your statements, you'd probably high five that guy and invite him over for chips and circle jerk time). I did not advocate any sort of vigilante justice, only stated that if I were in this situation and that twat pop actually acted on his threats, he would be met at the door with serious consequences. It isnt smart to fuck around this day and age with shit like that. might get you capped.

1999 Lincoln Town Car-(build underway)

- (2) SA15s, 4th order, DAT 2500.1, O2 mids n highs, 250a alt, HC 2400, Big 3....

1994 Pontiac T/A for speeding tickets.-

- Currently on jack stands, wanting to be a real race car

"Your local forecast, all the ladies in the metro area should expect to see 8 inches tonight" - The Todd

Decaf, on 01 November 2011 - 02:38 PM, said:

i provide the ammo for destruction, the trigger finger is connected to the volume knob tho

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Put a hidden camera on your vehicle and play your music again, then go in the house and see what happens. I dont like weirdos putting notes on my car, if he had a problem he should have called the cops.

one of the dumbest post in this thread. So piss off the other neighbors as well which is why he received the letter in the first place. Smart move! I swear kidz these days


Im not a kid genius, but unlike you I would want to know who was stalking my home. Some of us would take threats seriously. So far every one of your posts in this thread missed the point.

The dude also said if he kept it up.... If he wouldn't blast his music at his house he never would have got the letter.. He wonthave any problems, threatening the guy will cause more trouble than good, if he stops, no issues... What's so hard to see about that concept

Because he was threatened at his own home, thats the big deal. He was wrong sure, but for a neighbor to actually threaten you at your own home is a separate issue all together. Maybe you wouldnt have a problem being threatened or maybe you are used to it, but some people dont put up with that sort of thing.

so, if you continue to pursue it, it will cause more problems.. and you might end up having to hurt or kill some one, or let it go and no one gets hurt..

and saying he would break a window is not threatening some one, thats destruction of private property, but if he did it, he wouldnt be charged with attempted manslaughter which most of you guys seem like the guy is out to kill the OP or something..

so, who ever takes it as a personal threat when hes threatening objects, is a tard...

and no, HE was not threatened, his OBJECTS that he OWNS was... ALSO.. thats only if he continues to do what hes doing... if he stops, problem is SOLVED... some people must love to make shit complicated for no fucking reason

If anyone thinks a brick sailing through a window in their home doesn't constitute a personal threat then they are either naive or stupid. I would take that threat extremely seriously because I wouldnt want to be living in fear. So how many blocks away from your home should you turn the stereo off to be sure this guy doesnt hear it at all?.
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This is stupid!!!!

dude was mad made a letter yes he over reacted in his letter.. but then people like bigsix are overreacting to the overreaction just plain stupid come to my house ill shoot you.. cause you left a stupid letter in my mail box (mad face) the OP was a moron for playing his shit at his house end of story he diserved that letter

oh ya


I'm not overreacting to shit homeslice.. especially if the author of this letter was the same dude the wrote the one saying he was going to poison dudes dogs.. those are serious threats, regardless on any circumstances, telling someone you are going to beat them up, steal their shit, poison their pets etc. are some serious ass things to say, so I'd be on high alert about that shit. You might be cool with someone threatening your well being, pets lives, and personal property, but I'm not. You wanna tell me you're going to kill my dogs or fuck my stuff up because of something trivial like a little loud music as opposed to being civil and just asking to turn it off and not do it anymore...... then thats your problem and after making those threats, you'd best not step onto my property, as you have already announced your intentions are to do harm to me or my shit.. My whole point is the author of said letters is a douche, and if you wanna make serious threats to someones well being or property, then you had best be ready to deal with equally serious repercussions when you decide to act on those letters. If its loud and disturbing during hours that it shouldn't be, call the police, file a report, cool, you did it right. Dont threaten someone with things that can be a felony, only asking to get fucked up. If you knew someone that said If I see you again I'm going to fuck you up, you probably wouldn't walk up to them and give them a hug if you saw them at the store, correct? you'd probably be on gaurd and be ready to throw down...Same line of thinking. I did not advocate any sort of vigilante justice, only stated that if I were in this situation and that twat pop actually acted on his threats, he would be met at the door with serious consequences.

I agree with you 110%.
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Put a hidden camera on your vehicle and play your music again, then go in the house and see what happens. I dont like weirdos putting notes on my car, if he had a problem he should have called the cops.

one of the dumbest post in this thread. So piss off the other neighbors as well which is why he received the letter in the first place. Smart move! I swear kidz these days


Im not a kid genius, but unlike you I would want to know who was stalking my home. Some of us would take threats seriously. So far every one of your posts in this thread missed the point.

The dude also said if he kept it up.... If he wouldn't blast his music at his house he never would have got the letter.. He wonthave any problems, threatening the guy will cause more trouble than good, if he stops, no issues... What's so hard to see about that concept

Because he was threatened at his own home, thats the big deal. He was wrong sure, but for a neighbor to actually threaten you at your own home is a separate issue all together. Maybe you wouldnt have a problem being threatened or maybe you are used to it, but some people dont put up with that sort of thing.

so, if you continue to pursue it, it will cause more problems.. and you might end up having to hurt or kill some one, or let it go and no one gets hurt..

and saying he would break a window is not threatening some one, thats destruction of private property, but if he did it, he wouldnt be charged with attempted manslaughter which most of you guys seem like the guy is out to kill the OP or something..

so, who ever takes it as a personal threat when hes threatening objects, is a tard...

and no, HE was not threatened, his OBJECTS that he OWNS was... ALSO.. thats only if he continues to do what hes doing... if he stops, problem is SOLVED... some people must love to make shit complicated for no fucking reason

If anyone thinks a brick sailing through a window in their home doesn't constitute a personal threat then they are either naive or stupid. I would take that threat extremely seriously because I wouldnt want to be living in fear. So how many blocks away from your home should you turn the stereo off to be sure this guy doesnt hear it at all?.

where did the letter ever once say it was going to be a brick through a window? he could walk up and elbow it for all we know.

the point of the letter was the OP is sitting in front of the house blasting the music... if he turns it down even before he gets home, like 1 block, the guy might not care at that point, but since he didnt come out and talk to him about it like any normal person he could see where his limits were..

point being, if he doesnt do it anymore, he wont have to worry...

The DC Integra 3 18s to 6 15 build log

Team_DC-Derrick's Youtube

Team DC Audio

where theres a will theres a wall.......

I just realized Steve has reach Voldemort status, over on JP's site he is the one who will not be named....."We dont speak his name over here, fearing it will destroy us" LOL not even in hush tones

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" Well gee officer, I got beat up and my stereos gone and my dog is dead... I guess thats because I asked the dude that wrote me those letters telling me he was going to that, why he was in my house in the middle of the night..."

Yup real fukkin smart there. Ill pass on that, Id rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6. I have a good lawyer and a castle doctrine, I'll take my chances. This world is getting to be pretty fucked up.. Look at what happened to VIPmeetSPl.. dude got straight jacked by people he knew.. can't trust anyone anymore and you have to take shit at face value in this kind of situation.

AND just in case I havent made it clear, yup I'd shoot a motherfucker, without a second of doubt or hesitation if I believe myself, property or family to be in any sort of eminent danger. Wouldn't be the first time. Ask dude that tried to rob me a few years back. I

1999 Lincoln Town Car-(build underway)

- (2) SA15s, 4th order, DAT 2500.1, O2 mids n highs, 250a alt, HC 2400, Big 3....

1994 Pontiac T/A for speeding tickets.-

- Currently on jack stands, wanting to be a real race car

"Your local forecast, all the ladies in the metro area should expect to see 8 inches tonight" - The Todd

Decaf, on 01 November 2011 - 02:38 PM, said:

i provide the ammo for destruction, the trigger finger is connected to the volume knob tho

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" Well gee officer, I got beat up and my stereos gone and my dog is dead... I guess thats because I asked the dude that wrote me those letters telling me he was going to that, why he was in my house in the middle of the night..."

Yup real fukkin smart there. Ill pass on that, Id rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6. I have a good lawyer and a castle doctrine, I'll take my chances. This world is getting to be pretty fucked up.. Look at what happened to VIPmeetSPl.. dude got straight jacked by people he knew.. can't trust anyone anymore and you have to take shit at face value in this kind of situation.

the point being, if he stopped doing what he was doing, he wont have an issue..

why is no one comprehending any of this..

if you know there is an area in your city where people ALWAYS get carjacked, are you going to go through that area? No, of course not.. because you dont want to take that chance..

similar to this situation, dude just handled it the wrong way.. but he said if he stops there wont be a problem.. whats the problem here?

annnnnnd since we dont know who it is.. cant pinpoint who to blame, so continue to be an asshole to EVERY neighbor, or stop and be respectful and never ever have to deal with this problem ever again?

seems like a easy solution, most of yall seem like you would rather egg the guy on to shoot the guy than to avoid the situation all together

The DC Integra 3 18s to 6 15 build log

Team_DC-Derrick's Youtube

Team DC Audio

where theres a will theres a wall.......

I just realized Steve has reach Voldemort status, over on JP's site he is the one who will not be named....."We dont speak his name over here, fearing it will destroy us" LOL not even in hush tones

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My problem would lie in the fact that he physically threatened me.

my problem would also lie in the fact that most likely its the same person who threatened to poison his dogs.

You don't do that kind of shit unless you are ready for some serious shit to go down. As I have already said, If it were me, and all the note said was something to the effect of " its too loud, it wakes me up and shakes my house, please stop or Ill inform the police".. cool, point taken, sorry about being a dick.

But when you wanna jump str8 to vandalism, menacing, animal cruelty.. well regardless of the fact that my loud music put your panties in a bunch.. now we have a real problem. There is a right way and a wrong way to address a problem.

Why are some people not comprehending that? In this day and age there is a very likely possibilty that this person can or would act upon those threats, regardless of further provocation or not. That isnt to be taken lightly.

1999 Lincoln Town Car-(build underway)

- (2) SA15s, 4th order, DAT 2500.1, O2 mids n highs, 250a alt, HC 2400, Big 3....

1994 Pontiac T/A for speeding tickets.-

- Currently on jack stands, wanting to be a real race car

"Your local forecast, all the ladies in the metro area should expect to see 8 inches tonight" - The Todd

Decaf, on 01 November 2011 - 02:38 PM, said:

i provide the ammo for destruction, the trigger finger is connected to the volume knob tho

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man the fuck up and just beat said neighbors ass with the two fists you were born with if he's trying to break your shit. i understand you don't know what he has, but remember the law, if he has no weapon, then there's no intent to danger if there's no said weapon, and if he does have a weapon, shot to injure not kill otherwise that's manslaughter, jesus. oh no someone broke my window, i have to shot then and kill them. maybe if we take a fucking look at how our grandparents, great grandparents, etc. grew up, we'd realize they're more fucking men then we are saying we're going to shot said people instead of talk to them and if they still have a problem just give 'em a good 'ol fashion ass whoopin.


Two 12 inch DC XL's

Carbon Fiber Cap

Stetsom 7k

Shell of box / baffle built by me

Port / sealing the box by John Hone

Fuck midrange



price has no influence on how something sounds

I told him to move the fucking port.

they see me hoppin they stoppin they can't believe im so white and dirty

It looks like you got so drunk, that someone came up and stole your leg.

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