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You would be WAY better off buying 1 quality amplifier and 2 quality woofers. And trust me...Sundown is infinitely more "reliable" than Hifonics or Power Acoustic.

We could help you out a little more if we knew what your budget was. 2 SA-12s or 15s on a quality 1200 watt amp would sound much better than what you are planning.

And there are more quality brands than just Sundown. Read around here a little. There is much to learn here.

-98' Ford Expedition (Rest in Peace)


-Crescendo BC5500

-4 18" DC m2 Level 3.

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Well I do no a ton of good brands and if u read back a little i have my budget cause a wild ago I Planed on doing a small wall in my car with a single 15 in kicker cvr with a kicker amp both runnin at 1000 rms down to a 2 ohm rating cause I really can't afford a 2 ohm dvc with an amp that can run 1 to I think .75 ohms cause if I could I would have 2 walled kickers runnin at the .75 rating (or at least I think it's .75)

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Your posts are starting to hurt my brain. Please keep reading as much as you can. Take advice from those that give it. Don't overcomplicate things either. It seems like you're a fan of "theory". Throw your theory out the window, a lot of things on paper in a perfect world, do not apply in the environment of a vehicle. You don't have to run any brands that are suggested, but the ONE piece of advice I'll share with you is TAKE your time. Take your time planning your system, take time buying items if you need to. MOST importantly, take time designing and building your sub enclosure. The shittiest of subs can sound decent in a great box. Don't attempt to throw "4 12s because SURELY 4 will get loud" in a space they would work best for 2 12s. I can promise you, all the mistakes have already been made before you. Ask around and try not to make those mistake by listening and staying open minded.

Sorry for the long post. There are a lot of new guys that come to this site that get no advice because they are unwilling to listen. There are also guys like yourself that have a chance to learn IF you're open to it.

Im not the one you want to try to troll. Just a fyi for you.

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This is the reason y i posted this to help me find the best way to do a good build case anyone can just slap a bunch of subs in a car but I want to have a system that I can b proud of and not have to worrie about it cause iv blowin 5 12's and 2 amps and I no the risk but I dont want to buy shitty subs I appreciate the help and I have a bunch of time I always try to study what I'm gonna do or buy so I'm not a complete spead on this I no what I'm doing I just don't no brands to well

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If you've already blown 5 subs and 2 amps, you need to stop buying and start learning something. Forget everything your "buddies" told you, in fact, forget everything you've been taught so far, because it hasn't gotten you far. Read around here for another month or two and then start putting your system together based on the knowledge you've acquired.

I can almost guarantee what you have planned right now is going to sound like complete garbage.

Just say no to Ground Pounder Customs.

More box builds

some cars do over 170db with one sub, so clearly my two 12"s can do that in my car, with my knowledge too! look out bitches!

I'm with captain stupid.

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well the 5 subs were really cheat ass visonics they can in a sub amp combo kit which was the very first system i ever bought whic was about 4 years ago cause i figured if i get it i wouldnt have to worry about the amp blowin the subs well i was wrong the amp blew the subs so since they were still under warrantee i got a second set and the same thing happened so i said fuck it and got a 10in xplode which was to much for the amp and fried the chip aand the other one i used for spare parts and the 12 in dual i put a screwgun threw by accdent but after i got a good amp and good sub i havent had any issues

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You didn't learn from your mistake though!! You have no idea how to properly use that equipment, which just sets you up for failure in the future! You have yet to prove that you know enough about how a car stereo works to prevent future equipment failure. On top of that, you haven't even considered getting decent equipment. I'm not sure how you can even say those hifonics square subs are "sticking with what you know" when it sounds like you have zero experience with them.

I don't mean to come off as a douche, but you have some serious learning to do before I would consider any of your systems anything more than a fire hazard.

Just say no to Ground Pounder Customs.

More box builds

some cars do over 170db with one sub, so clearly my two 12"s can do that in my car, with my knowledge too! look out bitches!

I'm with captain stupid.

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Your amp didn't blow because the sub was too much for it to handle. It doesn't work that way. You either had your sub wired down below the minimum impedance, or let your voltage drop so bad that the amp fried.

Your subs likely blew because you had the gain on the amp cranked all the way up, and you were clipping the subs to all hell.

Edited by 412 CVX

Just say no to Ground Pounder Customs.

More box builds

some cars do over 170db with one sub, so clearly my two 12"s can do that in my car, with my knowledge too! look out bitches!

I'm with captain stupid.

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