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lights dim more with big 3?

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What amp are you using? You know your amp just could have been limited by the stock wiring, then when you replaced it the amp is able to pull more current.

i shook this one kids hand and it just folded in mine. long story short i fucked his girlfriendso.. yeah..

You want this to happen to you? Give decent handshakes people.

I was gifted with an innate ability to distribute wholesale ass beatings in a timely and orderly fashion.
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Your lights are dimming more because more power is being fed to your amp. The power is not bottlenecked by the small wire anymore. So your amp will be sucking more power. Having lights dim after a big 3 upgrade isn't anything out of the ordinary.

1996 GMC Sonoma
Four Fi BTL Neo 18's In 2:1 6th Order Bandpass
2 Ampere 5k's @ .5



On 10/20/2013 at 0:37 AM, KillaCam said:

Fucking with a Prius driver is like making fun of a disabled kid. Pussies.

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