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welcome to my hell!! that smell didnt stay just in the garage it was in our whole house just not as bad, been like this since tuesday. The only blessing I got was when my co-worker was farting all day and kept asking "can't you smell that? Because those are horrible!!" I just looked back and explained how after that skunk I cant smell SHIT! btw it wasnt actually a skunk it was called a "civic cat" and they look like a skunk, racoon, a cat and a squirrel all had a baby together. But they spray just as bad as skunks and I hate them just as much lol!

Funny how the people who have a louder system than you will usually give you a compliment about your setup because they know how much blood, sweat, time, and money you put into it. The people who criticize or try and one up you....have a p.o.s to no system at all and will tell you all about this "other" guys system! Saddley I'm sure if I meet this "other" guy...he will probably tell me he thinks your just as annoying as I think you are!

I'm not compensating, just proud of fabricating!

My build log: 10k center console with 4 DC Audio XL 10's powered by 2 DC Audio 5.0k amps 5 xs batteries and dual DC Power 300xps alts


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So anyway, small progress report. got rid of all the stupid brackets in the back and the big hump/stud for the jack handles and the the ones for the jack themselves!

Also found an awesome way to rout my power wire to the back without drilling any holes on the inside of the cab, well sort of.



Spot weld remover, worked great but I did go through the cab a couple times because the backets were plenty thinck but the metal on the cab is like a freaking soda can. its really really hard to not go through. even when you drill them perfectly when you go to rip the backets off sometimes it would just rip them open. oh well! came out cleaner than my last truck honestly!


here's a few examples


Very glad the get this gone, it kind of made my box uneven and was had to get it to fit so with this gone life will be soooo much easier :) this one came out clean!


got rid of some studs for the jack mount and yes there is a strip of deadener in there! A buddy is getting ready to deaden his chevelle he is building and wanted to check this stuff out so I said he could help me get mine all laid out and I'll help him with his! Win, win!


Took a sanding disk to it all and and got it nice and smooth ready for deadener!




ok so now here is what Im thinking for running my power wire, it will run strait along the frame rail here coming from the alts.


then directly right of that body mount there is this gromet(which I will be making much bigger)


That goes into a channel that runs along the whole truck


Then here is a view looking down my c-pillar, which connects directly to that channel that runs along the bottom of my truck.


and it took almost a half hour but I got this one piece of metal out that was blacking the c-pillar from that bottom channel. Its not welded just glued with some foam crap. But we got it out and ran a fish tape along the channel and it didnt feel like anything was blocking it so I think its good! I'll have at least four runs going in 2+ and 2-


Couldn't be a more prefect spot! This if you guys remember is right next to where my rear battery bank is. Im excited to get these in! It's going to be a bit of a pain but should be worth it!

Funny how the people who have a louder system than you will usually give you a compliment about your setup because they know how much blood, sweat, time, and money you put into it. The people who criticize or try and one up you....have a p.o.s to no system at all and will tell you all about this "other" guys system! Saddley I'm sure if I meet this "other" guy...he will probably tell me he thinks your just as annoying as I think you are!

I'm not compensating, just proud of fabricating!

My build log: 10k center console with 4 DC Audio XL 10's powered by 2 DC Audio 5.0k amps 5 xs batteries and dual DC Power 300xps alts


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Yeah, cant say your build didn't give me any ideas lol! It got me looking and I'm glad I found this way!

well guys I kind of cheated!


couldn't stand not having any music at all in my truck so I put my kick panels back in and rigged up the headunit to run the t2's off the crossovers so I can at least have something! They actually don't sound half bad at half volume, if you turn it up too loud it defiantly has noooo bass haha.

I noticed without music I seemed to daydream more when I drive and would pay less attention to the road...not cool! I have to go up to phoenix this weekend and was not going to make that trip with no tunes. Also my girlfriend is hooking me up with some much needed tint on this truck so it's worth hauling a goosneck up for her :)

Will have to get some sound deadning done before the 4 hour drive because this truck makes it hard to hear a phone call with the windows up and no music. Mainly blocking the rear cab vents will make the biggest difference but I am trying to get some work done on this truck

Funny how the people who have a louder system than you will usually give you a compliment about your setup because they know how much blood, sweat, time, and money you put into it. The people who criticize or try and one up you....have a p.o.s to no system at all and will tell you all about this "other" guys system! Saddley I'm sure if I meet this "other" guy...he will probably tell me he thinks your just as annoying as I think you are!

I'm not compensating, just proud of fabricating!

My build log: 10k center console with 4 DC Audio XL 10's powered by 2 DC Audio 5.0k amps 5 xs batteries and dual DC Power 300xps alts


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  • 2 weeks later...

Well finally got to work this weekend and started deadening this thing. Sorry not much to show but took a good 12 hours of work to do it, so I'm posting it :)

Here I drilled a few holes in the hump that the port side of the box rests on and used about 4 cans of great stuff and filled in that giant cavity!


Then I got some fairly thick sheet metal and gobbed some silicone on it to use to cover the holes where my cab vents were. Help on pretty good without screwing it there but I shoved some foam blocks between it and my bed to hold it there while it dried. Its solid now!



then more deadener. lots of places I went 2 layers ended up using all 100sq feet on just the floor and the roof! still need to do the b & c pillars finish the back wall and all the doors soo probably will be ordering another 100 sq feet lol! I also used another 6 cans of great stuff to fill in the roof cavities.




I wanted to show my buddy how much better it was and so I made a fist and pounded on the roof and it was just a solid thud! Went over to my dads truck and did the same thing almost dented in the roof because of how flimbsy it is lol!

Got the interior back in the way it was so now I think the next step it to get the electrical beefed up :)

Funny how the people who have a louder system than you will usually give you a compliment about your setup because they know how much blood, sweat, time, and money you put into it. The people who criticize or try and one up you....have a p.o.s to no system at all and will tell you all about this "other" guys system! Saddley I'm sure if I meet this "other" guy...he will probably tell me he thinks your just as annoying as I think you are!

I'm not compensating, just proud of fabricating!

My build log: 10k center console with 4 DC Audio XL 10's powered by 2 DC Audio 5.0k amps 5 xs batteries and dual DC Power 300xps alts


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So decided to start a little project...I've tried a few things before but I decided this way is going to be my best bet. I really wanted to keep both speakers behind the factory grill but was having depth issues so Imma try this out.


did all this cutting with a dremel and cut off wheel. Body saw was too sketchy


then cut a lot of reliefs and slightly counter sunk the mdf ring so it angles up and out.






wanted to countersink the speakers in the mdf but I am going to be using the grill and the rings would have been too big so had to do surface munt style....not as cool but it will match the qlogic kick panels so can't be too upset, although I do prefer the counter sunk or reverse mount speakers.

I am not looking forward to wrapping these, need some fiberglass supplies so I will do that tomorrow!

Funny how the people who have a louder system than you will usually give you a compliment about your setup because they know how much blood, sweat, time, and money you put into it. The people who criticize or try and one up you....have a p.o.s to no system at all and will tell you all about this "other" guys system! Saddley I'm sure if I meet this "other" guy...he will probably tell me he thinks your just as annoying as I think you are!

I'm not compensating, just proud of fabricating!

My build log: 10k center console with 4 DC Audio XL 10's powered by 2 DC Audio 5.0k amps 5 xs batteries and dual DC Power 300xps alts


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thanks man! I have to say I wish I had your drive that you had going on your civic! Kinda slow but I have a feeling things will be going a bit more consistant and should be getting some stuff done...we will see. I only have a an hour maybe two I get to work on this.

Funny how the people who have a louder system than you will usually give you a compliment about your setup because they know how much blood, sweat, time, and money you put into it. The people who criticize or try and one up you....have a p.o.s to no system at all and will tell you all about this "other" guys system! Saddley I'm sure if I meet this "other" guy...he will probably tell me he thinks your just as annoying as I think you are!

I'm not compensating, just proud of fabricating!

My build log: 10k center console with 4 DC Audio XL 10's powered by 2 DC Audio 5.0k amps 5 xs batteries and dual DC Power 300xps alts


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