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Ok this is a long story and i realize most wont read it so ill condense it as much as possable. Three years and about nine months ago i met my ex. Things were troubled from the start and we broke up about a week into the relationship because i didnt want to go to the bar again that night. We had went to one bar or another every night that week so i just wanted a break. I should mention i dont drink. So three or four days later she calls me crying and wants me to come over to talk. She explains that she went on a bender ( meth and alchahol) and wants to straighten up and would i help her. Iwanted to say no but didnt have the heart. Over the next month and a half i learn that she is fresh out of prison and that she has lost a daughter to cps and that she is a full blown alcaholic addict. I deal with it, get her into meetings and get her cleaned up. When she started the meetings we also find out she is pregnant. I assume and she tells me its mine so we start looking at houses and furnature. The ex seems clean and the baby is borne we name her serenity and all things seem fine. There were some signs that she was using again or at least wanted to. Allmost imediatly she is pregnant again. So more meetings and such. The second daughter we name patience. Fast forward till the oldest daughters second birthday. Her sister comes to town and wants the ex to go to a pool party alone at her hotel. Im upset but just want to spend time with the kids so i tell her to go.( i have to go to work atm so i will finish this post at lunch.)

I just wish i had a funny sig.

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Ok so when she got home at about midnight she wanted to pic a fight with me, i told her i had to work the next day and was going to bed. She followed me yelling and screaming abou some old crap that i had done. I tried to sleep but she wouldent stop, so i went out to the shop where i fell asleep. About ten minutes after i fell asleep she comes out there yelling and screaming waking me up. And all of the nearby neighbors. So i go back in the house to avoid the cops being called. This goes on for about three hours when the cops finally do come and ask her to leave. She wouldent go without the kids so i llet her take them. She checks into a battered womans shelter and after an investigation they release her cause iv never been the least bit abusive to her or the girls. I get a lawyer and take her to court to at least get visitation. That works for a minute and on my second weekend she gets arested for public intox. I file for custody and get it. So now she has visitation and is constantly asking to modify it or reschedual. Im a bit of a softy and allow most of it. Two months ago i find out that im not the father of the oldest one. My lawyer tells me not to worry about it we can still get custody to just calm diwn and let things flow.so i do. A couple weeks ago her step mom calls me and wants to meet up in a few days cause she has dates and times when she had recently bought and sold drugs at her house. We set it up for monday, the sunday before the meeting her stepmom is found dead. Yesterday i had to give custody of the kids back to my ex because i dont have any evidance against her. The lawyer thinks if we go to court that i will lose all rights to the oldest one cause she isnt mine. As it stands i get standard visitation with bolth of them. He says what we are hoping for her ti get busted and then swoop in to file full custody and remove her rights. But basicly i have payed this lawyer to wisper sweet nothings to me feed me bs and sell me out at the end in the hope for fairytails. Thankyou ti anyone who had the patience with my horrable mobile typing to read this. I know its one huge runon and apolagise. Im just needing to vent some pressure about turning my kids over to this woman. For her sake i hope nothing bad happens to my kids cause then i will lose all restraint.

I just wish i had a funny sig.

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That's some fucked up shit man, and I agree the system is flawed in so many ways. Which incan only say as a person looking from the outside as I'm so grateful I haven't had to be involved in anything like that personally.

But keep fighting for your kids man, sounds like she would be a horrible mother to them anyway

I hate long signatures....

...what the fuck is wrong wiht you you fucking fuckity fuck fuck head...

Mtnbikecrazy55 Feedback

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Ok so when she got home at about midnight she wanted to pic a fight with me, i told her i had to work the next day and was going to bed. She followed me yelling and screaming abou some old crap that i had done. I tried to sleep but she wouldent stop, so i went out to the shop where i fell asleep. About ten minutes after i fell asleep she comes out there yelling and screaming waking me up. And all of the nearby neighbors. So i go back in the house to avoid the cops being called. This goes on for about three hours when the cops finally do come and ask her to leave. She wouldent go without the kids so i llet her take them. She checks into a battered womans shelter and after an investigation they release her cause iv never been the least bit abusive to her or the girls. I get a lawyer and take her to court to at least get visitation. That works for a minute and on my second weekend she gets arested for public intox. I file for custody and get it. So now she has visitation and is constantly asking to modify it or reschedual. Im a bit of a softy and allow most of it. Two months ago i find out that im not the father of the oldest one. My lawyer tells me not to worry about it we can still get custody to just calm diwn and let things flow.so i do. A couple weeks ago her step mom calls me and wants to meet up in a few days cause she has dates and times when she had recently bought and sold drugs at her house. We set it up for monday, the sunday before the meeting her stepmom is found dead. Yesterday i had to give custody of the kids back to my ex because i dont have any evidance against her. The lawyer thinks if we go to court that i will lose all rights to the oldest one cause she isnt mine. As it stands i get standard visitation with bolth of them. He says what we are hoping for her ti get busted and then swoop in to file full custody and remove her rights. But basicly i have payed this lawyer to wisper sweet nothings to me feed me bs and sell me out at the end in the hope for fairytails. Thankyou ti anyone who had the patience with my horrable mobile typing to read this. I know its one huge runon and apolagise. Im just needing to vent some pressure about turning my kids over to this woman. For her sake i hope nothing bad happens to my kids cause then i will lose all restraint.

Whoa dude, thats some freakin tv show! I feel for you. Your best bet would be to contact cps and they will watch her like a hawk. And when she does screw up and she will screw up you will be right there to take action.









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I cannot stand the way the mother always gets favord. Fathers are alwasy and automatically put in a negative lighte and it's a bunch of crap. Every cituation is unique and needs to be analyzed as such. Sucks you have to go through this bro.

<>< Collosians 2:13-14, Philippians 4:13, 1 John 4:7-10

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