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A statement from my heart to this community

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TL;DR This is a message from my heart to the people of this community. I am sharing this because I care enough to sit here and write this to you when I could be doing an infinite possible different number of things.


But right now I want to sit here and type this to you, using up one of my 300,000 hours left in my life (if I live to be 75). I've already used up 210,000 hours. It didn't feel like it. Hell, I'm still a kid at age 24. You were born a human being on a big rock that is really nothing more than a pixel in comparison to the universe. We are living on a spec of dust traveling 66,000mph around the sun, in a solar system that is traveling 560,000 mph around the milky way. Our minds can't comprehend it. The fact that you exist is a miracle. Your time here as a human being is finite.


Why are you here? Do you like bass, speakers, wiring, fabrication, and things of that nature? This is the answer for most, and this is who my target audience is. I just want to let you know I am concerned with this community. Well, maybe not concerned. Frustrated is the word, and I am part of it! I am frustrated with myself and others here.

Lately, I have stopped reading up on car audio related topics and have focused my time more on surfing the web, drinking, smoking, and sleeping when I'm not slaving away at work. I feel like the guy that is forced to push a stone up a hill, only for it to roll back down again every time.

I have become numb to the hobby. Soon I will probably sell the little bit of gear I have left and move on to whatever I want to next. But why? The reason is I am bored and lazy. Until recently.

Have you ever made a list of 10 things you wanted to accomplish in a week? I have, and I never once finished. These were easy tasks like cleaning the car, running errands, and fixing stuff. I never did it until it was almost too late. I could probably do it all in a day but I'd rather surf the web or go out and shoot pool. Now these are fun and it's good to relax, but too much is cancerous to my sense of meaning.

I see a lot of helpful members here, but I also see a lot of cancerous members here. Stop it. Your knowledge of car audio is finite because you let it be. You have no right to degrade other members of this community. You took the time out of your short life to kill somebody else's passion and motivation for this community; all in an attempt to heighten your feeling of self worth when you, yourself, could be studying how each component inside of an amplifier works. That should not be allowed here. Encouragement is a powerful tool to motivate. Start using it more.

Alexander Graham Bell worked his ass off to create the first audible speaker. We take all of this for granted, and still manage to shoot off repugnant remarks to each other over the internet concerning electrical concepts he already had a grasp of 150 years ago.

ALL of this information is available more easily now than ever before in the existence of us on Earth. But who the hell cares, Honey Boo Boo is on in 10 minutes.

This rant was not structured very well but I hope this encourages even one more member here to stick their nose in a book. Actually, when I finish my MECP advanced book in a week I will give it away to someone who will promise to read it. But only if he ships it off to the next person who is interested. Anything to keep the flame kindled and gears turning.

Keep going!! No matter what you want to accomplish. Car audio fans who claim to be audiophiles and bassheads. KEEP GOING!!

These amplifiers are not all made by geniuses. They are made by people who sought to learn and then applied it to an application. Oh, but wait, you mean I have to take time out of my life to LEARN? If you don't feel like it then that's on you. Go watch Sports Center while the thinkers excel this hobby for you. Just don't come bitching when a piece of equipment is "over priced" to you.

Actually, how about Tony D'Amore teach us how to assemble a DD1 or Amp Dyno from scratch because we have the nerve to think that something else can do the work more cost effectively. Umm, duh. He configured a bunch of electrical components into a single device and it does all the work we can't even begin to understand because Sports Center sounds more appealing right now.

Meanwhile, Tony is probably playing with some tools you don't even know how to turn on. You could learn if you wanted to. He can tell you, or you can learn it for yourself. Just be willing to put some effort into it.

I hope you all find motivation to learn something interesting and apply it. Peace be with you guys, Sports Center is about to come on.

DAT 4125------>RE XXX comps active

Eclipse cd7000

I serve drunks for a living :D

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Dude that's deep right there. I know kinda what your sayings. I've let people piss me off and discourage me from audio. But if your realy in to this you will be back . Don't let people kill what you love or enjoy doing . And I take breaks from car audio sell shit say I'm done building and I never make it past 6 month bass less . . ..

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Knowledge is the key to life. Without knowledge there isn't much you can do in life. Their are endless amounts of sources of knowledge out there that are waiting to be absorbed by the right person or by anybody for the matter of fact. Watching tony do so of the stuff he does and how he does it with such ease just baffles me sometimes. If anything, we should at least to do our very best to try to get on or near his level if knowledge. I know that the more I watch what he does, the more I am driven to try to meet his level or surpass it.

My build log http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/topic/143943-2001-mustang-gt-system-rebuild-box-build-pics-updated-61512/

2001 Ford Mustang GT

4.6 SOHC 380HP

270 amp Mechman alt

2 12" Treo SSX custom built.

6.47 cu ft, tuned to 32Hz

2 hifonics Brutus 2400.1, strapped

1 optima yellow top

1 Kinetic HC1800

14.4v @ 29Hz, 2k RPM

over 100ft 1/0 XS flex wire

Big 3 in 1/0

100sq ft fatmat deadener

145.3 on music, 142.6 sealed on music

Stop being a pussy and wall it off.

I hate when my google breaks too

I think the usps must be ran by a bunch of drunk ass oriental midget monkey's on methamphetamines.
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hmmm beest thing i can say to you is find something else in your life you can tunnel your love and pation into... some guys do it with drugs sex and rock and roll, others spend all there time on a women and one day they wake up wondering were there life has gone and what to do next... some get scared and commit sucide after they loose a job and or love one and can't find reason in life. If i were you don't spend so much time on audio, don't spend so much time on the internet and defintly don't spend all your time on one thing in life!! it's way to short!! i use to be into paintball, rc cars, car performance parts, computer gaming, home audio, car audio and i love to travel! so what i do is i invest my time in many things not just one! by doing this i don't get sick of a hobby as fast! i have many friends with many different trade's and i can meet and connect with random people to help make more friends! :D i have been on a allot of forums and every one hits a point were everything just seems like a repeat post or repeat thread and its allot like life if you do something to much it just become's a repeat and you keep waiting and hoping you will achieve a different result driving you insane. Channel your time into more than just one hobby and balance your time! also by being knowledgeable in other area's it helps when coming up with new projects and idea's. If i were step back and try new thing's don't leave just find other ways to spend time! at the gym or join a beer league sport team. Hang out and find what your friends are up to! im 24 also ^^. this yea i cut my drinking down by more than half and managed to save alot of money to put towards a down payment on a house! if you want something bad enough and set proper goals you will get it. Don't expect to get there with out bumps in the road and other challenges but enjoy the journey getting there it helps the goal completion feel that much better :D. when i started back packing countries i learned don't let little shit get to you take it one day at a time and enjoy each day as it comes

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