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wft!!! box problems


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It will not pressurize with a rag top. You can still throw your system in. It won't be mind blowing though and it won't matter top open or to closed, it won't pressurize either ways very well. You don't have to take my word, but results will not be great or probably very impressive. Every day listening, yeah it will reproduce bass. Anything more than that, you'd be so lucky.

When was the last time you saw someone try to put a system in a soft top Jeep?

Sorry I had to...

Team NorthWestSPL

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so a sealed box would suit me better then a ported box at this point? would it be louder then a ported box? cause after reading I thought the reason for a port was to bring out the low notes or vice versa. the moving subs is what create the pressure. sound..... correct me if im wrong...

would a sealed box be louder then a ported box im my situation

Think of creating pressure like this:

The rag on the top will act as if you have opened a door in a sense. The cabin of the vehicle is no longer sealed so there's an area for the pressure to escape. Depending on how big this area is though may work to your advantage. Think of it as opening a window or a door. I'm not saying this applies to all vehicles, but from my experience if I'm sitting on the driver side of my vehicle and open a passenger window, my driver's side gets louder. I think that's where the acoustics comes in. Sort of how if you're metering and you open your driver's door your score typically goes up. I don't know much about this so I'm going to stop before I put anymore of my foot in my mouth, but hopefully somebody else will chime in

Chris, you pretty much nailed it man. It all depends on how the setup loads/pressurizes within the vehicle. I'd recommend subs up with the port into the b-pillar, so you'd have to knock some width off the box, maybe even run some aero's. Or porting forward...

sub up port forward maybe. I will have at least 6" to 10" free in front of the port if I do a sub up port forward deal. might be a good idea there

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I still don't understand why so much pressure will be lost. like the above states, if I put my window down when playing my system that shit amplifies lol. if I put all windows up it actually get quieter to me. I also have a system in my Chrysler 300 with the driver seat down to get a little louder in a sealed box that's where my assumption came from. I would think a ported box in the same circumstance would amplify a bit more. maybe not with the port up but I hope sub up port forward would work. some one can chime in if im wrong.

or maybe even sub forward port forward? idk

and why the hell is that jeep so dam loooud lol that amazing :WTFBubble: soft top?

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Two things:

First: That JEEP.....JESUS! Im not sure how he got it work, but it's impressive as hell.

Second: I've lost the ability to help you. You're going to try something that I can't predict for you the outcome. Be prepared to spend tons of time testing and tweaking. I understand the door and window open argument, but at the end of the day, you always had a SOLID roof to help pressurize your cabin. You will effectively lose that roof and it may help, it may hurt. My experience and knowledge are going to tell me that it's going to be HARD to get any kind of loud without a big budget. But once again, what is loud? If loud to you is 135dB, you may be in luck. Loud also feels different in different vehicles.

So I don't think I can help you any longer. You kind of seem set on running what you want to run anyways and more power to you. I wish you luck and I'll watch the build once you start. Your idea of ported and sealed and what you think may be louder is going to be HARD to apply to a vehicle that no longer has a solid top. Factors like which direction to point a port or subs is also going to be difficult to suggest because of your cabin acoustics. I don't think many guys will be able to give you any guess or prediction about performance of a sub setup in that truck.

Edit-Fixed for grammatical errors.

Im not the one you want to try to troll. Just a fyi for you.

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yeah but, no one has said will it be better ported or sealed. i understand i will not be ear bleeding loud but it should produce some type of pressure some how. this is fro the every day driving car not for comp at all. its here for my liking not to impress anyone. i dont want anyone in here having bad feeling towards me im just trying something iv never did before and needed help

sealed or ported? no one answered

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No one knows if ported or sealed will be better.

With ported you could put the port in and have some unforeseen acoustic problems which lead to next to no output.


Krakin's Home Dipole Project


Krakin, are you some sort of mad scientist?

I would have replied earlier, but I was measuring the output of my amp with a yardstick . . .

What you hear is not the air pressure variation in itself

but what has drawn your attention

in the two streams of superimposed air pressure variations at your eardrums

An acoustic event has dimensions of Time, Tone, Loudness and Space

Everyone learns to render the 3-dimensional localization of sound based on the individual shape of their ears,

thus no formula can achieve a definite effect for every listener.

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what about sub up ,port to the back of the truck. that way it has something to bounce off of?

frustrating that no one had a hole in their roof and had good ideas lol

its not frustrating. its just no basshead in their right mind would want their vehicle leaking air.

how many basshead installs have you seen in a convertible? lol.

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Like everybody else is saying, it's going to be trial and error. I feel like if you were to point subs and port forward with that rag top, depending on how big of an area it is, it will act as a "window" in the back of the vehicle. What I mean by this is that the front of the vehicle will sound louder since it's on the opposite side. Sort of like how it's louder on driver's side when you roll passenger window down.

As opposed to pointing either the sub or port up and firing directly into the rag top it will sort of echo around the inside of the cabin first. Or it will be 'directed' sort of how a hatch works to make it louder.

Again, this is all just my personal speculation on it. Try to calculate how much the wood will cost you and then determine if you want to try it out. I don't know how much disposable money you have, but I feel like wood is one of the least expensive things when it comes to a system lol.

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