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05Malibu Final Build - DC - PRV - SHCA - XS - SINGER

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  • 3 weeks later...

Short update here, haven't had much time to actually work on the car other than regular maintenance and fixing little broken stuff along the way... My baby Bu is getting up there in age, she'll be 10 this year... Time for her to nickel and dime me to death lol!

Anyway as I've been saying I've been collecting equipment, thoroughly planning the build out and design out.. Trying to get an overall gameplan together before even starting..

Side note- sold the L7 and 750.1 so I'm officially bass-less and motivated to get started.. (Realistically after the new year)

But here's a list of everything that I have already or is in my future "equipment budget" :)


2 DC Audio upgraded Level 4 12s

Korean proto 3.8k


2 6.5" RE XXX components

4 6.5" PRV Pro Audio speakers

4 8" Crescendo PWX (8ohm) - ordering soon

4 tweeters (still undecided) - ordering soon

2 PPI 900.4s for active Mids/Highs - ordering soon


3 XS3400s - 3rd soon

Singer 320A Alternator - Christmas present :)

100 ft SHCA 1/0 with heat shrinks and lugs (3 positive, 2 negative front to back)

100 ft of black and carbon TechFlex

200ft SHCA 12gauge speaker wire - ordering another 200ft

KnuKoncepts KrystalKable RCAs (2 4 channels, 2 channel, 3 1ft, and 2 y splitters)

3 PAC LC-1s.. 1 to control each bass/mids/highs.

Bus bars - ordering soon

100 ft FatMat Rattle Trap

Yoga mats for CCF on floor :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well the time has come to start this thing... Had a few minor set backs as of late.. Mainly fuel pump shitting the bed... $800 later. :(

Anyway, gonna start the tear down and mock up stage over Christmas/new year break since I will have a few days off in a row.

Here's a short video of probably the last time I will have sounds for awhile..

Just the mids/highs speakers, still bass-less

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Ouchhhhh... that is an unexpected setback.. just keep at it bro!

Definitely.. Not gonna let a little ol fuel pump hold me back haha.

Picking up 3-4 sheets of 3/4" birch this weekend, and planning on taking some of my days off during the holidays to get some work started.

I also found out I get 2 weeks off work in February and so I will most likely plan the majority of my build for that time. (With little weekend tear downs, mock ups, and projects along the way)

I know I've been talking about this rebuild for awhile and it sucks not having the time to really dive in, but it's coming, slowly but surely... :)

And as a side note, all the time I've put in at work has paid off with a promotion, raise, and bonus.. So putting off this rebuild has not gone in vain :)

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Nice..... Looks like quality goodies! Tuned in for updates. I hope you and the family had a great Christmas.

Thanks buddy, and the same to you, hope the holidays have treated you well.

As for updates, my weekend project was suddenly and abruptly sidetracked when I discovered 3inches of standing water in my spare tire well (a literal pool)!!!

Soooo the better part of the day was spent tearing up deadener and trying to find the culprit... (Which I have yet to pinpoint, couple leads, but no end all be all)

And as a side note, anyone who says FatMat doesn't stick well and falls off, can go F themselves, I have a whole trunk that says otherwise... Lol

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Nice..... Looks like quality goodies! Tuned in for updates. I hope you and the family had a great Christmas.

Thanks buddy, and the same to you, hope the holidays have treated you well.

As for updates, my weekend project was suddenly and abruptly sidetracked when I discovered 3inches of standing water in my spare tire well (a literal pool)!!!

Soooo the better part of the day was spent tearing up deadener and trying to find the culprit... (Which I have yet to pinpoint, couple leads, but no end all be all)

And as a side note, anyone who says FatMat doesn't stick well and falls off, can go F themselves, I have a whole trunk that says otherwise... Lol

Thank you and ya i had a great Christmas with the family. Santa brought some fun RC's for us so been playing with them. Build on hold for a bit. Got wedding to finish plans on. But ya great holiday season.

3" of water! WTF? lol Somethings not drain the right way or in the right spot! Keep us posted on where its coming from. Keep trudging thru the issues man! Tuned in.

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