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T3 component. Use 4 channel for the set, or just 2 channels??


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Nice ride man. Clean looking install. Like the RF amps, JL wasnt cutting it for you huh? Keep up the good work. Hows the W7s sound off the T1000? Getting ready to install a T1500 to 1 T1D212" plus a but load of other goodies! 10 out 20 items in pic are RF.


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Oh yeah. I commented on your pic the other night! Looks familiar LOL!! Man, all the crap I have seen people talk about the W7's….all I can say is they've probably never heard them hooked up to proper power. The SQ is amazing, and they get loud too. The JL1000 took a crap, and I didn't want to buy another JL amp so I sold the 300/4 (which was a great 4 channel amp) and got the RF's. Couldn't be happier!! The T1000 brought SO much life to the subs it was like I was living in the dark!!!! I'm on the fence about building a new box. They are too heavy to build into a single box incase I need to remove them for some reason and don't have help, but IDK. I have a design in mind.

I just put up some more pics. A little update I guess. But the T3's sound really good, your going to enjoy them. It took a couple of days of playing them and they just got better..?? lol. And I wish I had got the T1500, but they usually put out a few hundred more watts than what they say anyways. I figure if I'm getting 1200 watts to the W7's, 600 each should be fine.

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Ya T3s probly just needed a couple days to loosen up the suspension. Gald the got better for you. My T1500 was $575 of ebay. Really happy with the price, i did fin a T2500 for $610 on my search but thats way to much power and way to big for my build. I will have all upgrades in by the end of next week, 3rd upgrades in a 2 yr build. The last will be sub stage and box to redue. Thinking 2 12s maybe, blow thru into cab... not sure but would like to run the T1500 in 1 ohm to get the most power out of it i can. Here the Birthsheet it came with... Great #s! Plenty of bang for my bucks. Thats why i am a RF Fan!


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Ya T3s probly just needed a couple days to loosen up the suspension. Gald the got better for you. My T1500 was $575 of ebay. Really happy with the price, i did fin a T2500 for $610 on my search but thats way to much power and way to big for my build. I will have all upgrades in by the end of next week, 3rd upgrades in a 2 yr build. The last will be sub stage and box to redue. Thinking 2 12s maybe, blow thru into cab... not sure but would like to run the T1500 in 1 ohm to get the most power out of it i can. Here the Birthsheet it came with... Great #s! Plenty of bang for my bucks. Thats why i am a RF Fan!


NICE! Hell yeah. I agree that RF is just an all around great product. I have a suspicion that people like to gripe about things that cost a little more $ because they are too cheap to buy. If you can't afford it, just save up right?! And I see the point that "well this amp xxx does the same rated power for $xxx less". Yeah OK. I'll stick to a reputable brand that does their rated numbers and more, and be happy. I installed a T1500 in a buddies Tahoe on 2 15" L7's. Poor subs are being PUNISHED!!

At lease one of my buddies listened enough to let me help him install his shit right!!!

Heres his before and after:


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Now, What was the matter with the first picture? LOL Second pic looks a little cleaner, not much though! Ha ha Good job cleaning his shit up. A lot people install like that, at least some that i know. And they always say...Oh i will clean that up later. And when they start having problems your like DUH!

My T1500 is replacing a 1999 RF Power 1000a1, sub in 1 ohm mode and amp handles it and runs great. I wanted more power and all my amps to look the same, part of my OCD i guess. So thats a testament of how good brand names like RF can be if a 99s been in use for 15 yrs right. And to be honest i looked at other brands to see what they offered in watts and price compared to the T1500 and i wasnt impressed with what was out there. You have to get some aqddab 3000 whatever to get the same watts as the T1500 and i like & need the small footprint.

Each to there own. I know theres great shit out there but this Builds RF, next one i will try something different.

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