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How do I tune my amp controls?


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I usually adjust my controls with a screwdriver, I must have been doing it wrong.

That being said a lot of people's definition of "music" is a clipped 30 hz sine wave with some 80 IQ knuckle head grunting about committing crimes and his genitals.

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Its impossible. You can't do it the old school way without the other kids teasing you.

just because its old school it dont mean its the right way.. new age new technology with more advances.. this isnt the old days when whatever tool was better than nothing

if you have a surgery do you want the doctors to use 1800's technology or the high tech they have now? hey, its old school so it should be okay

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Its impossible. You can't do it the old school way without the other kids teasing you.

just because its old school it dont mean its the right way.. new age new technology with more advances.. this isnt the old days when whatever tool was better than nothing

if you have a surgery do you want the doctors to use 1800's technology or the high tech they have now? hey, its old school so it should be okay

1800's screwdriver, 2016 screwdriver, doesn't matter they all turn things the same way.

That being said a lot of people's definition of "music" is a clipped 30 hz sine wave with some 80 IQ knuckle head grunting about committing crimes and his genitals.

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Its impossible. You can't do it the old school way without the other kids teasing you.

just because its old school it dont mean its the right way.. new age new technology with more advances.. this isnt the old days when whatever tool was better than nothing

if you have a surgery do you want the doctors to use 1800's technology or the high tech they have now? hey, its old school so it should be okay

1800's screwdriver, 2016 screwdriver, doesn't matter they all turn things the same way.

the example flew right over you.. no one is talking about screw drivers here.. a 1700's rocks can drive a nail just as good a hammer does it mean its the right way? no we have new shit that can nail better.. the DMM might help set the gain close but who is to know at what level is the deck clipping.. if his running an EQ does he know if its clipping? the DMM wont detect clipping or distortion

by the way.. we have battery operated screwdrivers that get the job done faster

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Its impossible. You can't do it the old school way without the other kids teasing you.

just because its old school it dont mean its the right way.. new age new technology with more advances.. this isnt the old days when whatever tool was better than nothing

if you have a surgery do you want the doctors to use 1800's technology or the high tech they have now? hey, its old school so it should be okay

1800's screwdriver, 2016 screwdriver, doesn't matter they all turn things the same way.

the example flew right over you.. no one is talking about screw drivers here.. a 1700's rocks can drive a nail just as good a hammer does it mean its the right way? no we have new shit that can nail better.. the DMM might help set the gain close but who is to know at what level is the deck clipping.. if his running an EQ does he know if its clipping? the DMM wont detect clipping or distortion

by the way.. we have battery operated screwdrivers that get the job done faster

More than one way to skin a cat.

That being said a lot of people's definition of "music" is a clipped 30 hz sine wave with some 80 IQ knuckle head grunting about committing crimes and his genitals.

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honestly look it up . im sure u have and then either didnt get what they were saying or the procedure.. using a dmm is a god way BUt you also have to make sure your electrical is up to it. what amp. i see the sub

what type of car or truck

what type of box premade or made.

some of these would be good to know. or use a dd1 if you have aces to one.. i have one. used it for about 10 min now sitting in my useless closet til i change something..

its costly. but also showed me that i was off also using the 'old school way ' of adjusting.. it did its job .

as a tip. do NOT go by the numbers on the radio.. 9 my issues)

also do NOT go by " my amp is half way up and i think i need more "

some amps are half up some are way down some are wide the fuck open .. it depends on your head unit AND the source thast its using..

dont dload music from say you tube and expect it to be of high quality . some are but most arent db wise.. actually use a store bought cd or a ripped from a store bought to do the adjusting..

even if its a song that you don't like or normally listen to . look for dynamic range .

use that as a base and go from there..

using a dmm to set your amp to max rms may be a setup for failer as ,like before if electrical cant keep up. voltage is going to sag and so then does wattage .. theres a lot of other stuff but this will get you started

if my ears dont buzz. you need more ..

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