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I have a white paper about something similar to this.... I think Time warner is testing this out somewhere in the US and they feel like its working. Its basically like a cell phone contract. You pay for a subscription package for amount of data you can use (download and upload) If you go over it you are billed whatever rate they charge. What is being said in this video is possible to an extent but I think its a little drastic. As competitive as the "big companies" I don't see this happening.

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the government is so threatened by the internet. No other place has the freedom of unregulated free speech been freely expressed by the countries citizens. They have been trying to stiffel the internet from day 1 :(

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That website is full of paranoid B.S.

Oops, what's that on the left hand side? 9/11 Conspiracy theories.

All shit, from sensationalist fuckwits that don't know what they're talking about.

The theory of what he's on about is just totally stupid. He's saying the core routers and 'switchers' (lol!) are going to be 'shut down' but he's somewhat forgetting the fact that these things don't just carry retarded conspiracy sites and kick-arse audio forums. They also carry stuff like voice, television and a host of other crap for a host of organisations... including organisations that would see a major company removing standard Internet access as a colossal business opportunity. In the grand scheme of things it's not hard or expensive to create an 'internet'... and you can bet your ass all the sites out there making money from the very existance of the internet will be perfectly happy to continue providing it ;)

He's also assuming that people think 'the internet' is a combined effort of Microsoft and possibly AOL, not an enormous network of literally millions of computers controlled by millions of organisations around the world. So they cut off a couple million people (if it actually happens, which it won't)? So what. China has been firewalled off from anything not state-sanctioned since the creation of the 'net.

Shit, if you put a great big wireless antenna on your roof and let people connect to you through it, then have a dial-up modem connecting through an ISP in Argentina, you're arguably an ISP! This is why everything he says is shit! I don't know if he's delusional or sensationalist or even a giant troll. I just wouldn't believe a word he says and I strongly encourage you guys to disregard it, as well as the rest of the cock-and-bullSHIT on that site.

I don't know why but this sort of thing gets me really fired up. Idiots talking shit for no particular reason other than maybe enjoying the sound of their own voice or possibly because he gets advertising revenue from his site (which he probably does based on the amount of flashing shit-links on it) just really grind my gears.

Edited by Boon


10.x volts fo' life!

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That website is full of paranoid B.S.

Oops, what's that on the left hand side? 9/11 Conspiracy theories.

All shit, from sensationalist fuckwits that don't know what they're talking about.

The theory of what he's on about is just totally stupid. He's saying the core routers and 'switchers' (lol!) are going to be 'shut down' but he's somewhat forgetting the fact that these things don't just carry retarded conspiracy sites and kick-arse audio forums. They also carry stuff like voice, television and a host of other crap for a host of organisations... including organisations that would see a major company removing standard Internet access as a colossal business opportunity. In the grand scheme of things it's not hard or expensive to create an 'internet'... and you can bet your ass all the sites out there making money from the very existance of the internet will be perfectly happy to continue providing it ;)

He's also assuming that people think 'the internet' is a combined effort of Microsoft and possibly AOL, not an enormous network of literally millions of computers controlled by millions of organisations around the world. So they cut off a couple million people (if it actually happens, which it won't)? So what. China has been firewalled off from anything not state-sanctioned since the creation of the 'net.

Shit, if you put a great big wireless antenna on your roof and let people connect to you through it, then have a dial-up modem connecting through an ISP in Argentina, you're arguably an ISP! This is why everything he says is shit! I don't know if he's delusional or sensationalist or even a giant troll. I just wouldn't believe a word he says and I strongly encourage you guys to disregard it, as well as the rest of the cock-and-bullSHIT on that site.

I don't know why but this sort of thing gets me really fired up. Idiots talking shit for no particular reason other than maybe enjoying the sound of their own voice or possibly because he gets advertising revenue from his site (which he probably does based on the amount of flashing shit-links on it) just really grind my gears.

And people like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. I dont care if that web site is full of "sensationalist fuckwits" The government wants to tax and control. Its the nature of the beast.

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And people like you are the reason this country is so fucked up. I dont care if that web site is full of "sensationalist fuckwits" The government wants to tax and control. Its the nature of the beast.

The (current) US government is essentially a business operation, all it cares about is having plenty of money. And clearly over 50% of Americans approve of that, seeing how Bush got re-elected last time around.

Of course the government wants to tax and control - all governments do, that's kind of what the govern bit of government is all about - they just do it to different degrees. But they also love enormous self perpetuating public resources they don't have to pay for, like the internet.

While the internet is a great way to propogate stupid conspiracist bullshit it's also a great way for the government to seed its own ideals - after all, in a democracy the PEOPLE are essentially the longest reaching part of the government: when you express a political view online, you are basically serving whichever political party agrees with what you're saying.

I don't know what pisses me off more... people like the author of that website or the people who believe what he's saying.

It really makes no sense to me - that website is supposed to be about informing people and 'the real truths' but at the end of the day all it does is scare susceptable people by convincing them that terrible things will happen or are already happening in their everyday lives - Isn't that what the Bush Administration did right after 9/11? Used fear to sway public opinion to get backing for things (i.e. wars) that are now, once people have realised the 'fear' is all shit, are clearly bullshit (edit: no offense meant AT ALL to anybody who serves in the armed forces, I have mad respect for what you guys do, and I know there's a few of you on here. Just less respect for the people who tell you what to do...).

If you think about it that website and the US government both use the same tactic to achieve their ends: fear.

And ironically, they are really quite similar - they claim that this fear is good for you, the things it makes you do will improve your lives - when really, if you look at both of them closely, I'm pretty sure they're each just out there to make a buck.

And FYI, to my great relief, I don't live in America ;)

Edited by Boon


10.x volts fo' life!

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Here is a write up on the "metered Internet". Again what is being said in the video posted above is very unlikely. But this story below is more than likely where its going.

Times wire report

Article Launched: 06/03/2008 06:13:20 AM MDT

NEW YORK - You're used to paying extra if you use up your cell phone

minutes, but will you be willing to pay extra if your home computer goes

over its Internet allowance?

Time Warner Cable Inc. customers -- and, later, others -- may have to, if

the company's test of metered Internet access is successful.

On Thursday, new Time Warner Cable Internet subscribers in Beaumont, Texas,

will have monthly allowances for the amount of data they upload and

download. Those who go over will be charged $1 per gigabyte, a Time Warner

Cable executive told the Associated Press.

Metered billing is an attempt to deal fairly with Internet usage, which is

very uneven among Time Warner Cable's subscribers, said Kevin Leddy, Time

Warner Cable's executive vice president of advanced technology.

Just 5 percent of the company's subscribers take up half of the capacity on

local cable lines, Leddy said. Other cable Internet service providers report

a similar distribution.

"We think it's the fairest way to finance the needed investment in the

infrastructure," Leddy said.

Metered usage is common overseas, and other U.S. cable providers are looking

at ways to rein in heavy users. Most have download caps, but some keep the

caps secret so as not to alarm the majority of users, who come nowhere close

to the limits. Time Warner Cable appears to be the first major ISP to charge

for going over the limit: Other companies warn, then suspend

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