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Dunno whats going on but i was using the computer till midnight.

at 12.30 decided to go out and have sumit to eat, my screen saver with pass kicks in after 10 mins.

i left it and went off, came home at about 2 o clock and all my stuff has been moved into a folder called gay porn. not that i have any but what im concerned abt is how some one got in to my computer, i have a wireless router with password protection and i used to work in my schools network dept and thinking of this the only way they could of done it is either with a virus distributed newly and enables ports and notifys the programer when the victim is online and ip adress details or some one sniffed my wireless network traffice for some time and found the password.

man never mindz its about time i put higher security on. Not that i have anything but my coursework and studies also business accounts etc, they are my concern.

any one had a problem like this before

Just realized the gay folder has been created at 12.48 thts roughly 15 mins after i left, Also the fucker must have deleted some of my things on desktop like a txt file i used to keep passwords in, and also deleted my 60GB bangbros porn folder from my D: drive. i still have the other porn files y only bangbros deleted thts what i dont get.

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I know nothing about Broadband, or anything, but basically samething happend to a friends computer at work, he is a comp genius, and he was telling me how wireless routers can easily be hacked, and people can use them for there own bandwidth, and hack in to your computer with out knowing about it

I have a ritual called "terminator". I crouch in the shower in the "naked terminator" pose. With eyes closed I crouch for a minute and visualize either Arnie or the guy from the 2nd movie. I then start to hum the T2 theme. Slowly I rise to a standing position and open my eyes. It helps me get through my day. The only problem is if the shower curtain sticks to my terminator leg. It sorta ruins the fantasy.
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why do you have gay porn??

haha j/p

NoFearX18 said:

Nick will bang just about anything.....LMAO....pun intended

On 4/13/2010 at 9:51 AM, meade916 said:

i was like DAMN, Chode is hardcore! he makes james look like a friendly person LOL!

trainman0978 said:

I dont know who is worse with the buttholes Chode or Big P...





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more updates, more of my porn is missing, my warez (programs have been deleted) im missing about 120GB of content and also i dont know why on earth u would do this but they've deleted all my favoirites. (internet Explorer)

Well the only way i think they got in is through the router becasuse im well protected against the internet. Well i used to be a hacker, lol im abit of a computer geek but since i've come across systems and Bass i've left computing. Neverless i've encrypted the routers password to 128bit so it'll take much longer to crack now, i aint gonna turn wireless off becasue i use a laptop in the house but i've disabled file sharing on the network so even if they crack the password all they can do is use the internet but still the password is going to change every 2 weeks.

Im sure after a few attempts they'll quit! 128bit Encryption FTW!

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lol no man porn aint the problem i can set rapidshare and Flashget up and in 1 day i'll download over 40 gigs of porn thts not a problem, my warez programs and favorites is the problem. Also they've deleted some of my personal files and moved abt pictures of my gf.

Well i had some pictures of her for nobody to see and i put them in a passworded protected RAR file, but thats deleted aswell. hopefully they wont try to crack it.

Never mind im recovering my files from backup dvds i done abt a month ago but some updated accounts for the business is missing.

hope nothing like this happens to you guys. saw a advert which cuaght my eye,

" A Stolen Mobile isnt just a Stolen mobile, Its Stolen pictures, Stolen videos, its Stolen Contacts Numbers" It more than just a mobile phone.

LoL :watsup:

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