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What's The Most Pain You Have Experienced?

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What is the most pain you have ever experienced?

I've never broken anything the closest was a sprained finger sprained face(lol) and sprained ankle...

and now that i think about it....i was 12 or 13, doing superman on a sled going down a steep hill i was going 30+ and wham!!! face first in to a rotten tree trunk got k.o'd and lost about 5 teeth... if that trunk wasnt there it would of been a spiked fence.. so i guess i got lucky that it was a tree trunk then a fence u know... and then mom treated me with paper towels and candy.. well thats my story whats yours?



"98crewcab"Never a POS....just always "a work in progress" lol that's how we roll bitches!!!

Your a lowlife kid. I bet your mother wants to kill herself for not swallowing your ass.

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after having my ankle completely shattered while playing basketball (i rolled it and in a freak of bad coincidence moment someone stepped on it too), it was misdiagnosed by my physician as a bad sprain. i tried to hobble around on crutches with it wrapped up for a week before i had x-rays which led to reconstructive surgery... what i'm getting at is, while i was hobbling around i put my crutch on the corner of a carpet and it went sliding. i put all my weight on a week swollen broken limb. yeah it hurt. oh and i got shot in the ear but that didn't really hurt, just a strange injury to have. :D

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god i have tons...most recent is shattering my knee cap twice and having surgery to repair it and it still hurting like a bitch every day? that count

just thinking about a shattered knee cap makes me regret reading that and i also feel it eew.

after having my ankle completely shattered while playing basketball (i rolled it and in a freak of bad coincidence moment someone stepped on it too), it was misdiagnosed by my physician as a bad sprain. i tried to hobble around on crutches with it wrapped up for a week before i had x-rays which led to reconstructive surgery... what i'm getting at is, while i was hobbling around i put my crutch on the corner of a carpet and it went sliding. i put all my weight on a week swollen broken limb. yeah it hurt. oh and i got shot in the ear but that didn't really hurt, just a strange injury to have. :D

and damn maybe u should try wii basketball.. :rolleyes: . hahah may be easier..... and how do u get shot in the ear... did u forget to aim straight lol?



"98crewcab"Never a POS....just always "a work in progress" lol that's how we roll bitches!!!

Your a lowlife kid. I bet your mother wants to kill herself for not swallowing your ass.

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just thinking about a shattered knee cap makes me regret reading that and i also feel it eew

its awesome i have pictures from the surgery and shit its cool....but sucks when the doctor tells me ill have pain forever cause of fragments in my knee and scar tissue

My F-150 Build




what if they tried messing with the amps when the subs werent louder :ehh: hahah jk :pardon:

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Ive ripped a 2"x1" hole in my shin with a piece of the bone mixed in with the blood, hair and skin on the ledge of our back porch. I ripped my palm open and watched her cut out meat and fat without any pain meds. I split my chin open and could stick my pinky in and touch my chin bone. Had a broken wrist in 2 places from racing bmx. 16 total broken fingers, over 20 sprained ankles (which has kept me from playing pro basketball right now). A total of 58 stitches :)

1997 2 Door Blazer

Bagged & Body Dropped


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ooo forgot about one that landed me in the hospital for 3 days

i get bit by something and didnt say anything cause i dont like the doctors, well 3 days later my leg gets so swolen my skin is shiny, its red everywhere and blowing on it even hurts!! well i walk into church and my mom freaks out...i get rushed to the er, turns out i was bitten by a black widow and im allergic to them, i had a fever of 103.1, they had to cut it open and starting scooping the infected shit out, all on NO pain killers, it hurt so bad i was weaving in and out of conciousness, the hole time i was in the hospital i had a hole in my leg the nurse would have to clean out daily..got a pretty sick scar out of it tho

My F-150 Build




what if they tried messing with the amps when the subs werent louder :ehh: hahah jk :pardon:

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shingles for the ~1st month of my senior year of highschool

first 4 weeks:

for those who dont know, its chicken pox after you've gotten it, most of the time people 60+ yrs old get it

i was originally prescribed Vicodin (5/500mg).. wasnt strong enough, then i got Lortab (7.5/500mg)... still not enough, next i got Norcal(?) (10mg/325mg).... those had me flying on a magic carpet ride...lol... w00t

But i got very dependant taking ~50mg of hydrocodone a day... enough to change my personality and everyday character traits... since i basically became a opiate addict in a month....

Finally... my mom (RN of 15 yrs) said time to change... and i eventually got Neurontin(anti-epilepsy/convulsant) which is the best drug!!!... I no longer was getting stabed for hours on end in my back!!

next three weeks:

to wein me off the hydrocodones.... i got darvacet... made me puke sometimes... and it was pink... couldnt be good

take 90 needles about 3inches long... find ~2sqin of skin on ur lower back... and stab, deep... all day... for 35days

thats what i dealt with... and my doctor said he's seen 70yrd old men who didnt have it as bad as me

breaking a bone sucks, surgery sucks... but my injury was prolonged and agonizing... i would have much rather have broken a leg or arm and been in a cast for 3 months then go thru shingles


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Guest Fi-Beat-Down

I wad real into BMX when I was young, I saved up for a Haro bike, like Dave mirra had,

I had built a ramp and used a sheet of old wood and a 5 gallon bucket, to jump my ditch.

I went to fast, hit the ramp i ended up doing a flare / back flip,... somehow..

my bar ends stuck out further then my handle bars,

The bar ended up going in my mouth knocking my front teeth out and going throw my jaw ripping it open all the way threw my lip,

I needed surgery to repair my torn open mouth &&& new teeth, lol

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Guest Fi-Beat-Down

O and not to forget this,

When I was 14, I was victim of a drive by shooting, I was shoot -in the back of my right leg

as for pain on this below ill speak for someone who I know of..

ill never forget its was a rough area i lived in, one time i remember i had my new bike on my steps of my house to run in and get a drink came out and and i seen this guy was racing down the road on it,... ill never forget the image of him taking off,

my family :) did some investigation around & he was handled

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