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I Think My Dad Is Getting Worse

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Okay well it all started when i was 4.. im 19 now.. but my dad was involved in an accident at work. A fork lift battery (1000lbs) fell on his foot and pulverized the bones. They told him by the time he hit 50 he has a 75% chance of being in a wheel chair. He's now turning 44.

He was on medication for the longest time.. morhpine.. liquid oxy cottin.. and about 12 others that i dont know their names.. After years of medical help he was diagnosed with a Nerve Disease that is untreatble. He had multiple surgeries to try to prevent it as much as possible and even experimented with new ones. He attempted to OD when i was probably 11 or so, because he felt that we didn't love him anymore because he was hurt and because he couldnt take the pain. Thank god he was unsuccessful and we show him everyday we love him. He stopped taking his medication because it was affecting him in too many other ways and he couldnt handle it. He also was on crutches until i was about 11 or 12 but stopped with those after he got used to dealing with the pain (or so he tells us)

He went back to school, and got a degree in Computer Science, but it has done nothing for him, he was always told he was overqualifed because of his past training and certification with things. Anyways.. now he does construction work, mainly roofing and it's not making things any better but he's still trying to help provide for the family.

Lately though, things have gotten worse.. Starting about a month ago he's been starting to get extreme pains and has had trouble walking. The entire last week he has lied around in bed, only getting up when necessary or to go sit in the recliner. We've been trying to get him to go to the doctor, but he wouldn't. Today it was so bad that he couldn't even sit down. It's one of the very few times ive seen my dad cry. My mom has finally gotten him to go the doctor today and they are sitting, waiting. I hoping things are getting too worse. it hurts me to see my dad going through this, knowing that his nerve disease is continually spreading through him.. with a high risk of paralyzation in the future.

I love my dad and I just don't want to lose him..

Sorry guys i just had to kinda get some of this off my chest..

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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i hope it all works out for you and your family, i hope your dad is ok man !

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where theres a will theres a wall.......

I just realized Steve has reach Voldemort status, over on JP's site he is the one who will not be named....."We dont speak his name over here, fearing it will destroy us" LOL not even in hush tones

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Me too, he's the reason why i got into car audio. I always knew he was an installer before i was born, but I never really knew how good he was until i was digging in a box one day and found pictures of his installs from the '80s ...

He's done so much for me and i know alot of kids would do anything to have a dad like mine. I don't know what i'd do without having him around

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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sorry to hear that bro but being in the wheelchair isn't the end! theres a lot of great people without the ability to walk at all. good luck with everything, i hope he turns around for the better quickly.

If you've been doing something for 20 years, does that mean what you do it right???



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Yeah i know, it's just hard though because alot of what we do as a family is physically oriented. I remember one of the first times I saw him cry was when i was out practing for Football tryouts and tossing the ball with him and after about 15-30 minutes he couldn't take the pain. He went inside and watched out the window and i saw him cry.

I know it's not the end though, it's just tough to watch him try to deal with his pain because he wants to be strong for the rest of us and show us that he'll always be there..

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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That srait up hurts man. I feel for ya.

Life can't always be great but we need to take the things in life that are good and try and think about those things and stay positive.

I wish you and your family the best through this very hard time.

Keep your head up,


Isobaric - Refers to the practice of coupling two drivers together to make them act as one.

"Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak; sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go."

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

The Destruction of a person builds character.



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Thanks guys.. This is one of the reason i love this forum you guys are all so supportive no matter what. I guess what just hurts me alot is the fact that my dad is in so much pain that he wants to die.. but thats why my mom got him to the doctor today.. So we'll see whats wrong and hopefully get him on some better pain meds that don't fu*k him up again..

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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Thanks again guys.. My mom just sent me a text message and said he is getting x rays right now... im keeping my fingers crossed

I'd hit that so fucking hard whoever pulled me out would be King of England.

Lol... looks like we were on the same page. Car-B-Ques suck.

ya, tires and paint burning make the marshmallows taste funny.
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