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At what point will it not make any difference ???

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I'm talking about the latest, greatest, fastest, most powerful PC's.....

I mean, lets say I'm working on some photo processing and I click on a function like "crop", and Bam ! It's done in .2 seconds. So, I'm already moving my cursor over the the menu... it drops down and I click "save" and Bam ! It's saved in .12 seconds. So now I'm moving to open another file.

Anyway, to make a long story short, I end up doing 20 minutes of photo work, and never once have I had to wait even 1/2 a second, because my PC has performed each function, faster than I could decide, and click on the function I wanted it to perform next.

So then, this newer, faster more powerful PC comes out that can perform the function that took my slightly outdated PC .12 seconds, but it can do it in .02 seconds ! ......and that function that took .12 seconds, in .012 seconds. Wow ! That's freaking 10 X's faster ! But really, what difference to me, if the PC was already working faster than I do, anyway ?

I mean it's like, what difference would it make if one digital recording had .01% distortion, and the next were .001% ? I mean, true, the latter is 10 X's cleaner, but if we can't hear the difference either way, what's it matter ?


Yes, I know some functions that require a TON of PC power, might still take a few seconds (damn, that's just going to kill me ;) ......but I have to believe that many of the things I used to have to wait on, are going to be, for all practical purposes, in real time, as it is.

At what point will people stop and say, my PC is already faster than I am anyway. Why do I need something even faster, and more powerful ? The ONLY reason I can see why a guy would still say that, is with the guys that build super powerful PC's just for the sake of building super powerful PC's..... but who don't really use them for much, besides posting up these outrageous fast test results (nothing against that hobby BTW, that's just something I could never see myself getting into).

Newsl1, or anyone... Your thoughts ?



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if saving files and opening files is all a computer ever did, there would be no difference.

try encoding movie files, or try running linux and compiling the source code for firefox (20 minutes on my pc).

games also use a lot of CPU, the faster pc with the same graphics card may (or may not) run that game smoother and faster.

processing and editing large/high bitrate sound and music files also takes a lot of processing.

The point is, while half the ordinary computer users don't need the upgrades, the fastest of the fast equipment out there wasn't produced with those people in mind. Those people rarely buy the best stuff on the market anyways. Which is why if you look a chart of price per performance, theres always a nice steep curve when you get toward the higher end.

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Thanks guys.

Hey Sanitarium, great answer. So what I take from this is that for many people (probably myself included) a pretty fast, latest model PC (or in my case 1 1/2 years back ;) probably "is fast enough".

But for that small % of hard core PC users, the most powerful PC's are still not quite fast enough, to do some things at anywhere close to 'real time'.

I wonder how long it will be before PC's can do those 20 minute jobs you refer to in .02 seconds ;) Come on.... that's 'only' 60,000 X's faster. What's the problem ?



if saving files and opening files is all a computer ever did, there would be no difference.

try encoding movie files, or try running linux and compiling the source code for firefox (20 minutes on my pc).

games also use a lot of CPU, the faster pc with the same graphics card may (or may not) run that game smoother and faster.

processing and editing large/high bitrate sound and music files also takes a lot of processing.

The point is, while half the ordinary computer users don't need the upgrades, the fastest of the fast equipment out there wasn't produced with those people in mind. Those people rarely buy the best stuff on the market anyways. Which is why if you look a chart of price per performance, theres always a nice steep curve when you get toward the higher end.

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