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alarm install on mustang with shaved door handles

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we don't have auctions i live in the sticks haha. I don't even know of where any are

there should be within at least a 50 mile radius .... put your car on CL or EBAY your getting really fucked over in that deal.... your gonna at least lose a couple thousand if you wanna re sell that car later and if you ever wanna trade it in at a car lot they more then likey wont take it because most car lots can only buy a certain year and up


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wow dude ur trading ur ls1 for a 80's mustang ur engine alone is worth double what the mustang is worth in whatever condition the car is in i say dont do it ....but to answer your question i think a good viper alarm would work just wire one the channels to a relay that goes to ur door poppers simple should be something like wiring a trunk release ...


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its everywhere on craigslist and posted on the car. people just arent buying these types of cars right now. i havent gotten one cash offer over $4500. the markets just crap right now.

I need to get rid of the car fast before i'm accused of anything else I haven't done.. I'm a young kid driving a nice car so that means I must be dealing drugs right?

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its everywhere on craigslist and posted on the car. people just arent buying these types of cars right now. i havent gotten one cash offer over $4500. the markets just crap right now.

I need to get rid of the car fast before i'm accused of anything else I haven't done.. I'm a young kid driving a nice car so that means I must be dealing drugs right?

i know excatly how you feel i drove a 04 tahoe with 24s before i totaled it and was followed everyday out of school and i drive my dads cars from his lot(brand new escalade, challenger srt8, lexus',bmw, and stuff like that)all the time to school now and the cops in my country ass town think somethings up (the worst time was when i drove a carmaro my dad ordered for his lot and it was like 1 of the first shipments and i got followed for at least 35 mins after school and got pulled over for "probable cause")

......but you gotta be smart and actually not being doing stuff around last march i got ran off the road by 3 cop cars when i drove one of my dads escalades off his lot and they made me and my 2 brother out of the car and lay on the ground because they wanted to search the car but i said no, not unless they had a warrant and i waited on the side of the road for 3 hours for them to find nothing! FUCK THE POLICE, if your not doing anything wrong then let them fuck with you they will get tired of it after awhile i have been stopped time and time again, followed ....you just gotta live with it if you drive a nice car and are young your gonna get fucked with.

also it is against the law for the same cop to pull you over within a certain amount of time

like around here the same cop cant pull you over more then 4 times a month....they have to call in a different officer

if you feel like you being done wrong and your getting pulled over alot ask for their badge numbers most people dont take action so cops think they can do whatever they want when they have that damn badge

dont be scared, act like its just another person because he/she is just another person


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So far in the last few weeks I've been pulled over for no front plate the next week sound amplification ticket next week halloween night arrested on a dwi after I just got off of my 6 hour shift all by the same cop. I don't even smoke weed ever. Now my license is on possibility of being suspended. I'm honestly scared to drive my car anymore and its my only car.. work is 10 miles away and school is 30. and we have no public transportation. I have no choice other than getting rid of the car. That will at least buy me sometime until court so they can find out im innocent unless hes crooked enough to find a way to make it go through.

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so far hes got me 3 times in a month and now hes passing by my hous on a daily basis and went as far as pulling over a friend in my driveway for bucause he said the truck was reported dealing drugs in the area and asked if he was on meth.. He was posted up down the street from my hous on a one way and hit his lights as soon as my friend turned on his indicator to turn in my driveway.

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So far in the last few weeks I've been pulled over for no front plate the next week sound amplification ticket next week halloween night arrested on a dwi after I just got off of my 6 hour shift all by the same cop. I don't even smoke weed ever. Now my license is on possibility of being suspended. I'm honestly scared to drive my car anymore and its my only car.. work is 10 miles away and school is 30. and we have no public transportation. I have no choice other than getting rid of the car. That will at least buy me sometime until court so they can find out im innocent unless hes crooked enough to find a way to make it go through.

everyone does things wrong but honestly you gotta think about it 2 of those 3 were your fault and thats on you but with the dwi thing if it was weed then they will/would drug test you if your gonna get charged with it they cant just say you have and not have proof, wait it out ...drive smart im 17 i know its hard and im the type of person who gets caught for EVERYTHING i do wrong just play it smart and everything will work out but dont just settle for a shitty car

also what you can do is go to a car lot and trade it even for soimething dont go to a car lot that is buy here pay here go to one that ONLY will let you buy the car wihtout making payments thats your best bet they will give you something thats worth trading your car for


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the first time he pulled me over he didn't have an excuse at first until he circled the car a few times looking for a reason he could have pulled me over. The second time I admit i have a system that I can get ticketed for if I had it up but I didn't. It was on but wasn't loud enough to be pulled over for. Also out on a country road with the closes house a few hundred feet away from the street. I'm also the type of person that gets popped for everything and anything but this is bullshit. I have no problem admitting when I'm in the wrong but accuseal of the dwi was out of no where. They did test me and I know I'm clean but they refuse to give me my results

I see what your sayin and I'll try it out tomorrow. I don't think anywhere will give me much for my car considering the miles. I took my 95 cobra in with 130000 miles that was mint condition and got offered $2500 after that I gave up on dealers and stuck to private sellers.

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