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Everything posted by Godsmack

  1. LOL to the chemical FUCK THAT to the .01 db gain DOUBLE FUCK THAT to missing another Christmas and a TRIPLE FUCK THAT TO NOT BEING HOME TO FUCK THAT AZZ J
  2. Simple If you want to be with her GROW THE FUCK UP. A job doing plumbing can be found anywhere. As for her getting stationed overseas..........Marry her or don't be with her on that one man. As for her 'signing papers" at the house..........Sorry bro it don't go that way. You gotta go to MEPS overnight to do that shit, so she's not 'obligated'. And she has a point about the military providing for your family. If your love is real you can deal with her working on base, and possibly doing some sea time. If you don't wanna be with her, stick to your guns. Get your job and stay where you are. Something about your post and lack of desire to be away from where you are says that you have never left home. Like ur in the same area u grew up in. Don't be afraid to leave cause 'she joined the military' or any reason for that matter. As for her having no 'drive' dude...........they MAKE YOU have drive. Anyone who thinks otherwise is kidding themselves. She can make it if she tries. Hell if my ex can make the Army ur woman can make the CG. Now for her inability to let you sulk..........Man I been there too........You just gotta tune her out and sit there and think. RELAX and take a breather. Go to a 'happy place' and ignore the bitching for a bit. J
  3. If u wanna fire off more than ur dick go Army or Marines. AF is a 6mth rotation of sitting in the rear with the gear primarily. How do I know that??? I'm in the ME right now homie.
  4. I like Metallica's quote better "If you love someone set them free. If they come back they are yours. If not hunt them down." Chode...............Man the best thing I can say an echo of what is said before. If you're seriously still up over her, take your time. Make sure she's for real and thta you can kiss the tricks goodbye. Be rid of the 'playin' life. If not then keep her at arm's length. Just guard your heart with care this time. She has fucked up once before and she may do it again. Be prepaired for it man. Get at me if u need someone homie. J
  5. she is trying to fuck u with no lube or reach around man. point blank, tell her "sorry this car came as is. There was no implied warentee or guarentee. Read your Bill of Sale. Goodbye." J
  6. I hate it cause it fucks with the time I can get ahold of people in the states. J
  7. Congarts man. May he grow up to be the best man he possibly can. J
  8. no pt tomorrow.............good day today on that front and good start for tomorrow
  9. a fresh steak rare, and a ice cold labatts blue light
  10. Thanks man. I appriciate the positive comments on the car. Hopefully it sells. J
  11. Trust me I want to keep it but as of the moment its not an option. Dad needs the $$$ and I don't have enough to give him for it right now. Olean is about 2 hrs west of Elmira, down the I-86 Its a CLEAN ass ride, and it does kick alot of ass. It still has PLENTY of ability to get faster too. Grandfather had it 'tuned down' as he put it, beacuse he was worried dad might get stupid, but he never does. Any questions either call him on the number he provided, or PM me. I check this place numerous times a day. J
  12. its not 'illegal" per se as far as I know. A smart Idea? Not really. J
  13. THE CONVERTABLE This thing is a beast!!!! Dad's selling it cause he needs the paper. Help him out and get urself a cherry ride int eh process. J
  14. civic boy, you can't say that for sure till ur put into the situation man. TRUST me here. J
  15. I have seen quite a few when i drove through kentucky, and also in west virginia. Look for military surplus auctions too. We sometimes have regular street vehicles that we sell off and they go quite cheap. Higher milage sure, but if u want an exploer for an SPL vehicle or something like that its well worth it. J
  16. Dude lemme say this At times you get whats "suspicion by association". You hang with gansta's you get assumed to be one too. Hang with dealers and get associated as one too. As such you got pinned by that point. You gotta calculate the risk of being around them, like you do everything else in life. J
  17. I think its good for Canadians. For those of us who like to gamble in Canada, not so hot. Jq
  18. Lemme square up some ish and I'll donate as well. Not a G but something. steve keep it up, and I agree. This ain't chicken's playground, he just has a pimp parking spot here. Therefore NO he should not pay for the site. J
  19. fucked up rusty spent a year outside in the winter and rain THUMP 12" sub Shitty shitty shitty
  20. Steve ur damn pics neva show up for me man!!!!!!!!!!!!! And HONESTLY they still make and sell OE, Colt 45, and shit like dat in tha 40z And YES I did enjoy a few while home. Mainly OE, SR, and Labatts. Now batts may be new to the 40z game but............DAMN good beer. J
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