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Everything posted by Beanz

  1. DUDE PHUCKING SICK ASS DRAWING.lol hey does it even matter waht reciever you use if your going with that plate amp and teh subs?
  2. yeah they'd look cool and be different but what if that difference is more recones or having the sub fall apart?im just saying but all we can do is just wait till the a team tests its.i mean we cant say really anything until someone tries it out
  3. HEYYY i thought it was 135???DAMN IT i thought i was louder then steve for a minute lol.but damn i guess all them mids and highs are really doing there job lol...Keep up the loudness steve,
  4. Im looking at some ignition coils for a lincoln ls 2000 v8 and im wondering if you guys think this is any good? http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/NEW-IGNITIO...sQ5fAccessories
  5. Man sounds hella cool but on some noises it sounds like the maching was gonna blow up lol.
  6. i guess the pillars in the back are coming apart and looking like shit idk i think thats it and hes wondering how the hell this is happening?
  7. was that a prefab ported box or a custom built one cause i know custom built one take a lot more room i remember i was able to fit like 2 15s sealed in my car now i can barley fit my ported box for 2 12s.
  8. where you gonna put the amps?the extra batts?your gonna have to get REALLY creative to fit them 18s in any of those cars.and are you sure thats all trunk space?
  9. if i was you id do like 2 15s build that box proper much more better then the 18s considering your space that you have.
  10. DO you have anything heavy in your trunk area like put sand bags that'll help and get some chains too,if all else fails OH MAN good luck lol
  11. Man that set up is banging waht is your box tuned to?
  12. High frequency sounds of 2-4,000 Hz are the most damaging. The uppermost octave of the piccolo is 2,048-4,096 Hz. Aging causes gradual hearing loss, mostly in the high frequencies. SO SEEE bass no kills our ears is the damaging highs.
  13. DRIVE LIKE A GRANDMA.but dont think like one casue if he hits a bulding he's screwed!!!!
  14. Well then idk a lvl 4 shuld be if not equal to a l7 in power handling,I mean maybe cuuse that box wasnt made for that lvl 4 xl im not sure that that q power does have a bit more cone area,but how much power did that l4 xl have compared to those q powers?
  15. Oh yeah ive finally got the right medicine for it and im up and walking and talking now and pain did go away quick so its good and thanks.
  16. BUt ill bet you guys take penicillin for it right?Im alergic to penicillin so thats why i havent go rid or it quick.
  17. CAUSE DAMN THIS SUCKS ive been in like pain for like 4 days the first doctor siad it was a virus and gave me sum pills.wasnt working out.so i go to another docter and he says yup you have strept throat on your left side.so now im getting a little better but damn does this suck. the back of my ead hurt,its painful to eat anything like its as if im eating glass or something,couldent walk i could barley make it to teh bathroom with out almost dying. i havent been to work for like 4 days can't go back for another 4 sucks which means less $$ but id rather get better.i couldent sleep with out having to take vicodyne last night was teh beat since i took that.THe night before i didnt go to sleep till 5 in the morning and had to wake up at like 8 to go to a doctors appointment.but yeah sorry for this but make sure you guys get check for this casue this is not a fun sicknees.
  18. WHAT BROTHER LYNCH???? now that is whats up steve.!!!! did you give him a demo of your hoe?
  19. DAMN all this in that one toyota? and oh yeah im hearing my frined system with 2 15s pretty loud but i was like HEYYY i wonder what 4 15s would sound like lol we all want more.
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