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About Mack187Murder

  • Birthday 01/26/1986

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  1. I will keep you in the loops thanks alot bro i appreciate it. I will be more than happy to give u a donation for the help when the time comes
  2. You dont have a clue what i have stud FYI. The amp im currently using (cus the last one i had went snap crackle pop) dynos over 5400rms @1 ohm on 14.3 volts. Thats not my issue tho. Issue is how to put 5000 watts underneath a back seat if its even possible. Which it sounds like it isnt.
  3. @Joe X Awsome thanks joe will maybe think about building my own then. I have removed a seat already to fit my 5.5 cube box. Were having another child and need the seat room thats why i wanted an enclosure underneath. For conversation sake. If this was your truck. And you could only work with the space underneath your seat. And wanted the biggest bang and lowest frequency possible with an enclosure like that. What might you suggest?
  4. I have a 18" in a 5.5 cube box with 5000 watts on it. It takes up a third of my backseat and have my seat removed for it in my 2012 sierra denali 1500. I wantwd to keep the amp and get this 4x8" sub enclosure for under my seat and throw 4x1000 watt rms 8" sundowns in there. Im pretty sure the fox boxes are 5/8" mdf. I dont see any interal bracing. I suppose i could throw a couple in there maybe by screwing them in and then just using some liner to touch up the screw holes? Any thoughts?
  5. I have a headunit that doesnt take physical cds. My old headunit has the test cd stuck in it. Need to set my head unit and amp. Any ideas? I cant find the tracklist on youtube or anything.
  6. Wondering if u could get back to me on this. If u can't warranty the work at least tell me how to fix it. Thanks. Mike
  7. Thanks duck. My Headunit voltage is 4volt. That should be enough to test just the Headunit using the RCA method correct? Well I did that and I never got the distortion light to stay lit. It blinked at 34 of 35 on my volume. Same when I tried the amplifier method. I could get the distortion light to blink @34 of 35 on the Headunit volume. But it never stayed lit. Making me wonder if everything on the system is out. Because I set all my gains on amps.with head unit volume at 34/35 I just pulled.this off another thread about Kenwood decks ****** My DD1 on my Kenwood Excelon does the same thing, every notch on the volume knob the clip light blinks really quick then turns off. It would illuminate HARD at 25/35 on deck power, RCA's read through the amps were clean all the way to 35. Mine never stayed on at all on just deck power. I hooked up the positive RCA into the dd1. Tried sub, front and rear like that.
  8. All good man thanks ? I always get stressed out during troubleshooting. Glad.it all.worked out
  9. Yeah that's real cute. Didn't decide to just wing it. Had the instructions glued to my face. You know that manual that came.with it. Whenyour new to car audio and the instructions doesn't explain every single.dial you make sure from.another source your doing it right. I thought I'd double check. Thanks KS for the help 8's. Your the man
  10. My 2 gain settings on the 4 channel are identical. That little quick blink on the distortion light was tripping me the fuck out. Got it to stay steady at about 4 on my 4 channel. my sub amp the DD 1 worked like it was supposed to. Think everything's good. Got to finally hear.my sp4 the way it was meant to be heard. Everyone on my block was poking their head out their front door ??? The sub bass from the sp4 and that enclosure Trit designed.for menis ridiculous. I thought my old jl13w7 pounded. Fuck me. What a trip. Well. It was everything I was looking for.
  11. Did all that. Been watching videos all morning. My gain on my 4 channel hertz 1000 wrms amp goes from 0-6 I had it set by an audio shop and they had it set at 3. Which is about 1/3 of the way up. On the distortion detector. I get one little blink at 3 then nothing..turn it up to 5.5 and the distortion light stays on. Never got a full light on my headunit either. Did it with the amp test and rca from Headunit.
  12. Did all.that. headunit is flat everywhere. No bass etc. It says Turn the gain on the amp to min. Set crossover switch to flat. What the fuck is flat on a crossover. 0? 400? 1000? On my amp.both channels can go down to 50 or 80 on the cross over settings
  13. I just tried to measure my HU .with just RCA's. Had the distortion light beep once. On max volume. tried it through a four channel amp. Had the RCA's plugged into amp..gain on 0. Pass mode set to full as I assumed that was flat? then tried hooking the red probe to minus and black.probe to plus like it said I might have to in manual. Followed instructions. Turned headunit up.to 34 ( max volume is 35) and it blinked once and quit. Never stayed on. Turned the pobes around and did it and got the same thing..distortion blinked on once at 34. Then quit. Blinked.on again at 35 and quit.
  14. It's not all black and white. If your a pro flat makes sense. If your not it's confusing as fuck. Does flat mean full pass or full through on an amplifier? It doesn't specify that in the manual
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