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DLHgn last won the day on November 30 2016

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About DLHgn

  • Birthday 04/14/1995

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    San Marcos, Tx
  • Interests
    Home/Car Audio, Computer Science and Mathematics.

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  1. I'm actively trying to pass this class. I'm doing all assigned homework every night and going to office hours when I have questions. Hopefully I can make a good grade in it and be done with this degree. Unfortunately my work schedule is killing me. I want to ask for less hours or to get off earlier but I need these hours to pay for the class. Oh well, looks like i'll be pushing through until this class is over. Thankfully it's only 5 weeks. 

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. DLHgn


      It's not the amount of hours, it's the time the hours are. So far i'm getting it all done but the juggling is a bit hard. I also have my on campus job for the summer to deal with. Like I said, it's just for 5 weeks. Just have to grind for the next month and I should be okay. 

    3. 06RTCharger


      Working overnight shifts then going to school? Damn. I know those overnight shifts are harsh on ur body/health. Wherever i had to cover the overnight shifts id end up getting pretty sick afterward. Much respect man, i couldnt mentally handle doing all that at once. Keepin grindin bro.

    4. DLHgn


      I just finished up my homework for the night. 15 pages....it was 15 pages...took me 7 hours. Luckily i'm on-call tonight so I wasn't working my overnight shift at Taco Bell. I had time to sit here and work. This prof. assigns hours of HW every day (class is M-F). I bought a new 70 page spiral notebook for this class on Monday and i'm already through half of it with notes and homework...The overnight shifts just start eating away at you. My job isn't really mentally tasking or hard for that matter but standing there constantly pumping out orders for hours on end starts to beat you down. Like, I didn't know this Taco Bell was literally always busy. 

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