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06RTCharger last won the day on June 9 2019

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  1. SAnyone familiar with TEMco indistrial? Kinna late to be asking about the legitimacy of this company lol but i ordered a hydro crimper from them a couple weeks ago. Havent even gotten a shipping tracking number or anything yet and no replys to multiple emails. Shipping was supposed to take up to 7days.

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    2. s5300


      Being as serious as possible

      Don't be dumb dude. 
      Buy one of these. 

      I've done over 400 crimps(not all car audio related) with zero problems, I have a smaller ~12ton one.
      The crimps are only misaligned if you don't put number face to number face, AKA people are fuckin dumb.

      This is one time where cheaper is better IMO.

    3. 06RTCharger


      I just cant do it man. I got issues lmao. I appreciate it tho man, everyone says the cheap ones work just as good. Speacially because im not an eletrician that needs to have things following code and all specs and tools rated specifically to code. But idk, i would have better peice of mind knowing i didnt cheap out. That crimper im getting is being sold for over $700 in other places, including amazon. Direct from the manufacture it was only 370. I see it as a good deal. Ill try to do a review when/if it gets here. 

    4. 06RTCharger


      Damn on ebay the same crimper is going for $1,600. Its the temco TH0034.

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