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Everything posted by Ford302Redneck

  1. Do not get SPL if your going to play music. SPL gap is to tight, and it will cause coil rubbing. I repeat. DO NOT get SPL if your going to play any type of music. Other than that I'd definitely go with the BL, I use to listen to a 15 BL, and it just had killer lowend, yet still had great upper response.
  2. IA has sold alot more amps than we have -- so that is a bit erroneous to say that everyone has SA and IA is different In any event -- the 40.1 is a more powerful amp than the 3500D. The original was a ~5k amp and the new one is over 6k IIRC. I call BS with IA sold more than you.
  3. I'm still curious to see the board on the new 40.1. It seems to be taller than most Zenon amps I've seen. Its really a flip of a coin decision though. Or whichever is cheaper.
  4. Years before 9k? If its that long I'm sure there will be something bigger/better option.
  5. First thing is make a name for yourself. Period. No company is going to let you represent them, if you have no background. Nobody starts off with discounts. Most people pay almost full price for their first big setup. It all takes time, nobody is going to hand you anything. If you think they should, you will never get anywhere. I can promise I'm goin to attend every show on the East Coast, and upload 100 videos on youtube, but without proof, nobody is going to help you.
  6. As long as you have a backup plan, that's better. Everybody giving me hell cause I said that, but that's just reality. Nothing is forever. It sounds like you got most figured out. I'm sure you'll make the right decision, and move to build moofaz. I mean everybody saying its a dream job and what not, but at the end of the day its still just that, a job. I'm sure it will have its good days and bad days. But I'm sure it can be very fun to be apart of something you love.
  7. I agree, I doubt it. But like I'm trying to say, it is possible. That's a long way to move. I always try to think about everything. That is all.
  8. I learned never say never. Sometimes it comes around to bite you in the ass. I'm sure DC shouldn't have any problems with business. But you never know, nothing in life is guaranteed.
  9. I said what if? I made sure that was clear. People have no idea what will happen in the future. Any good business can have a few bad mishaps, and have to close. I AM NOWHERE saying it will happen. But its possible. Period. I was JUST SAYING. You have to think about every detail.
  10. How much louder lol. But on topic. If it was me, and nothing really in the way, I'd honestly think I would. One question you need to ask, what happens if u move, and in a few years DC goes out business. That's a what if, I doubt they will. But its something to consider. I'd hate to move all that way then in a few years be out of luck. I'm sure you've thought about it though.
  11. Glad their wasn't any people bashing drop outs. Actually surprising. Glad this forum still has respect, which isn't the case for other audio forums.
  12. Go buy a GED study book, it includes a practice test. Actually the GED in SC is VERY easy. I'm not sure about other states. Its pretty much a 6th grade level material.
  13. A little late to ask? But I guess better late than never. I would of researched why it did it after the first tire, not the third. I'm sure your local alignment shop can take care of this for you.
  14. No offense but one battery isn't going to stop voltage drop. Battery doesn't produce current, they just store it. It will help from dropping past its resting voltage, but if all the alternators current is being used, your voltage will drop.
  15. I would go with a Q, as I LOVE mine. I've heard a 15 SSD vs my 12 Q and I loved my Q way more.
  16. I don't know many who would want to put 4/8 amps on a 8, but just in case.
  17. Got a beastish price to go with it also. I wish somebody made a 175x2 and 100x2 at 4ohms. Or similar.
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