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Everything posted by Chode69

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  2. Sucks that the turn out went to shit. I enjoyed doing SOTM. Maybe we can have something in the future but the lack of interest has been a demise that I have for seen for a bit. Congrats to all the winners through out the years. Steve, we will keep in contact, hopefully coming up with a new idea later on down the road.
  3. they look nice
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  5. What you mean? Grave digger HAHA I think I was like 17 or 18 when I won this. What you mean? You just did it too, from 2008... 5 year bump haha right doe
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  7. Eat your greens.

    1. deathcards


      but... but i don't wanna :'(

    2. Ahmed Johnson

      Ahmed Johnson

      Can I smoke them?

  8. Nice...I don't have drunken house parties anymore, so I don't sneak on here in between pong games haha. I miss those days.
  9. I miss this thread.
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