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Everything posted by sebXC

  1. stay strong and keep thinking about the good times. I just lost mine this november and its been really hard ( I too am just 17) but what always makes me feel better is now he watch over me
  2. I've had this problem before if you can see the PS3 using the composite cables got to using those switch to HDMI then plug in the HDMI cable see if that works. If it doesn't PM me I'm sure I can figure this one out.
  3. wel today at 11:17 my father passed away after battling cancer. he was diagnosed with it in september it was in his next. well last monday he was having trouble breathing and then wednesday he had trouble seeing. well he got a CT of his head abdomen and pelvis, well it showed that he had a tumor in his brain and he had up to 30 tumors in his liver and small spots of cancer in his lungs. the doctor said that it was terminal. being 17 this hit me really hard thinking about loosing my role model and father. he died in my arms and i was so glad that i was able to be with him. i know that he is in a better place now and not in pain. i just needed to get that out and talk about it so thanks in advance for your kind words in my time of hardship. Rest In Peace, Terry Reisch
  4. wilwoods will be on there way next time my calipers go out. and damn 6 piston thats intense and your rotors are bigger than my rims
  5. Both kicker and hifonics are respectable brands and are great products so how about you stop dumping in this guys thread before someone sees the bant stick
  6. excuess me while i go change my pants. man i wish i could go to sema or any event like that. the re systems look amazing rustys pics FTW
  7. well in our po-dunk little town they cant afford salt so they are going to sand it down and man my car has suffered something fierce from all of the salt. the positive side to less salt is less corrosion and less school SNOW DAYS FTMFW!!!
  8. i do the first snow doughnut and the 0-60 going nowhere :01nocomment8so:
  9. i cant enjoy flying through leaves i have lowered car and i cant wait to see what happens when we get more than a foot of snow
  10. well the past week has been sunny in the mid 70's and now im breaking out the snow scraper because its 32 out and snowing none stop. GRRR well at least gas is at $1.96 and i bet next week it will be in the 50s and sunny
  11. well my friend got some new subs and asked me to see if i could find an amp for him. he got two 15" RE SE subs and wants to run them in 1 ohm. He wants to pay $200-$250
  12. like said before any 1000 watt amp will work i have one 15 lvl4d2 on a hifonics 2006d putting 1300 watts to it and it takes it like a champ.
  13. Congrats man that is sweet those are some sexy subs coming out if i had money to spend id pick up a pair(or two)
  14. I like the steve meade designs i just sounds more badass http://www.stevemeadedesigns.com/board/public/style_emoticons/default/01nocomment8so.gif just my .02
  15. Well i hope hes ok. thats really scary and looks nasty. I wish you and your family the best of luck
  16. you really want an open drink that close to your computer the keyboards make really good bowls. but i dont know how good it would work it would just cool the bottom of it you would think either way a waste of money
  17. alright vid on the way when the battery to video camera charges and stickers going on now.
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