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Everything posted by siucsaluki11

  1. I see what ur sayin, i was polite, till she wouldnt let me speak. Thats when i let her know i lost it. Till then i sat on the dock smokin a cigarette tryin to keep from throwin my phone in the water out of anger/frustration. But honestly, let a man speak. I got lucky i have a good family who was able to help me out, otherwise ida had double if not more in charges when i returned home, and nothing i could do about it. Big banks dont seem to give a fuck about their customers, Im pretty sure when all is said and done, me and my entire family will be closing our accounts with them and cancelling all our cards and finding another place to take our money to.
  2. not so sure youd be able to fit 4 12s firing up with the given dimmensions. Well, hmm...I may be able to work on something. Got time to kill till the belt for the alt for the bboat comes in
  3. IM on mile marker 8, sent you a PM (cant take the boat out today, belt for the alt broke and nobody has one for a 240 merc jet drive here. Having one overnighted from Mercury, should be here tomorrow Money is kinda tight. Just lost my job a few weeks ago cuz of some bullshit, didnt help i was workin 60hrs a week and gettin paid for 40. But i cant find a job anywhere. Got a few interviews when i get home. My grandmother in Indy uses chase. My mom called her and she put some money into my account to help me out. Chase is the same way, if it goes for over 5 days you get hit again. Thankfully it was resolved, but now i gotta go to my branch and fix it when i get home. Dont have a savings account, usually dont have enough to keep it above the min balance they want. I didnt get irate till i couldnt get a word in and explain to her that i cant get to a branch. You mean to tell me you wouldnt lose it if you were on vaca and you found out ur 400 in the red? Then you know youre gunna have 400 more when you get back cuz you get charged like every 5 days you dont take care of it and you cant cuz there isnt a branch in this state? I was pissed with the way she wouldnt let me speak at all. Thats when i got pissed. Untill then i was polite and all. Once she wouldnt let me get a word in, thats when i became irate. Well...I put the cash in and beat the charges before they posted. But the bank says i dont think so. Part of this was a bank error. Now if my previous employer (the people i got my last check form on the 1st) would make the cash available for me to have on the day i get paid, this wouldnt be a problem either. But by the time i got my check, banks were closed, and on top of that, if i wouldda taken it to the bank the company account is at, i couldnt cash it there anyway, cuz the cash isnt in the account untill the 2nd. I dont even wanna get started on that companys bullshit. I give them a few more months till they go under. But that doesnt matter really.
  4. Well, Im away on vacation at lake of the ozarks in MO. I checked my account today, $400 in the red. I was like, wtfuck? Well, some overdraft fees posted, but i got the money in before they posted. I didnt know they came up, cuz i checked after i put the money in and the fees werent there, but the money was. So i check today, shitton of fees. I call Chase, get customer service. The first lady couldnt help me, immediately gave me her supervisor, I like the fact that she did that instead of just givin me the runaround. So i talk to her supervisor. I couldnt get 3 words in. She was not helpful at all. Tells me they cant help me over the phone and i have to come into a branch in person. Well, she said this over and over, and i couldnt get her to STFU. I tried to explain to her im 8 hrs from my home and cant really do that. She asks for the zip of where i am, or what street im on, i tell her I have no idea, im on lake of the ozarks in MO. She says, we dont have any branches in MO. I ask if i can put a hold on my account, "No, you have to go into a branch to do that." After not getting much of a chance to talk to her to explain anything, i lost it. I said, mam, talking to you is like talking to a fucking brick wall. If i continue to bank with chase after this mess, it will be a fucking miracle. Talked to my dad, cuz were on a family vacation. It just started, and this is pissin me off. Im fucking livid. He pretty much said, dont worry about it, nothing you can do from here. So my plan is when i get home, ill go take care of that, close my account with chase, and find a new bank. FOR THE RECORD: I have never had a problem with Chases customer service untill today. Scratch that, i had my account info stolen once, and didnt have my license at the time (lost it at a gas station buyin a pack of smokes) and they wouldnt help me. It wasnt like i was trying to withdraw from the account, i was trying to fix it, kinda rediculous IMO. But ya, aside from that, ive never had a problem with their customer service till today, and when i go home, im closing my account, and as soon as i pay off my credit card (also through chase, never been late on a payment, nothing) i will cancel that too. UNLESS...when i get home, i have a better experience with their customer service. The first person i talked to today on the phone should be promoted to supervisor, and the bitch c you next tuesday supervisor should be fired. /rant EDIT: FYI, there is a high probablility this was all due to a bank error too. anyway, just needed to vent and figured where better than the OT section of my fav forum.
  5. if you still plan on wallin it, or need a design, hit me up, if i dont get back immediately gimme a sec, im away on vaca and check my PMs twice a day or so since our cabin doesnt have internet, i gotta go over to the restaurant here to use the internet (and my batt life isnt bad but it aint great).
  6. I do designs, never done a blow through though, but id be willing to give it a shot, im in MO at the moment and dont have constant internet access, so if it takes me a lil bit to get back to a pm if you send me one, dont be surprised.
  7. I believe if you use less port area, the length needed to tune low will be less
  8. I was lookin LV4, then LV4 with LV5 coils, now im thinkin LV4XL presonally, I Vote DC
  9. God i wish i had the $$$ for a set of those mids and highs, if not both sets. Damn.
  10. This reminds me, I cant wait to order my XL 18!!!!!!
  11. Im goin to a LV4 XL 18 in an 8 cube box off about 1500w in the near future. Got it all lined up, just need the checks to come in, ya know?
  12. That kenwood amp you speak of KAC-9104D i take it? Ive been running one since march now, I LOVE IT. It is a great amp for the price. Im seelin mine though, steppin up form 2 12s and 900w RMS to 1 18 and 1500w RMS. Should be fun. But anyway, that 9104D is a great amp. Doesnt get hot, and i run it full tilt for over 40 min straight when im drivin through the boonies to my grandparents house. Ive never had it overheat, and its kinda enclosed in an amp rack (can breath on one side but closed in on the top, bottom, front, sides) and had a bunch of stuff piled on the amp rack (little to no ventilation for the amp) and it still didnt overheat and go into protect. You would be happy with that amp i think.
  13. It depends, what subs are you getting, lets figure that out first. Then once we know what sub(s) youre getting we can help with the amp(s) youll need.
  14. IDK man, i mean, some of the stuff just makes no sense the way the letters are arranged even, its kinda puzzling. But ive read a few where its like, english, jibberish, english, jibberish, jibberish, jibberish, DC AUDIO/thread lol
  15. I wish i knew these forums existed when i first got my stereo a year and some months ago now. I wouldda know that for the 2 dual 2 ohm subs i had i needed either 2 amps that were one ohm stable that put out 500w RMS at 1 ohm or 1 2 ohm stable amp that put out 1000w RMS at 2 ohms, lol. (or just buy the D4 subs, lol) ANYWAY Use the calc on the12volt.com It will help you alot. If you get 2 D2 subs you will end up with a .5 ohm or 2 ohm load if wired to one amp. D4 subs will give you a 1 ohm or 4 ohm load if you wire 2 subs to the same amp. D2s can be wired to 1 or 4 ohms individually while D4s can be wired to 2 or 8 ohms individually.
  16. Alright, sorry this is OT, but wtfuck is going on here? I have gone to alot of other forums and tried to read shit and either im fucking dyslexic or its all jibberish in some places (sometimes the entire page). What is goin on with that. Sorry if im too much of a n00d to catch on, but please explain, lol. Back to topic. Save ur money and get someting good. Just my .02
  17. This (possibly blue anodized?) thatd look sexy Or this
  18. pics of said box and whatever dimmensions you can give us? Just so we can get a rough idea, or give you some suggestions to get the answer youre lookin for.
  19. yes it is. And even so. My subs are meant for a sealed box going by the EBP or whatever it is. But in a ported box its just a big arch when i go 5 cubes at 30 Hz for my 2 clarions. They love it. I was just sayin for me, that is what worked best, i gained alot on the lows more so than with my old box that was 4 cubes tuned to 35 Hz
  20. back ur gains way off. Running an amp of that size at that low of a load will KILL youre electrical system. You arent feeding the amp enough power so that it can make the power you want it to. you are going to need HO alt and a few batts for that. 75%, that sounds like you have it set way too high. If you have a DMM id suggest using it to set your gains. Dont set them to make it put out 3kw, your electrical cant make 3kw, especially at .5 ohms.
  21. What are your gains set like? Is the box sealed or ported? What amp and what subs? Did you check the voltage at the point you grounded the amp? IF no then you cant besure your ground is fine.
  22. I keep seein a youtube vid of this eclipse with 2 18s behind the rear seat keepin the rear window. But that not a wall anymore IMO. Wall goes top to bottom
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