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Everything posted by BeatBox

  1. HATER Alert! Sry to hear, nobody has messed with my shit since HS (5yrs ago). Hopefully not any time soon either, hopefully you get that window fixed and tinted, Atleast it was the winshield or the Back window, den that would be $$$$ to fix. GL
  2. I was like "really?" for the first few seconds lol but im diggin it, somethin different
  3. i liked the third one best "draggin frame"
  4. They need to bring that back, i liked watching that show.
  5. checked out da pic! Didnt git wut u where asking On the bright side gotta git my post count up while im in here lol +1
  6. yes sir, so $50 right? J/K have anything to trade? PM me so i know when you reply.
  7. you can move it around with enough room to run your wires if you just pop the panel off the clips, them seat belt bolts are from HELL i couldnt remove the ones holding the seats down, when i replaced my carpet
  8. One of my favorite songs right now, i was listening to decaf's version on my way home from work a few minutes ago lol
  9. Why not make your own? save some $$$ EXOContralto has a video on youtube on how to make one! well here it is.... name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>"> name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="500" height="405"></embed></object>" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350">
  10. Are those any good? im lookin to upgrade soon, im thinking DD components tho. Wut do you think?
  11. I got a almost new YellowTop from Craigslist $60 : try looking there, its was a day before i was actually gonna buy a new one from advance
  12. That should be good, hopefully we have the same one if not i can always get all 4 for cheap
  13. Damn thats bullshit :censored: do you have insurance? i think only if you have full coverage and receipts they can help you out. Hopefully they either catch the damn ppl or get your stuff back.
  14. cool, cool. i dont work til tomoro so il check den.
  15. I think it depends where its at or how big/dark it is. They show that crap on tv that is like a cream and it fades it over time but i doubt it works. Even if it works youll probobly still see it there. Im sure unless you get the expensive laser method it probobly work better. i want to get my arms tattoed but cant b/c of work. GL* http://www.wreckingbalm.com/
  16. Wut the heck does that mean? ^^^ lol Oh and welcome to SMD!
  17. do you what size? i can see if we have one of the same or 4 NEW, i work at discount tire Ill hook you up if we have them in stock EDIT how do you loose a center cap that goes thru the back of the wheel lol if you can, measure the back of the center cap
  18. Damn that sucks, Ive had 18s, 20s, 22s and now 24s with out a problem as far as the transmission goes. i like mine but in the summer with the wheels the MPG's suck. I like that two tone paint looks sick, the blue one isnt too bad a few battle scarrs on the bumper lol i recently got some blazer wheels for mine, havent put them on my jimmy tho gotta sand them down and prob sell them.
  19. i think its worth it! but theres nothing like that around here
  20. Worst movie I have ever seen, if you saw the previews for the movie you saw the best parts! Avatar was fuckin great! 3D was well worth the $10
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