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Everything posted by cc_audio

  1. U must be taking advantage of the local nubes, cause I see a lot of JL. Not bad, but I can tell your limited on tools. I would always recommend buying the proper tools before building boxes for others for $. Whatever profit you make, turn around and buy another tool, pretty soon you'll have a very nice woodworking setup. But still, good work.
  2. Here it is, brand new never used. My bills have gotten the best of me so it has to go. Looking for a Sundown SAZ-3500D and some cash. Thanks.
  3. Full power for 7-10 days, no wonder most of MTX is conservatively rated. I'm liking the borrowed 9500s, that shows some confidence in product.
  4. That's a lot of stuff, but I have a feeling there's much more in there. I want more pics.
  5. Hope he's fixing the BTLs that were falling out of box in the last video. Them BTLs tend to try and escape it seems. I like the benches, crossed my mind to redo the benches in our shop but there's just too much welding here to be doing wood. More pics are nice, I love your new shop. Very jealous.
  6. Two posts is enough for me, ran positive and negative run of 4 8gauge wires to the front battery. (yeah i'm cheap) Started the benches. Couple nubes with power tools again. The help was much appreciated. Out with the old pos console. In with the new... Who wants more pics?
  7. Well, I've been fighting with photobucket for the past couple days to get you these. I need a new hosting site. Anyway, got a new camera exactly the same as my old one (thank you ebay) and now you get pics. This is all I had the patience to upload, many more coming. This friday, if its clear, will be the maiden voyage to see if she still runs like a champ. Put my friends to work, this may be the first time these tools have ever used a tool. Needless to say, I have been terrified every step of this build. Tore out the passenger console to rebuild for more convenient room and to get rid of the ugly ass windshield. New single windshield will be installed on driver side. Does anyone want more pics? Or has interest been lost already?
  8. The Cadillac ESV Extra Sexy Vehicle. Not sure, I kinda like the old install better. Had a nice junkyard theme to it. Haha Very nice work, I like it a lot.
  9. I have really low body fat so how much I eat beforehand greatly changes how much I can handle. I always bring a Fifth for myself and then find the ladies that are willing to share whatever colorful drink they have. A fifth of Vodka and i can still walk and talk, but not well. I usually don't get sick unless my mixer or chasers are really sugary. I found that the stronger the better, sugar makes me sick. Last time I was hit-the-floor-blacked-out drunk was a whole big bottle of McGillicuddys, many shots of 151, and a couple long island ice teas that I don't remember getting. I guarantee I couldn't make the legal limit at noon the next day. Worst hang over I've ever had. If there's no chance of getting laid, I'll drink until I meet the floor and that's my policy.
  10. I would love to flood you guys with some pics, but I ran over the camera with the trailer. So until I get a card reader, I'm kinda screwed. New camera real soon though for continuing pics. Sorry guys, I'm bummed too. And my garage has been taken over for a garage sale.
  11. Great guy great seller. Sub arrived very quickly. Thanks man, would def do business with again.
  12. I'm not ready to dump all my pics on here yet. But here's another teaser. Hopefully sunday I can unleash some more pics. Sorry, guess you'll have to stay tuned.
  13. When I first got my Plutonium the sub smelt like weed. So every time I bassed it the whole car filled with the smell. Guessing the guy who had it before me rolled around blazed a lot. Hopefully it doesn't smell like that, everyone will ask you if you just got done smokin. I'm guessing your smelling break in smell from the oils and such on the coils. EDIT: Where you located?
  14. Another teaser for you. You'll have to wait for more pics, might be able to sneak a pic of equipment...or maybe not.
  15. Well, past few weeks I've been playing with the boat and now I finally have all the time in the world to hack into it. These are just some teaser pics, end of the week I'll flood you guys with images. Here's a link to last years build. All old amps have been pulled Seats have been pulled to be rewrapped in new vinyl That other seat piece is already out and will be replaced by a bench seat. Motor will have a Sun-tan deck built over it for more storage and better engine access. Picture of the Tower we made, since I forgot to upload pic for last build. All the shit that came out, I've since added to the pile.
  16. Ah, icic. I guess I haven't seen too many subs 3" coils with 10" spiders. TC did a couple subs with those. I wouldn't have the slightest clue where to look for them either. Got any vids?
  17. Guessing you used a drop in recone kit? Otherwise how come you used such small diameter spiders? TC baskets accept up to 10" spiders I believe. Otherwise looks pretty sick, wish I could come across some of those TC baskets in 18"s.
  18. Even though I've seen them, I wanna see pics of the amplifier and your electrical. And I really want to see a video. Install that port already, gotta make sure it works too. Did you want me to host the build pics here since their already on my photo bucket account?
  19. I've recieved two subs from FedEx with broken baskets just this year, and each time I signed for the sub that automatically waived responsibility of damage. Which means I could not open a claim with insurance because I signed for it. Am I supposed to open the fuckers right then and there to make sure they're fine and then sign for them?! Fuck Fed-Ex, they can kiss my ass, shady fucks. UPS/USPS, or DHL all day long over FedEx. At least if there's a problem with UPS(which there have been) I can FIX it.
  20. Could be worse, it could look like your avatar. Well, atleast he didn't use duck tape...uh...wait...nevermind.
  21. With no Aux input of any kind and inability to read MP3/WMA format disks, I would only ever charge like $25 max for any headunit. They are pretty useless, unless its like an oldschool Fosgate.
  22. This was the very first system I had done by myself in my own car, this was right before tearing it out. The amps used to be at an angle with two 2farad caps mounted above each (reason for holes, we were all nubes once) and the amps used to match before they started dieing from weak input signal tolerances. They did not like my eclipses preout voltages, but they sure were pretty.
  23. I gaurantee that woofer will fit, I've made woofers fit where they should have never gone. Just gotta want it son! If you don't want it badly enough, then I'll take the sub. But seriously, I gaurantee you've got more room then I did. Check the sig here's an example v v v
  24. Fixed, this is perfect, do this. The extra nut keeps the bolt from turning when reconnecting wires, since you won't be able to access the other side of the bolt when subs are installed. I think your worrying about shorting too much, make sure the box doesn't navigate while driving and just disconnect before moving it if your worried about it. Wings nuts are nice for that, I use plain nuts just the same because I never seem to keep wing nuts around.
  25. This is what I do, keeps box sealed. Doesn't add any noticable resistance.
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