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Everything posted by 30Hz.wav

  1. lol, maybe they want to tell you a different paypal that is not linked with their ebay account so their ebay doesn't get banned... Fuckin losers.
  2. I got it. Im a big cham fan... Just look at my name, ccc... lol
  3. I agree with this thread, but when it comes to the point of disturbing other people, then thats where it can cross the line.
  4. joke, but it kind of sounds like it would work... lol
  5. Buy some of these for cheap off of ebay... EBAY Just place like 8 of them under your amp and bolt that sucker to your box
  6. Haha this happens to me all the time. I just let it go...
  7. lol, this thread caught my eye... Building a box next week for a 01 blazer that will house 1 15" kicker and still trying to figure the dimensions I am going to be using...
  8. Get a semi trailer and something big to pull it, and throw like 100 18's back there with a shit load of batteries and amps and a custom alternator setup for 20 alternators....
  9. I scratched my cornea and believe me, it's hell. I didn't know it was scratched at first, it just felt like something was in my eye, but it got to the point where it cut open more and my eyes was sensitive to ANY light, even the dimmest light... I had to see the doctor asap, and they gave me some cream to put on the eye for a while and it started to heal up after a few weeks. The good thing is my cornea was cut in a spot where the scar it left didnt affect my vision, but it was almost in a spot that could have made me blind. Just go to a doctor asap! and don't let it get worse. This can be something serious. Btw, I was a dumbass and wore someone else's contacts for about a year, thats how I got the cut in my eye... Never took the contacts out, never cleaned them, guess I learned the hard way. (Years back in highschool.)
  10. You need to do this... Next time play some high frequency's, she will never hear it...
  11. Roll All windows up and leave sun roof down and sit inside and play it. It will sound louder..
  12. lmao... Are those batteries even seeing a charge if the voltage drops to 11v....
  13. Just pull up next to them and cancel out their music with your elite bass system.
  14. the boyfriend needs to check his lady before he starts talking shit to you and going after you. It's not your fault, his lady is a major slut.
  15. If your not sweatin him, just let it go and if he trys to do something, then knock him out. But if he doesn't just kick back and chill and be happy another guys lady is kissin up on you..
  16. Just go to court and go with the flow. Whats the worse they can do? Throw you in jail for calling someone a pussy over text messaging. The judge will probably laugh at this and send everyone on their way.
  17. Unplug your battery to the car or remove it....
  18. I need a Kinetik HC1400 for as CHEAP as possible. Thanks
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