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Everything posted by slugdub

  1. Does anyone know what kind of shelf life are on these things? I bought a bunch overseas a year or so ago and always forget to have them when I actually get laid (which is infrequent enough at is is). Damn things are a godsend when you are pushing a bit of whiskey rope, if you get my drift. Somebody told me that their invention is going to kill off all the frat boys who would otherwise be unable to get in there. Oh and who saw Top Gear a couple weeks back where they used them to combat altitude sickness? haha, that was good.
  2. We hardly knew ya haha

  3. Ahhh, to be 17 again. Who cares who's is loudest? I only care if it sounds good and that it will give me enough bass to satisfy me for a year or two. Good call on the ebay though. Shit is ALWAYS at least 50% cheaper than anywhere else (at least on subs I've noticed).
  4. Well enough complaints piling up on a certain person all matching something (like cheating) will have to do something, I am sure. I don't file complaints on the racists, I just leave the room and don't play with them anymore. Feedback is nice because it avoids them, hopefully. Everytime I mute somebody with no complaint I just see them later, I'd rather nip it in the bud.
  5. lol after making this thread within minutes I got yelled at for using the "F" word as in insulting to gays. It is hard to quit, I understand. It is one thing to let it slip but when your clantag is [JEW!] I think you deserve an ass kicking.
  6. I'm not sayin I didn't grow up in the woods and a mostly white school with tons of rednecks, but Jeeeeesh. How many times do you have to refer to our president or another player with the N-word on XBL? Seriously people, be yourself if you need to but do it privately, I don't want to listen to you secure your place in hell live, via my headset lol
  7. Just use spraypaint, it is easier and you can accomplish the same thing.
  8. Believe it or not this isn't the first drunken post about earwax in this section. I think I started one about how fantastic q-tips covered in hydrogen peroxide feel in your ear.
  9. Everytime the camera pans around I want it to do a shot of their asses.. and sometimes it does. The movie is mesmerizing, really.
  10. Haha, this argument is still raging? what have I done! Sorry for starting this hehe
  11. That's the thing man. You can only put so much faith in fate. I've had a threesome and it was INCREDIBLY lucky. By complete chance. I asked a girl if she wanted to share a cab and her friend came along and... I had no clue they were Bi. Anyhow, lighting don't strike twice.. ya know? Why not spend $120 to ensure it does hehe
  12. $500? I was going to tell you where to hop on a plane and have some amazing hookers for $60 a pop (so $120 a threesome) but the airfare will run you $1200 to start. Come back when you got at least $1500-2000 and we'll talk burnin money.
  13. My phone has that flash-lite or whatever but it sure is barely flash at all.
  14. No matter what phone you go with get it off ebay or the best buy auction site. Never go to a corner phone store and I'd probably skip a contract with all the cheap unlocked phones out there.
  15. Ok, it might be 3 years old and big but I got one of these in May and I love it. I have it loaded with games (current ones too), photos, videos etc and it does all the internet stuff I want. Sort of like having a little laptop with you always. Just get a good phone with wi-fi, it doesn't need to be anything fancy. I also wanted quadband with mine, many quadband + wi-fi phones are out there (the iPhone does qualify). I myself would lean towards a sony ericcson if I had the choice since they are so sexy.
  16. So he did it on purpose? Ok, sort of confusing to figure out what you are talking about here.
  17. Yeah, the tallies are in: http://www.kare11.com/news/news_article.aspx?storyid=833375 I don't think anyone broke any records but the almost 2 feet they got up north would suck. I would almost take that over the 9.25 inches we got with as much rain as we had. Here in the cities it is all frozen now and a good way to get your car stuck on a huge shelf of ice. I just did and took me 30 minutes and the help of some good Samaritans to get me out.
  18. What the hell is an HID and why are there 20 threads about it? I see a person with 6 posts trolling the boards and editing their posts after the fact and I tend to get a bit skeptical as to why they aren't suspended.
  19. Haha, no I aint "got purp." Now you made me have to back my shit up. I remember from Jr High that sodium draws water from cells. My teacher claimed if you put a freshwater fish in salt water they would explode on a cellular level (not really sure about that but I'm not a big enough dick to try it hehe). I guess I was actually wrong about less sodium, apparently Pedialyte has MORE! which actually = more water retention. I guess it is an age old argument, some say Pedialyte has more electroytes and less carbs but others say Gatorade is a better balance and even closer to the thickness of blood. Pedialyte just seems like the best choice because it is what they give children when they are severely dehydrated with the squirts.
  20. Not sure who Drew is but a very special Egyptian-style birthday to you: سنة حلوة يا جميل
  21. I've had enough snow for one day. Stop already, please.
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