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Everything posted by JSwongerAA

  1. 3-300w amps will most likely be class a/b. 1-1000w amp will probably be class d and more efficient. One friend of mine had 3 jl 12w3v2-d4 and 3 RoFo p3001's with birthsheets at around 375 each=1125watt. same subs wired up to 8 ohm drivers and parelled back down to 2.67 on rofo fan cooled t10001bd doing around 1000 @2ohms was WAY louder than the 3 single amps that supposedly put out more power from the same manufacturer.
  2. I have seen at least 2 late 90's regals have their ignition switches go bad. Sometimes its the starter wire and sometimes its the ignition but the ignition switch was only putting out 5-8v onto those wires. I have wiggled the wiring going into the switch for a tempory fix.
  3. It sounds like you have a bad connection at your positive battery terminal. Resistance=Heat. take a multimeter and set it to voltage. Start with one of your probes on the negative POST (not the battery clamp, on the post itself). Take your other probe and touch the positive post and record your voltage. then move onto the battery clamp thats on the post and record your voltage. Next go onto the wire as it enters the clamp on the battery. Wire going into the fuseholder, hot side of fuseholder to fuse, fuse to amp side of fuseholder etc etc etc. Keep testing each time you have a connection the whole way back or until you get a big difference in voltage, i want to say 0.5 volts from one point to another would be where you need to stop. That point will be your resistance. Fix it and everything should be better. Schoshe fuseblocks are notorious for getting warm and melting the plastic around the machined parts and melting the plastic on Maxi fuses as well.
  4. If your still gonna be there by Nov 1st you should go and tailgate at Lambeau Field. I've sat down and watched 3 pro footbal games in the last 4 years and I still think tailgating at Lambeau would be one of the most fun things you could do.
  5. Hit up SoundMekanix.com. Its the Wisconsin area DB drag Website. I know they have members in Oskosh and Green Bay. They might have some members in Manitowoc but not 100% sure. Bangin Caddy is from Wi and he's on here quite a bit. I'm sure he knows the people in eastern wisconsin a lot better than i do.
  6. I just though i would add this in before somebody starts an argument. This is a direct quote from the MECP Advanced Installer Handbook. "Although difficult to tell, MDF is a leaky material. For optimum results, seal the inside cavity with polyester resin, sealer paints or rubberized undercoating. The greater the woofer excurion, the greater the leak experienced in the untreated MDF." pg. 196
  7. Here's his Myspace page with Phone # and address. Freeland Kustomz on Myspace.
  8. There's no good reason not to fiberglass your box. It will strengthen your joints and reduce flexing. Also MDF is slightly porous, no where near as bad as particle board but still not completely air tight, and the more airtight your box is the better. Can you tell the difference in the flex? Maybe. Will you be able to tell the difference with making your sealed box a little more airtight? Probably not. Its one of those things along the lines of spending money on High end RCA's, you won't hear the difference until your so far into the game that your running big money gear and a ton a sound deadener, then you might hear the difference. In a regular street beater you probably won't be able to tell at all.
  9. I'm a fan of the T-Rex style strippers. PartsExpress The built in cutter with efficiently cut 12g speaker wire, but you have to be careful not to stick too much in there otherwise you can ruin the pivot. They do take a little while to get dialed in but once you do you can take a wiring harness and strip 4 wires with one motion in the jaws. This stripper saves lots of time if you are going to be doing lots of deck installs. Also this style of stripper will automatically strip a coaxial antenna cable without going into the second layer. I still use a regular scissor style stripper for making larger larger cuts up to 4g.
  10. If you have a table saw or a circular saw with a straight edge definitely go with brad nails and wood glue. I like to use just a few screws on any panels longer than 24" or high power applications. If your only option it to use a free hand circular saw or jigsaw for your box then your gonna want to use 1 5/8" drywall screws with an 1/8" pilot hole to pull your box together tight, if you have really big gaps (anything over 1/8")then you'll want ot spring for liquid nails instead of wood glue because it will fill up anywhere you have a hole. Have fun picking MDF boogers!
  11. You can find a few pics on his Myspace, only a few pics are on there. Also he's got a few vids on YouTube: Singaboy311.
  12. Oh yeah, some stuff I forgot Chicken BBQ 60' Time Trials Burnout Contest Exhaust Wars Flame Throwers Soapbox Derby Here's the DB Drag Link
  13. Stereo show this weekend up the Canadian Border about a 6 hour drive for you. burnout contest, food, lots of Old Skools. Link
  14. DB drag single point show in Clayton, NY on September 26th '09. There will also been tons of classic and muscle cars. Here's the Link TheJunctionInc.com
  15. I've got a 5 1/2 hour drive from Watertown, Ny to get to Carlisle. Won't have anything to compete with but i sure wouldn't mind seeing what kind of crazy systems come out of the woodwork for a triple point event. I only got Sunday off of work and might feel like taking a road trip.
  16. I'll be making the trip down from Superior to the Shakopee show. Just got back from a 6 hour trip to Green Bay for a DB Drag show. 2 1/2 hours to the twin cities will be cake compared to that. I got a red sentra with an 18" ascendant chaos and a jl 500/1. Gotta read up on the rule book and see if i should keep this amp or step up to something bigger and tune it down to keep it in my class for their clamped power ratings.
  17. I haven't had a chance to try the MCGangBang yet. Sounds like a good sandwich, i just haven't been drunk enough to try to order one in public yet.
  18. Sound Mekanix has their 2009 Schedule out now. SoundMekanix 2009 Schedule Still waiting on the Meca Schedule and we'll see if any MidwestSPL shows come to the state.
  19. I'm gonna second Boon, your just gonna have problems putting that much box in that little of a car, either do 2 18 BTL's with a 4k rockford on each sub, or if you wanna do 4 of those rockford amps then scale down to 4 12's or 4 15's. Remember 4 12's in the properly braced box will kill 4 15's in a "too weak of a box because you didn't have enough airspace to begin with so your making the walls thinner to gain more airspace" box.
  20. Also go and check out SoundMekanix.com. They do the Wisconsin, Minnesota and UP of Michigan Db Drag shows. stay on their website for info. First show is May 3rd in Green Bay. Its best to keep up dated on the forum, the schedule is a bit slow to be updated.
  21. There's a DB Drag show in the upper peninsula of Michigan next weekend, its gonna be a trip for me being 4 1/2 hours East of Duluth. DB Drag Racing, Houghton Michigan Pizza eating competition and $200 cash prize. I hear it normally has a good turn out. Official Flyer
  22. I was BS'ing with the guys at Dad's Electronics in Duluth and they said they would be doing a local cruise in once a twice a month. It sounds like it won't be for any points, just bragging rights. Be sure to talk to them next time your in Duluth. Also go and keep checking the Meca, DB Drag, and MidwestSPL sites once a week for updates.
  23. Be sure to keep on the DB Drag sites and Meca Car Audio sites. Here's a DB Drag show if you don't mind driving into the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I'll be there.
  24. We had a dude coming into our stereo shop and writing bad checks with his dad's company check book. After we repo'd his stuff we told him he could still come back but had to be on a cash only basis. We joked with him about bringing $100 in singles in, well he did it, no big deal. Everyone had a good laugh. Well he thought he'd be cute and with his next purchase he brought in $600 in singles, it took 2 employees 20 min to count out that money and it wasn't so funny.
  25. To get your system insured your probably gonna have to add it onto your policy as an aftermarket piece of equipment and pay extra each month or just get a separate policy for your beats. A requirement of nearly any insurance company is that your system is bolted down. Some will even give your a discount if you have a security system installed. Only way to find out is to start shopping for insurance rates.
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