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Everything posted by Jville140db

  1. this served me well in my last car http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=productsearch&cd=2&ved=0CFcQgwgwAQ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.jcwhitney.com%2Fmusic-interface%2Fp2003529.jcwx%3FTID%3D8014524FT2%26zmam%3D15972153%26zmas%3D21%26zmac%3D165%26zmap%3D13529G&ei=ZvmoTd-MJ4_UiAKn7s3vDA&usg=AFQjCNFsGSIH32n3OnUncy2xD0PbPWjttQ&sig2=-SDrAX_y7zcMQiMMIx-Leg
  2. Awesome man when I got jacked years ago I was out 3000 bucks. And I still had to pay 300 bucks to get the window fixed along with replacing everything that got taken.
  3. ok so im just gonna put what i did when i saw the first pic loaded GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Vids Vids Vids
  4. how long did the sub last? Haha. I could imagine 15hz @ like 160dB...can I say, "TORNADO?" time to call Gary Killian he did a 157.7 at 16hz at sbn this year that is if i remember that right.
  5. With what I currently have probably like 28hz before you can't hear them anymore. But its probably only like a 125. Now with the new Rockford build I have no idea i'll get back to ya when I finish lol.
  6. That is awesome bro way to go. Keep the vids on rolling you never know next thing you could be on CNN or something lol
  7. I cant wait till this thing is ready gonna make my job super easy for level setting keep us posted Steve.
  8. It aint prttey but its doing some serious work man nice job time to make it look good.
  9. thats the best answer ever i use that all the time. I like this one. Why not do it because I can.
  10. Yeah I hear that kinda shit all the time. How kicker is better than alpine or jl is better than this. This is better than that. Because they heard everything they have ever heard one time and they base it all on that one time shit is annoying. I feel ya man.
  11. I agree for sure his problem is deeper than that.
  12. What's the sepintine belt sorry I've never heard of that? its the belt that drive all the accy's in the car its the solid black belt should be on the left side of the motor on your car
  13. cant wait for my subs but looks like im going back to 0ga err such a pain to run

    1. crunkjuice1


      thanks for your help.

  14. had that happen before was a bad batt terminal on the ground first time was a busted sepintine belt but the car i was driving had two one was for the alt alone so i doubt thats it unless you are rocking a 3000gt go with the first option
  15. no sense in redoing the big three on a stock alt with short runs it would make little difference im sure i just dont want to rob my amps of power or burn my brand new car down
  16. Yeah i already have to do the ripping out part but i have to pull all of it out anyway to change the amps so yeah FML
  17. Well I saved 100 bucks on the subs so 1/0 here I come. Damn I though I was done with this shit. Oh well gotta pay to play thats the motto I tell people I guess have to adhere to it too.
  18. I have in the car currently 4ga kicker z series power wire with a optima yellow top under the hood with the big three done in 4 ga im swapping amps to a p400-4 and a p1000-1bd should i upgrade to 0ga or will the 4ga stand up. Thanks for any replies in advance
  19. Old school rockford power series 1500 always wanted one looked great and had tons of power but at like a grand back in high school no way i was getting one.
  20. good luck fitting them under the seat in the proper box or am I nuts he said ported remember.
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