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Everything posted by Amalan

  1. im not sure they do that with mail in rebate crap though... yep i dont but the beefier in a smaller package the better. anyone know how to get discounts on the mac book pro lol ? you guys got me hyped up about it and they look so sweet now.
  2. yep it has some cool design on the lid but i think alot of hp laptops have some weird design on them. i realized the sale for that laptop ended 4/13... so its back to its original price ill just wait till it goes down again im not in a big rush for a new comp closer to the end of may ill need one.
  3. like i said i work with macbooks everyday and i do not like them so im pretty set on that, the mac book pro on the other hand is amazing, i love those things and would love to get one if they werent so expensive. that laptop i posted would kill a basic mac book and is much cheaper so i really have no incentive on getting just the basic mac book... im looking for other window laptop options right now i pretty much know all the mac options.
  4. yeah theyre neat i think the pros are sweet but i would be way too worried about it if i got i would end up getting it lojacked and keep it in saran wrap like how indian people keep their 5 yr old furniture still in the plastic wrap it came in
  5. bleh the only mac i like is the pro cause of its looks, i use macbooks alot and im not a fan the screen is like a fingerprint magnet somehow and im not really a fan of the whole spaced out keys. plus most of my programs are for pc and that whole parallel thing doesnt appeal to me cause i would probably never be on the mac side so basically i have an overpriced fancy cased windows laptop with light up keys (the light up keys pretty much does it for me id buy a mac just for those)
  6. i think i found it!!!! i was at office depot earlier today and saw this bad boy on sale for 899 after a 150 instant saving and a 50 dollar mail in rebate i think i might jump on it... what do you guys think of this? http://www.officedepot.com/a/products/1015...ebook-Computer/ it fits all my criteria and exceeds them plus its a touchscreen what do you guys think? good deal or no?
  7. uhm no lol i dont do well with macs unless it was just to surf the web or something and in that case its still way too expensive id rather get a carbon fiber sony x505 that was made back in like 2002 im weary about dells quality but they seem to be getting better. thats a nice one but hella expensive 3 grand is a stretch lol
  8. that weighs nearly 8lbs lol im going to pass on that i used to have a 17in laptop that weighed 8lbs and that got annoying real quick basically sat on my desk and didnt move at all. im ONLY interested in a thin and light laptop, nothing else. i have a nice desktop for the heavy stuff so no need for a desktop replacement laptop.
  9. Im looking for a new laptop and need some suggestions, im looking for a thin and light laptop that will be easy to carry to classes, i want at least 2gb ram and 100+gb hd im looking for a small screen as well between 12in and 14in. and i would like it to be able to have a decent amount of battery life at least 4 hrs worth. might be cool also to have a tablet pc cause touch screens are so sweet but thats not entirely necessary. oh and another big thing NO MACS!!!! lol theyre cool and all but ive had way too many issues with them plus too many compatibility issues and dont want to go through the hassle. im not worried about viruses i protect myself well enough. I dont want a gaming laptop so dont post any 40lb laptops that have a handlebar and roll on wheels. helpz me finds a laptop!!!
  10. ED vid part 1 http://www.edesignaudio.com/elementaldesigns_carpet1.php part2 http://www.edesignaudio.com/elementaldesigns_carpet2.php very informative vid, its what i used when i wrapped my first box.
  11. that guy looks like a douche he parked sideways over like 3 spots lol
  12. it doesnt piss me off but why??? like who thought of tossing a sub out the back of a car tied to a rope?
  13. yeah similar thing happened to mine the solder points were corroded and the corrosion was connecting the circuits together and short circuited the dash.
  14. it would help if you replaced it with another deep cycle but its not entirely necessary if you dont have the funds atm. You can just use the stock batt with a nice kinetik in the back and it should be fine.
  15. keyword "retail" you can buy a hc2400 for 300 shipped and its far better than a yellowtop.
  16. i honestly dont think youll get any interference if you ran it along the side near your factory wires. but if you want to be on the safe side then you can do what megalo did.
  17. thanks for clearing that up sucks they had some nice ass subs too
  18. you should be fine just run the rcas on the opposite side of the 0awg
  19. well then why wasnt it audiopulse going out of business? im so confused...
  20. i honestly dont think its that stupid of a question ive wondered that myself as well just leave the amp inside the box without the cover so its open so the air being pushed by the subs would circulate through the amp but like kingsuv said, the pressure inside the box could potentially cause some failure. im not sure its the best idea but i mean ive never heard anyone who has done it and it gone wrong either so not sure.
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