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Everything posted by IH8PunkRok

  1. how about this http://desktoppub.about.com/cs/colorselection/p/red.htm it has a bunch of meanings of the color red
  2. i got nuthin man i found the red light district in germany but nothing that relates to the actual red lights
  3. yes i have i got one right now i asked her out and she said no but ill still do anything for her i know wut u mean man
  4. get to the rebuild man can be bumpin kicker and lookin bad now can ya?
  5. well i dont plan on upgrading my subs or amp once i get my PA a3000db the only thing im plannin on doin is puttin in a screen or two for viewing pleasure plus that upgrade is gonna cost alotta money so it wont happen anytime soon
  6. dont let it get to u bryan just remeber at least she still thinks about u as more than a friend i cant get that so ur lucky if she does the same thing if u go out again just leave her and let it be (then u go pimpin wit ur system turned up ur bound find some hot girl out there)
  7. i think that loox pretty cool the only thing is the lights need fixin
  8. just so u know smd doesnt approve of illegally obtaining music id be careful with wut u say
  9. alright so back to my original question 0 ga wire, yellowtop, and 200 amp alt? or wut talk to me peeps
  10. ok im reading 14v as the lowest reading under the same conditions as last test
  11. just figured out i lied took my car outside had my system turned up loud and my l.e.d.s goin and i was gettin 14.5v at the cap does that change anything?
  12. ok a unanimous upgrade that makes me happy =( ok so ima need new wire (0ga?) new battery (yellowtop?) and a new alt (100 amp or wut?) gimme wut u got but dont expect this to happen soon
  13. honestly not much will change in 3/4 inches if u have it tuned correctly itll just be a tad bit tighter no big deal hope u get the job man
  14. ok with the setup i have now im gettin a constant 12.5v but im wonderin if the 3000db will drop the voltage any. if u think its needed would a yellow top and a 80 amp alt work (i only have 4 ga wire)
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