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S.O.T.M. Winner
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Status Replies posted by OrionStang

  1. All of the sh!t here and there that I've been buying for my install is starting to add up :(

  2. "My dad has a gold tooth.""My dad just has diabetes."

  3. One of the hardest things you'll do in life is watch someone you love, love someone else...

  4. Subwoofer break in? Or let it slam? Hmm..

  5. 2 amps for sale. audiobahn a500spl 150 and planet audio big bang 200.

  6. 2 amps for sale. audiobahn a500spl 150 and planet audio big bang 200.

  7. Might get the NS-1. Anybody interested in a hardly used DC 7.5k?


  9. Best offer cash takes her! PM me

  10. Boom boom boom and let me hear you say ayyyyy yooooo........ I'm drunk.

  11. Boom boom boom and let me hear you say ayyyyy yooooo........ I'm drunk.

  12. When a girl says yes to my question >> lol

  13. When a girl says yes to my question >> lol

  14. Damn...6 month dental cleaning in the morning..at least the girl that does mine is hot, just sucks cuz you're laying there with your mouth wide open looking as terrible as possible.

  15. When If ever do you need extra spiders for a woofer.. Exactly what do spiders do?

  16. Today I am leaving politics to the like-minded, can't handle the radicals on either side at the moment, truthfully there is some middle ground, I call it reality...please catch up to me so we can all be better off.

  17. I need fiberglass help, check out post 219 in my build log.

  18. my 1,000 dollar sterio got mest up...oh! nevermine i 4got i have a 2year warranty...haha!! silly of me.

  19. Fuck you Wednesday !, I'm taking a nap :P

  20. Drunk. like a fat chick after a one night stand.

  21. If anyone knows anyone that needs/wants a system put in their vehicle, hit me up and ill hook you up for way cheaper than any shop will.

  22. i wanna put my rear door speakers in. but fuck it, im lazy.

  23. Pulled up to a dude with his system up, said "hey bro, your shits loud" with a thumbs up. Before he could respond, turned mine up full tilt and drove away slowly. Boss.

  24. i guess ill start my box after i pay rent on the first.

  25. If anyone knows anyone that needs/wants a system put in their vehicle, hit me up and ill hook you up for way cheaper than any shop will.

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