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Everything posted by Team-Atomic-Andrew

  1. i need 2 pairs of new LED tail lights i need a 7443 can someone pick a pair from amazon that they have had the best luck with, also a 1156
  2. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sr_automotive?ie=UTF8&search-alias=automotive&field-brandtextbin=SUPER%20PLASMA%20XENON
  3. they are XEON gas filled normal filament bulbs they have the look of HID but are NOT hid's
  4. he is saying that if his car is soooo crappy and it fails smog, if he spends 400 repairing it and its still crappy, does it not have to pass inspection
  5. lol i was gonna say newls why dont you send purdy on a little "vacation" he is only making the situation worse, when people are stuck in their own ways it sometimes takes a boot up the ass to get them to see the light
  6. true, but when i ran my ground to the back i ran it to the battery, and the battery is connected to the alt, so in theory the entire power system is connected with copper
  7. its a virus boot to save mode, run system restore set it back a few days, then after thats done run malware bytes i deal with about 4 a day of these at work
  8. the reason "pros" do it is because they copper wire used is less resistance than the steel frame of the car, usually the wire run is 1/0 or bigger and OFC not CCA
  9. ive seen a guy spray alcohol on it and light it on fire and slowly bend it
  10. het steve it looks like its saggin a little in the back, you should drop the front down, would look cleaner
  11. ok so i need to make a logo for my car i wanna replace the stock QX4 logo with a custom one one that says INFINITI QX4 DIABLO AUDIO EDITION i want it raised up about 1/4 inch and beveled anyone know the best way to do this? i dont have access to a cnc mill unless one of you guys do.
  12. heh we sell them at work no offense to anyone but we mainly sell them as "brown person amps" (hispanics) they are crap i have a pic of the inside of one of the 200 watt amps
  13. hey can some mod unban me from chat, i know chris already tried but it still says im banned can someone look into this?
  14. yea id save up for a better setup get some funky pups
  15. you can get a viper alarm for 69.99 YES its 2 way paging check in hot deals, i posted it in there
  16. home depot sells weatherstriping you can layer a few rolls of that !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. yea we have one at work, i nearly crapped my pants when i saw it its HUGE about 15 feet of trunk space and 5 feet tall
  18. im not gonn a be able to buy one for about 18 months, but im thinking dj style cept with 18's
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