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Everything posted by Maxim

  1. Do you think the issue could be with the charger? I dunno what else could be fucking them all up. Hell, I still use the headset that came free with my year subscription to LIVE. Got it like 3 1/2 years ago now. Still works fine. I wanted a wireless one, but I can't justify the price to myself. Lol, send me one of your old ones
  2. Sometimes thats how you gotta do business. Get something good Steve. Or just make him sit in your car until he agrees to the terms you gave him. Lol he almost jumped out just from the highs!
  3. Rattlecan that bish. Or make a plexi cover and let people look at the guts!
  4. Dual 270-300 amp alts, 10 d3100 batteries, MLA module, Big 3 in 4/0, 30 fuses, and buss bars out the ass. J/K I know guys on here love their electrical upgrades. You'd be covered with a 230 or 270 amp alt, 2 or 3 batteries, and some good old 1/0 for the Big 3.
  5. For some 12's with big motors 6 cubes for 3 subs is fine, but his 3 Pioneers are probably wishing they were in a smaller box. They gots tiny motors on those things.
  6. LOLOLOL haven't seen that one yet.
  7. 6 cubes for 3 12's is definitely on the bigger side of boxes. If you're feeding them close to their max RMS in a big box, especially at 30hz, they'll definitely have more excursion than a smaller box would. If they're not bottoming out or making funky noises or smelling horrid I don't think it's a huge issue tho.
  8. 4 Kickers would be more cone area but I say fuck it do the 2 15's cause I haven't seen much done with 15's lately. It's all "Look at my 36 12's in my Astro Van!" or "Look at my 4 18's in my Tahoe!" I wanna see some 15's!
  9. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+set+gains+with+an+oscilloscope Google is your friend
  10. LOL This is the best story I've ever heard! How much did you pay for the thing? And did he make it right there or did it take a few days? There's a few sites online that will make custom plates for you.
  11. The guy who told him that clearly didn't know what he was talking about.
  12. As long as your alternator works, it should be able to charge anything. A battery is a battery. Get the Optima if you can afford it, otherwise that one will do nicely.
  13. I never understood car racing. Watching a bunch of cars drive 200 laps around a track and go 500 miles in total seems like the biggest waste of a day to me. I can see why everyone got bored and started drinking. Also, sucks to be the guy who passed out!
  14. Gotcha. You probably don't need an uber graphics card to run WoW (I play WoW on my Alienware, but it's kind of overkill). WoW isn't a super demanding game and should be fine on just about any modern laptop, even with an on-board graphics card. Don't spend money on stuff you won't use, right?
  15. LOL! I thought you were talking about an Alpine Type-X and I was like "you blew it on 400rms of clean power?!?" Then I read it again and felt dumb.
  16. Herp derp. Didn't mean to say tune the T-line lower. LOL I meant ported box and tune lower but I typed T-line as well. Somebody me from this site. :facepalm:
  17. HAHA, sorry I'm raping your thread with replies lately. I figure it's easier to have multiple double/triple posts than keep editing my one post into a wall of text that turns into a tl;dr Anyway, here's an idea of a laptop I actually recommended to my girlfriend that she bought. She had an old HP 17" that she loved, but it was 5 or 6 years old and was running Vista on 1 GB of RAM (major no-no). She was sick of it's slow performance compared to other laptops (mine) and decided she needed a new one. Didn't want to go through the hassle of customizing one online, so we walked into Best Buy and looked at the laptops there and I immediately found this one: ASUS U50F For $650, I was utterly stunned by what it had under the hood. It was like going to a Ford dealership and finding a 2011 Mustang for $5 grand. i3, 4 GB RAM, Win7. It had everything she needed and was at $100-200 than anything close to it specs-wise. She got it without a warranty or service plan (I'm her service plan) and it only cost her like $700 and she didn't have to wait for it to be delivered. I'm not saying that this laptop is the second coming of Jesus and everyone should have one, but for her needs (work stuff, email, Microsoft Word) it did everything she needed plus some more and did it for way less than any other laptop in the store. EDIT: Link was broken. LOL!
  18. Haha, I wouldn't jump for an Alienware just yet, but an ASUS might be just what you need for performance without the huge price tag.
  19. Just to give you an idea of the price jump, I went in and customized a CW-series with the maximum specs possible: Intel® Core™ i5-540M processor (2.53GHz) 8GB (4GBx2) DDR3-SDRAM-1066 CD/DVD burner Large Capacity Battery Genuine Windows® 7 Professional 64-bit 640GB Hard Disk Drive (5400rpm) Without doing any ascetic upgrades (no engraving, regular black color, no bundled/pre-installed software, no service plan or extended warranty) it brought the total to $1509.99. Had I upgraded to a Blu-Ray drive/burner, the price would have jumped another $180. I can't do comparisons like this for the X-series, as it isn't available for customization on Sony's site. I just figured I'd post this up here to give you an idea of how their posted specs (max specs) can easily double the price of the base model of the laptop.
  20. Any reason you're into a Sony system so bad? I've never met anyone who had a Sony laptop that I was really interested in or impressed by, especially for the price. Other than the low weight and battery life of the X-series, I see nothing on it specs-wise that looks even remotely good. The battery life is mainly due to the weak components inside it. It's like a moped. It'll get great gas mileage, but the performance will suck compared to a sports car. Also, it STARTS at $1500, and the price to upgrade it to the max specs (2.0 gHz, 2 GB RAM, 128 GB HD) will bring that price tag well over $2000. The CW-series seems like a better option in my opinion if you're not super concerned about battery life. You'll be able to upgrade the performance higher than you would with the X-series and it starts at almost half the price. If you feel like max 4 hours isn't enough (keep in mind that'll probably mean buying a larger 9-cell battery instead of the standard 6-cell, which means more money out of your pocket) then another laptop might be better. What are you looking to do with your laptop? Business stuff? Checking e-mails? School work? The occasional Solitaire or Minesweeper game? Looking at the two Sony systems you picked out, I don't think you're looking for a gaming rig. If you give us an idea of what you need it to do and a price range, e can help you find a great laptop for the money.
  21. I suggest building a new box, either t-line or ported, and tuning lower.
  22. Not hitting the lows is due to the tuning of the T-line. Making a giant sealed Sony box-of-death won't fix that.
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