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Everything posted by Skullz

  1. Back a few years ago i had to get insurance so i could get cataract surgery done and just before my second eye surgery i wasn't able to afford the premium and and missed the payment and blue cross made damn sure i got letters telling me i owed them the full amount of both surgeries i could never have gotten any other way. It's a damn shame it cost so much to have insurance in the first place and if you really need it and get into a situation where you miss a payment from lack of funds, they make quick work of firing off letters letting you know how much you owe them. BTW the cataracts were injury induced from falling 12ft and smacking my head on the ground.
  2. Best bet if you can afford to is to go and have one done professionally.
  3. Alcoholism is nasty, my grand parents owned a bar when i grew up so i seen what it can do to people and how it effects them. They go on drinking binges and need to drink every minute of the day till they blow out the liver keeping them alive and die a terrible death. I knew a few people that drank themselves to death from alcoholism and its really a sad thing to watch them go through that.
  4. I think you have to go through a broker to get imported cars from overseas, would be the cheapest way to get what you want but as said it won't be cheap.
  5. Digital Designs sells over there and they have some really good gear.
  6. If i'm not mistaken the soundigitals are the ones capable of running down as low as those voltages cause of how they work, the amp always see's the correct voltage to power the amp even though the voltage is dropping going in. EDIT: http://www.caraudioclassifieds.org/forum/showthread.php?t=21587
  7. I think with most amps it would damage them over time running low like that but i think some amps were designed to run as low as 8v but thats a per design kinda thing so you better know the manufacturer before trying it.
  8. LOL He has one of a drunk falling through a fence. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qvo2-fESanc&feature=channel
  9. You can usually get 1/0 welding wire for no more then $3.00 ft. you just gotta call around.
  10. Might want to add one of these then so you can atleast control the subsonic. It is more than likely the suspension that loosened up and is now letting it bottom out on you. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_18562_Hifonics+Maxxsonics+MX-3.html
  11. Did you change the subsonic? Might want to double check where it is and move it a bit higher till it stops bottoming out on you.
  12. Not a jl audio fan but the line driver is pretty damn nice. http://www.sonicelectronix.com/item_15363_JL+Audio+CL-RLC.html
  13. Looks like the stitched tinsel leads came unstitched, so i don't think there is too much wrong with it. You can get some thread and restitched them back down if you don't like how it looks. EDIT: Never had an AQ sub but did the tinsels tear through the top layer of the spider?
  14. Its all dependent if she is a blonde or not in how it would be taken.
  15. Yes, chrome works nicely here. EDIT: If you have to use IE then down at the bottom it will let you choose LO-FI to work on it.
  16. Skullz


  17. Skullz


    Building centers now carry packing items, might want to try and see if they have anything like that over there.
  18. With a single 270ah alt and a single battery up front powering your system and you wonder why your dropping volts, with what you have you really need around 650ah worth of battery and or alt supplying your needs. Its better to go overkill on electrical then being short.
  19. Your local shop will probably charge $6.00 ft. or more, if you can't wait to order it then go to a welding shop and get some wire there.
  20. These aren't bad for the price and are nothing more than a cherry bomb as a full size muffler, they have perforated pipes with glass packing inside and flow through. For the price on a stainless one you really can't beat it. http://shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=flowsound&_sacat=0&_dmpt=Car_Audio_Video&_odkw=techflex&_osacat=0&bkBtn=&_trksid=p3286.m270.l1313
  21. Doesn't matter what anyone says its still a smokin deal for a 12" delivered
  22. It only happens when you use IE so you'll have to switch to chrome or firefox.
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