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Everything posted by MrSkippyJ

  1. series each subs coils, then parallel the subs. the first option http://www.the12volt.com/caraudio/woofer_configurations.asp~Q~2~I~12
  2. forget what they rest at. you have D1s. you get .25, 1 or 4 ohms.
  3. if you dual 1s, then you are either at .25, 1, or 4 ohms. how is your gain set? Are you turning it up to compensate when you wire the subs to a higher ohm load?
  4. you're and i'm not the one who called someone a smartass for not doing something that is impossible.
  5. no shit. one day, people will realize this.
  6. well if you would have looked at my sig it would have saved you the trouble of being a smart ass in your first post....but no. I have D4's wired to 1 ohm and its all depending on the price I could find one for because most the 3500's I've seen are more than 2 1500's.. if you would have read what he wrote you would have seen he is on a mobile version and can't see sigs...
  7. so i read up real quick. they create turbulence around the golf ball, which reduces drag. Read here, I did http://entertainment.howstuffworks.com/sports/golf/basics/question37.htm maybe it would work in a port, I don't know
  8. don't dimples add turbulence? I thought that is why they were on golf balls. Seems you would want to avoid turbulence in a port. but that just a guess.
  9. other than the amp being a bit more efficient, the electrical requirement for 1800 watts is pretty much the same no matter what amp is doing 1800 watts. Yes, running a 3.5k at 2ohms is less electrical than running it at 1ohm. There is really no benefit for you to do that though, so if you haven't bought the amp yet, buy one that is closer to the 1ohm power output you need. If you already have the amp, then you can run it at 2ohms and do just fine.
  10. Exactly what I'm getting at. A 1500 watt sub running two ohms off a DC 3.5k seems to be a pretty good match. so what exactly is your question then?
  11. it says on their website it does 1800watts @ 2ohms. Try helping yourself maybe?
  12. A center slot port usually has that angle in the middle to maintain port size, not to redirect airflow.
  13. yup, i see i read that wrong. Still not a great idea to run 2k without your alt running. You will have to be more careful when you start running more power and .5ohm.
  14. 3k and there are times when you play without your alt running?
  15. There is no need to pull the negative from the battery to remove an amp. Just pull the fuse from the power wire.
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