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Status Updates posted by ChampN252

  1. another xbox about to bite the dust. 4th one I believe. 2 dead PS3s on top of that. I need to stick to car audio full time.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. kickass audio

      kickass audio

      You havent gone through the crap i have with xbox's. i had 2 catch fire out of nowhere and had 8 replaced for eating my discs up and all that crap. Now i just use my 360 for playing music, thats it

    3. BeatBox


      dont chuck the remotes at them lol

    4. ChampN252


      damn kickass, you've had it ruff.

  2. Wow, I passed up on a snowbunny today at the local stereo shop. Struck up a lil chat about her stereo and she did the fake looking at shit and bending over in front of you number. WTH is wrong with me?

    1. MaliBOOM


      Idk to be honest but that is a fail :( lol

    2. kl0wn


      Maybe you're realizing you're gay?

    3. MarioB
  3. Well, the chick I was speaking on earlier is a no go. Like I've heard and thought, she is very involved with her baby daddy. Talking to her I found out he was a smooth playa snd sucessful computer nerd. I guess she was liking me becuase I'm so much like him. I don't need the being compared shit. She'll find others becuase she's screwing everything.

    1. OrionStang


      Your looking too deep into things. Just hit it and forget it.

    2. Destram


      ^What he said.

  4. Ant at ROE is on a roll. He's buying up other CA forums. Don't give in Steve!!!

    1. n8ball2013


      lol dont see that happening.

  5. Nothing wrong with my gear. My dumbass just wired it wrong. I'll learn to triple check my work one day.

  6. I've been going by what I've heard about JellyRoll until I DLed his mixtape a bit ago. Dude is nasty. Hardest mixtape this year for me.

  7. Just came from a great car show. Amazing how many decked-out rides and bassheads are really in the area. I've never seen most of them beofre, so I guess those were there pickup women and clubbing on Saturday rides.

  8. I got lucky and missed all the 80 twisters that touched down in NC last night, but a few were 10-15 milies away. Best of luck to those affected.

  9. Just found out that my old gaming rig board can take most of the newer AMD processors. Hexa-cores, here I come!!!

  10. just found out a buddy I went to school with is an electrical engineer. Life's not fair.

  11. Maybe about to smash my finest chck yet. Only prob is she has a kid. I know me and I kinda know her. I'mma say some slick shit and she's gonna be hooked. She's gonna back dat azz up and I'mma be hooked. Not good with an unknown baby daddy running around.

  12. I'm going the el cheapo route, but damn you, I will knock once again. I should be happy with about 2k worth of wattage.

  13. I've seen some things since starting clinicals. Nursing homes are sad place really. I hope no one here ever has to go to one. The place i'm at is cheap and under-staffed. Not the best care. Think about it before you throw your older loved ones in one.

  14. Linux is kicking my ass. Not for school or anything, just learning something new...and actually sticking with it.

  15. I had no idea I was a member of SPLBassX and I joined in back 2005. I didn't realize I was into stereoes that long ago.

  16. I had no idea I was a member of SPLBassX and I joined in back 2005. I didn't realize I was into stereoes that long ago.

  17. Just scored my a free 40 GB harddrive. This week hasn't been all crap.

  18. Crap. Been saving carputer parts for over a year and tried them today (got enough to try) to find out the motherboard was dead as shit. Something else I have to let go. Be on the look out for parts. I'm about stop CA and chase women fulltime. Better use of my time and money.

  19. I am sick of fucking twisters. I guess there are more coming my way.

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